Chapter 14

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This was indeed the way you were walking on the boat right now. You tried your best to not gag, but it was so DAMN difficult. You truly, HATED being on a boat. It was your worst nightmare. And a certain jerk who was standing right next to you wasn't helping at all.

"Darling...don't you like the sea?" he asked in a teasing voice.
"Shut. up" you muttered, your face green.
"But look at those waves, don't they look magnificent?"

You stared down. Bad idea. The pain in your stomach quickly returned and you ran inside, followed by a chuckling Sebastian. You leaned on a wall, your breath ragged. Sebastian put a hand on your shoulder, shaking his head with a small smile on his lips.

"Maybe you should get back to your room...You being outside is a really bad idea, after all" he said honestly.
"Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious, you said before walking (more like stumbling like a drunk woman) back to your chamber.

Arriving at your room, you were surprised that you were still alive (if you did make you way toward it by deck, you would probably be overboard right now!). Flopping yourself onto the bed, you brought the cover up and quickly fell asleep the minute you closed your eyes.


You felt something wet on your back and you opened one eye to see a dark sky above you. You groaned slightly, standing up.

"Not that dream again..."

You took one step and you felt something enter your shoe. You slowly stared down to see water, and you screamed loudly.

"STOP SCREAMING!" a voice cried out.

You turned around to see the same lady in your other dreams. She had a scowl on her face and she approached you, taking you by the shoulder before throwing you high in the air. You cried before falling on something much softer and warmer. You realized that your surroundings had turned into a field, and not a lake anymore. Sighing, the woman sat down in front of you.

"Now, you will tell me who the hell you are!" you said, pointing a finger to her face.
"Okay, okay" she said with a sweat drop. "Promise me that you will not freak out..."
"I promise, now tell me woman!"

A vein popped up on her forehead signaling that she was angry. She shrugged it off off and winked at you.

"You will need to guess first~"
"No bad words"

You growled, crossing your arms over your chest. You studied her, head to toe. After a moment, no answer came to you.

"Sorry, but I don't know"
- Ok, how about we do this then: who knows that you have a fear of water?"
"Well, a lot of people, but mostly my grandmother...she was the first one to know...."
"Ok, next question; who knows that when you where 6 years old, you nearly choked yourself with a branch?"
"That you have once danced in a park naked?"
"WHA- Grandma..."
- And finally...who knows that you were engaged to a demon since the beginning?" she asked with a dark smirk.
"Easy, that's-"

You stopped yourself at that moment. It wasn't your grandma who knew about the marriage...she only knew after she met Sebastian...this mean that the only person is....

"Oh my...Don't tell m-me that you a-are" you stammered, standing up.
"No, nope! You aren't-"
"I am you, (Y/N) older you, to be precise"
"Really?! But, you- I mean me, are...quite big" you said while pointing to your older self's chest.
"A least there is 'one person' who likes it" she said with a perverted smile (you didn't even know you could do that! What did Sebastian do to you in the future!?).
"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I BECOME A PERVERT! you yelled."
"Stop complaining, girly...You will get used to it~" she said in a sing-song voice.
"Wait a minute...the children.....they...are...."
"Yours and mine" she smiled.
"And there will be more" she sweat dropped. "After all, you have eternity in front of you..."
"Yes, yes, you will, she said, waving you off. Oh my! Looks like this is the last time we will see each other...I don't know when we will meet each other, take care of yourself~"

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