Bullet holes

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"So you told them huh?" Norman said staring at you with cold eyes, along with the other two behind him. You moved in front of Ray and Emma defensively. 

"Yeah I did." you replied. He watched as you clutched the bloody knife that had been used seconds before. Emma spoke up first moving from behind your protection. 

"Norman how could you?! We trusted you and you lied to us? It would have been better if you just told us no and we could have parted ways, but we still could have been friends!" Emma scolded angrily. Norman sighed and took a step forward.

"Oh Emma... You always have been a little naivete. When will you realize that when survival is a priority it is the only priority. How long will you continue to live behind that pathetic haze of family. Family means nothing when lives, your life, is on the line."

"You don't get to say that! You lied and tried to get us to endanger our friends, just so you could do more damage to demons." Norman's eyes narrowed at Ray's words.

"You still defend demons when Y/n lied to you and even-"

"They might have lied, but at least they have enough integrity and care to tell us the truth whether it would put them in a bad spot or not!" Ray shouted defensively. You moved in front of the two again, though they resisted your protect still.

"Listen Norman Your problem is not with them. I'm your problem, Demons to be exact so get your butt outside and let's solve this like you really want to. But whatever the outcome, you leave them and the others alone, no matter their thoughts. Or I swear i'll come back from the dead and kill you myself."

Norman scoffed. "Such big words, but to little effect. If you were to go in the backroom, you would see just how capable we are. You are nothing more than a parasite feeding off of whatever you can leech onto." You glared hard, but couldn't argue. Though you had just aided in killing two guys, you didn't think your were capable of killing Norman. Not because he was too strong, no, but because he used to be apart of your family.

"Norman why don't you just leave them alone. They don't agree with you, so what? It's better than tearing apart what you have left." You pleaded one last time. Norman stared at you hard for a long time, but then sighed as if he had been defeated. The two behind him raised an eyebrow seeming confused.

"Awh... why do you guys always make it so hard to say no?" Now you all gave confused looks. He was just mad and now he's saying he can't say no? Norman raised his hand and with his pointer finger made a circle motion. Barbara and Cislo grinned and moved from behind Norman and started towards you all. Now that they came forth, you could see large AK-47's in their hands. You swallowed and gripped the knife in your hand. If it's a fight you want, that what you'll- 

Your thoughts were interrupted when you were suddenly thrown out of the way against the wall. Your vision went slightly blurry, but cleared when you heard Ray and Emma screaming. Cislo grabbed Ray, while Barbara clutched Emma by her throat. You got back on your feet and held up teh knife in preparation. You tried to think of how you needed to handle the situation. But they left no room for thought when they pointed the guns at Emma and Ray's head. "One wrong move.." 

You grimaced and looked at the two in frustration. Norman came up to you now. You kept your distance from him. "I won't them kill them, but if you choose to fight on and continue, they might get hurt." Norman warned. Your teeth were clenched and your hand was starting to bleed because of how hard you were squeezing. Think! Think! Thi.... I've got it! You looked Norman dead in the eyes and as quickly as you could, reached out grabbed his should, turned his back to you and held the knife up to his neck. 

He reached up to hold your arm, and you took his other arm and put it behind his back. You bodies stiffened, so you both weren't moving. Barbara and Cislo pushed the guns closer to your siblings heads. You forced you and Norman's bodies to face them. It was a risky situation. "Ha! Now I've got your 'boss'. Try anything and he'll be dead before you can blink." you said. You were actually  gonna kill him, but like he said to you, he would definitely get hurt.

They glared now, so you glared back. You threw a deal on teh table. "Let them go and I won't touch Norman, but you so much as prick either of them and i'll make sure Norman won't be of any more use than garbage. You don't have to let me free, but let them go." you bargained. Why were you throwing yourself on the table? Because you knew that was the only way. That was the only thing you could promise to carry out. Besides, they would be safer and you saw they can handle themselves.

"Why the hell would we ever take a deal like that!" Cislo yelled, reducing the amount of space between the trigger of the gun and his finger. You pulled the knife closer to Norman's throat in response. 

"Because You know if Norman dies, I can easily destroy any chances of you getting that serum out and destroy everything that has to do with it. If you were to kill Emma and Ray, my role would be as an avenger and you would be my direct targets." you retorted. They looked at each other and Barbara smirked. Your eyes widened and you threw Norman to the ground. 

It was like everything was going in slow motion. You dived towards emma to push her out of the way, but you only succeeded in hitting the gun. You wish you had know how fast bullets could go, because then you might have thrown you knife at her instead. Several loud shots were fired. 

When everything calmed down again you checked Emma and Ray to make sure they were okay. After you checked and saw that they were physically okay you sighed in relief, but then tasted something metallic in your mouth. Emma and Ray were looking at you as if they saw a ghost. You tried to ask them what, but found yourself choking. You coughed and found blood being splattered on the floor. "Wha..."

You saw Cislo and Barbara grin as they looked at you. You suddenly felt a pain in your back and stomach and fell to the floor groaning in pain. Th-they shot me.

To be continued...

By the way sorry i posted so late

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