Chapter 20

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On the first day of pregnancy my true love gave to me...a headache!~

"Sebastian! I can still do my chores, dammit!" you yelled angrily at your husband.
"Darling, you're pregnant, you need to be calm so as not to stress out or hurt the babies!" he told you sternly.
"Excuse me but I don't look like a balloon, do I?! So, I can still do my chores!"
"You are stubborn"
"And you are giving me an headache right now!" you said while rubbing your temples.

You two were at it again. Since you learned you will gave birth in twelve days (which Ciel is still yelling about), Sebastian doesn't let you do anything by yourself. You can't even go to the bathroom without him following you like some kind of sick stalker. You were grateful that he cared about you, but you were starting to get sick and tired. Honestly, you were impatient for the end of the pregnancy.

On the second day of pregnancy my true love gave to me...two old crazy grandparents and a headache!~

"You bastard! How dare you touch my love! your Grandpa yelled."
"You fool! I'm not the one who is pregnant!" said your grandmother while giving a hit on your grandfather's head.
"Stupid old witch!"

You sweat dropped at the two, thinking it was maybe a bad idea to tell them you were pregnant. While those two started to throw objects from the manor at each other, you sighed deeply, face palming.

"Grandma, Grandpa, no need to kill each other" you muttered.
"Maybe they should" said a smiling Sebastian and you warned him with a dark glance.
"Sebastian, you're not helping at all"

On the third day of pregnancy my true love gave to me...a girl with the mind of a three year old, two old crazy grandparents and an headache!~

"Oh my god! You are still cuuuuuute, even with a big stomach!" Lizzie yelled.
"Eh?! I don't have a big stomach!" you said in bewilderment.
"You sure? I found it absolutely big....(Y/N)!"

Lizzie's eyes widened when she saw you crying silently in a corner of the room (aka the emo corner). She turned to Sebastian who was looking at you with a sweat drop.

"Sebastian? Why (Y/N) is crying?"
"My lady, maybe you were too rude?" said Sebastian with an apologetic smile. "After all, she only is in her third month of pregnancy..."
"Ah? I thought it was five months" muttered Lizzie.
"Psh! I thought it was eight months." sneered your Grandma.
"Miss Ayame, I don't think your words are soothing your granddaughter" Ciel groaned, face palming when he saw you rocking by yourself in the corner, a dark cloud hovering you.
"Wait, she is pregnant?!" said Grandpa.

This caused Grandma to smack him hard, making him fall dead on the spot.

On the fourth day of pregnancy my true love gave to me...four false attacks, a girl with the mind of a three year old, two old crazy grandparents and an headache!~

Hearing something cracking, you quickly jumped to your feet, running down the hall to the kitchen where you heard all the commotion. You opened the door and you nearly had a heart attack. You saw Sebastian on the floor, not moving at all. Mey-Rin was next to him, panicking.

"Everything is alright, Mey-Rin" he muttered on the ground.
"Idiot! I thought you were dead!" you said angrily. "This is the fourth time already!"

You stormed off, leaving a dumbfounded Sebastian and a still panicking Mey-Rin.

On the fifth day of pregnancy my true love gave to me...five slaps on the butt, four false attacks, a girl with the mind of a three year old, two old crazy grandparents and a headache!~

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