Chapter 5

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The sun was shining brightly, waking you the moment its rays passed the curtain. You groaned before you sat on the bed, looking tiredly around your room. Remembering your previous night with Sebastian, you blushed brightly before standing up, walking to your closet to find a certain dark dress. Today was Madame Red's funeral. Thinking about her saddened you. You sighed before taking the dress out of the closet and at the same moment, you heard a knock at your door. The knob turned and Sebastian entered the bedroom.

"I'm here to help with the corset, my dear..."
"Oh yeah...forgot about that" you ground your teeth and Sebastian chuckled at your reaction.

Corsets were your worst enemy. You didn't like them one bit. It was truly a pain in the butt sometimes. Sebastian stood behind you, blindfolding himself before helping you to get in the corset. After finishing the last rings, he took away the cloth on his eyes and you looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring the dress which brought out your (E/C) eyes. You turned back to Sebastian, who was smiling at you.

"This dress is perfect on you" he said while kissing your hand.
"Thank you!~"
"Prepare yourself for departure, my lady...the carriage will be here shortly..."

He bowed to you before exiting your room, you following shortly after. When the carriage arrived, you entered and it drove off to the church were the funerals were held. Arriving at the church, you were clung to by Lady Elizabeth, who was crying into your dress. You pet her blond hair, speaking soft words of condolence in hopes of calming her down. You led her into the church and you both sat in the front. Madam Red was in a beautiful white dress and you admired her for the last time. When the ceremony started, Ciel appeared at the entrance, approaching the coffin with a red cloth. When he stood next to the coffin, he bent down, putting the red cloth on Madam Red, whispering some words you didn't quite catch. At that moment, red petals drifted into the church and you couldn't help but be hypnotized by the petals. When the ceremony ended, you returned to the manor, finishing all of your chores for the day.

When night came, you let yourself fall down on the bed, exhausted by the hard day you'd had. You started to read a book, Jiang moving on your bed to sleep soundly on it. You chuckled, continuing your book. That's when you heard something fall in the hallway. You quickly went to the noise, asking yourself what's going on. However, the only thing you could see was darkness. You raised a brow before taking a candle with you, creeping slowly through the hallway. You shuddered, not feeling comfortable anymore, like someone was stalking you from behind. However, when you looked back, there was nothing. Good. You were paranoid now.

The pleasures of life, you thought with sarcasm.

Then, the sound from before erupted once more, causing you to squeak and nearly drop the candle onto the wooden floor. You let out a sigh of relief before moving back to your chamber, not wanting to find the reason of the sound. It could be dangerous. But, suddenly, something blew out the light of your candle and you started to panic.

"Son of a-" you started but were cut off by a husky voice.
"Language, my dear..."

Oh. It was only Sebastian. Strangely, knowing that he was just behind you didn't reassure you, like you hoped it would, thinking that the earlier sound you had heard may have had something to do dear-soon-to-be-husband. You sweat dropped and squeaked when you felt hands creeping up your legs, lifting your nightgown up slightly.

"You should be more careful....I don't want my fiancee to find herself in a certain 'position'..."
"In which way?" you quickly bite your tongue after asking it. Were you stupid or what?
"Do you really want to know?" he said huskily, breathing just next to your ear while bringing his chin up onto your shoulder, resuming his previous actions by moving more slowly (near teasingly) up to your hips under your nightgown.

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