New urges

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It's been a week since that happened. No one except Isabella has noticed. She's made sure to remind me of it every day too. She might place a shred of their clothing on my food tray when she brings me food to the infirmary or place a lock of their hair on my bed while I'm sleeping. All she's ever wanted to do is torture me. She knew everything from the beginning and just wanted me to suffer, you thought. Your blood boiled every time anyone even mentioned that phony's name.

A knock at the door snapped you out of your thoughts. Was it Isabella? Was she coming to deliver more notes. Today is the day. She said she'd do it on the same day right? 

"Who's there?"

"Your favorite family member of course." Norman's voice answered.

"Go away. I don't feel like seeing your face ever again." you spat rudely turning your head away.

"Well I have something to ask you. It's about a few days ago." You tensed, but tried not to show it.

"What about a few days ago? I was in here, the infirmary. I was injured... unexpectedly the day before."

"Well according to Gilda, Don saw you running out in the rain yesterday. To say you were hurt, you sure seem to have been reckless. You could have gotten sick or worse if you were hurt this badly." Norman motioned to your injuries. 

"Your saying all this because...?"

"Here." He handed you a hot pack, some vitamins and a glass of water. You were confused.

"We may not get along, but Emma trusts you, so I can sacrifice our disagreements for her sake." Norman admitted truthfully. A small smile was seen on his face. You pouted still looking away.

"I guess i can do the same, but not for you. For Emma." He nodded in agreement and was about to leave out, but you stopped him. "H-hey, uh, wait! I'm coming, too."

"Your still hurt."

"Oh well, I was in the rain yesterday remember? I'll be fine." 


You and Norman walked outside where everyone was beginning to prepare for a game of tag, but instead of one person or everyone except one person being it, they were doing it in groups. Ray spotted you. "Y/n?" he called out more like a question. All the kids turned to you and for some reason you felt incredibly embarrassed. 

"Hey-" before you could finish you were being hugged by all the little ones under 10. You looked up to see Emma, Don, Gilda, and Ray snickering at you. Your cheeks turned pink. Sherry, Phil, and Thoma were the closest to you and though you weren't aware of it you had begun to bare your teeth revealing two rows of sharp pearly whites. The kids noticed and backed away, which alerted you. They stopped laughing and now you wanted to hide, so instead you tried to flee.

"S-sorry! I-i ummm, I'm still n-not feeling too well. I'll just sit by the table cloths and watch don't mind me. Heh heh..." You said quickly walking over to where you usually took down the sheets to fold them. You could feel their stares and it hurt when all the little ones just brushed it off, even though they were too young understand it. 

Like you'd said, you sat down and watched them split off into the woods. A group consisting of Don, Lannion, Sherry, Nat, and Anna were the catchers. We always counted off to 100, it always made it more fun. The wait. The thrill of being caught. The excitement of running away. The luring in.The joy of finally catching- wait... I sound like a whole freakin predator.  

You sighed. It seems like you did nothing but sigh now and days. It's not like any of this is new it's just that now you realized it. When you were younger, now that you can recall, you felt this hunger, but it could be satisfied by a meatier dish easily. You grew faster, ran faster, you were stronger, and you even looked different but what could you do now.

 You could, you know, get rid of yourself. Even with Emma in mind, you still thought it was the only fool proof plan. Maybe you could get Isabella pissed enough to strangle you, so you wouldn't have to carry the guilt of your death as much. 

No. It wouldn't be that easy for you. There was no getting rid of this. Isabella wouldn't give you the pleasure of dying so easily.

Maybe you could just lend them your strength. After all, if they needed to sneak into a demon hide out or get supplies, they would have to worry about the scent. You could be there spy, there errand runner. Whatever they needed. You could be it just so you could be near.

"I just want to be with them," you said inwardly, "Is that really asking too much?"

You'd been sitting for quite a while and noticed that no one had been caught yet, or at least had came back. It made you suspicious, but more than that it made you worry. Then you remembered once again, today is the day!  

You hastily got to your feet and ran into the woods to make sure that everything was fine. You prayed everything was fine. If something was wrong what could you do, especially if they find two children tied up in the woods. As you were following the same directions as last time, you heard a scream from that direction. You accelerated your pace.

Preparing yourself for whatever was to come you glanced to teh left of you seeing the large group of your family members. You saw Emma orange kowlick perk up, right before she looked at you. "Y/n come-  well everyone open the circle so Y/n can see it." See it? What's it? 

Their huddle opened up revealing a small white fluff there. seeing teh opening it scurried out, but came to a quick stop at your feet. Slowly it peered up at you. You looked it in the eyes, in absolute awe at the cute tiny bunny in front of you. "Hey little guy." You smiled at it and it sped off quicker then you can blink into the forest somewhere. You heard the disapproving whines come from the circle as they watched their knew pet run away. "Oh guess I scared it too. Sorry for ruining things... again."

"Why were you out here again?" Lannion spoke up now. "I thought you said you were going to watch?"

"well you guys were gone for so long I thought something might have happened or that you might have saw someth-"

"Y/n we've been playing in this forest since we were born. If something were to happen we could find our way back. Plus we're all out here what could have happened to all of us? Did you see something out here." Ray investigated. You began to sweat and the healing scar on your back began to ache again.

"N-no, it's nothing. I...I was just a little paranoid...that's all, heh." Staaaaarrrrreee~~~~ "I-i-i'll head back now, so don't worry about messing anything else up, kay? I'll be in the infirmary if you all need anything, which I doubt."


The group of children watch as Y/n ran off back to the house. the five oldest looked at each other. "What's up with them?" Gilda asked. Nor Ray, Emma, or Norman had told her and Don the truth yet. 

"Growing pains and anxiety most likely." Ray lied. 

"Yeah they must really hurt. And the anxiety must be why she was worried when we left. We did stay out a lot longer than we usually do. I would get anxious too if no one came back for 30 minutes, especially with all the youngers." Norman added to make it more believable.

"Emma~~ what's wrong with Y/(nickname)? She doesn't play with me or Sherry anymore." Phil asked cutely. Emma squeaked as she picked up Phil and tickled him trying to make him laugh. (It worked of course.)

"They're fine Phil. I promise. They just need to get better, and it takes time to get better. More than even a few weeks."


Okay sorry this one was a bit short but i hope you enjoyed it anyway


I'm.... Hungry :A TPN fanfic (the promised neverland)Where stories live. Discover now