What's wrong with me...

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(you have no gender or your nonbinary period) (also credits to the artists)

Like all the others that have lived at the House, you were brought there at a young age. You hardly remember anything before the age of three, but you were happy here. You were always smiling and you played with everyone, especially Emma and Ray. (You didn't really like Norman very much and you often argued and got in trouble because of him.)They were the same age as you. Everything was just perfect. 

Then you turned six...

You were smart and mostly got all perfect marks, but your smarts weren't the problem. It was your body it ached all through the night and whenever you tried to run or exercise it hurt even more. "It's just growing pains, Y/n. Don't be worried. Here let me take you to the infirmary to rest." Mom would tell you oh so sweetly, while she picked you up and carried you there. 

Not wanting to be lonely you would sneak out at dinner time and you could over hear her talking to herself in her office. "I wonder... None of the others have had this happen... Is she special? I have to tell headquarters about this..." That was the first time you'd been called special and since you were young, you assumed it was a good thing. eventually the pain went away along with the fever it carried. Just as Mom had told you you'd grown, but now you were the size of one of the 11 year olds. Mom smiled warmly at your regained health, but you could see a hint of uncertainty there, too.

Now you turned eight...

You didn't have any more pain from growing, just some soreness every now and then. Your senses however were more in touch. You were more aware of everything and the smells... oh the smells were alarming. 

When your siblings, the older ones specifically, finished bathing or when they came from outside they smelled so strongly. You thought, of course they do they used soap and they're sweaty, but... This didn't smell like sweat or soap. It... It smelled like a human. It was odd because you didn't have this same smell. They smelled good, really good.  

Then it started, the sensation that started it all. Hunger. You were hungry and the House food had began to stop satisfying you. Your stomach would growl loudly and you tried to hide it, but you can't hide anything from Mom. "Y/n what's wrong? Do you need more food?" she would ask you everyday. And everyday you would say,

 "Yes..." It wasn't a lie, but the food they gave you wasn't what you wanted, no, what you needed. You knew you weren't normal and it was getting harder to hide it.

And finally you are 11 years old, two nights and one day away from your birthday..

This is you...

You felt Phil pounce on top of you

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You felt Phil pounce on top of you. It have woken you if you were sleeping, but the thunder from outside had woken you first. "Y/n! Y/n! Wake up! We have to make breakfast today." Phil said excited. You giggled and pinched his chubby cheeks. 

I'm.... Hungry :A TPN fanfic (the promised neverland)Where stories live. Discover now