Just your luck...

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You moved a fast as your feet would allow. "Why is this thing trying to eat me? I'M A DEMON TOO! YA HEAR!" the thing roared still chasing you down, destroying  any and everything in its path. You scouted the area ahead of you and looked for anyways to escape. What to do?! What to do?! What to... Ah hah! You spotted a big tree branch that had fallen and snatched it off the ground continuing to run. 

You bit the access branches off leaving a sharp wooden point. Perfect. You increased your speed with your remaining energy and hit a sharp corner , beginning to run backwards. The savage creature followed you just as you wanted and right as it was coming down to eat you, with deadly aim, you snapped teh stick in two and stabbed both pieces into two of its eyes. It let out a furious shriek and just snapped at me again, making you jump on top of it's head. "So your eyes are you weak point, eh?! Don't worry I'll just blind yo-" 

You were cut off, by a sudden jerk at your shirt collar, which ultimately led to you being dragged off of the creatures head and behind someone or something. You were basically being choked because of how tightly, you shirt was being pulled against your neck, but then you were lifted and sat down on a creature, currently galloping away from the semi blinded beast. "Sorry about that." a male voice said from in front of you. 

The person's back was to you, so you couldn't tell whether they were a human or a demon, but based off of the familiarly long talons for hands that you also seemed to have, you guessed they were a demon. "Where are we going?" you asked the stranger, genuinely worried about your wellbeing. He was silent and then turned around to you. 

"Apologies in advance." he said and then suddenly you blacked out. And i thought you were on my side, dang it.




3 hours later...

You woke up. Your head was aching and once again your glasses were gone, wait no, they were just resting a few inches away. Not like you could grab them though because your wrists had were bound behind your back and you were stomach down. "Oh, your awake. Sonju!" a small female demon with pink bulky strands called. Out of the shadows the taller demon, who'd, well basically 'snatched' you, approached. He had two long strands running down both shoulders. His face was concealed with a mask just as the girl. 

"Now, that you have regained consciousness we have a few questions for you." the male demon said. You struggled at first, but then managed to flip yourself over and sit up. You were breathing hard. Man, I'm still out of stamina... You looked back to the silent pair.

"Fine, but first tell me your names." you agreed. The both took a seat on the ground in front of you. 

"Sonju and this is Mujika. That's out of the way, so. First question." You looked directly at his face. "Are you working for Grace Field Farms?" he said plainly. 

"No, but," you say them tense and Sonju clutched the sword next to him. "I have made a deal, no, a promise with them."

"And that deal was...?"

"If I find the kids who escaped Grace Field first or at least before she does, and I bring them back, I can decide what happens to them."

"What do you benefit from this? You are a demon and much more those kids have been gone for over a year. They could be dead." You tried to decide whether or not to tell him about your past. I don't know if I can even trust them and the may kill me after all.

"Th-they're special to me, so I want to make sure that I can at least try to save them."

"For your meal?" Sonju asked accusingly. You looked at him seriously.

"I will never eat another person. I ate two children once. I regret it everyday, they were innocent. I would never touch a hair on any of their heads. I told them to kill me if I ever tried-" You instantly shut your mouth realizing you gave away something important.

"How did you tell them? Outside demons aren't allowed near Headquarters." He paused. "You not telling us everything. That deems you untrustworthy and an enemy because you affiliated with those selfish gluttons." he stood now and pointed his monstrously big sword at your head. You wondered what his expression looked like. "Tell us the truth, the entire truth."

You looked down, biting your lip. There's no avoiding this now. Jeez I can't even protect myself from things like this. "Fine... I...I'm from Gracefield! And no I don't mean that I work for them. i was raised on the farm as a normal kid like everyone else. I was raised with the kids that escaped and they abandoned me. I was left in a fire and then they found me and made me drink 'The One's' blood and then a saw Isabella, their Mom and she was promised something if she would get them back. I-I was scared, even though they betrayed me, I still cared for them, so i swore that i find them first  and that if I did that they had to let me have an input on what happens to them!

 "In reality, I was never planning on bring them back and i'm sure they knew that perfectly well. I knew that deal was never gonna hold. Even still, I wanted to escape with them... and help them leave... and maybe they would take me back. It hasn't even been a whole day yet and I'm already failing. I just want to save them. " You said. 

"Don't you think by even attempting to go after them, to bring them back or not, is endangering them? Gracefield has lied many times before and I'm sure such a tender hearted child as yourself is not an exception to them." Sonju lowered his sword and disappeared back into the shadows over yonder. You watched him fade away and once again you back into your depressed mood.

Mujika spoke up now. "You seem very sincere. Sonju can be aggressive, but he really hates all of those farms. They hog up all of the bred humans for themselves driving others into desperation and degeneration. You see just like you, we have chosen a diet that does not contain humans, fitting these lacking times. Because of the blood that now all three of us share, we can survive and maintain human-like forms. You however are the most advanced human-like demon I have ever seen. Your parents must have been included in the rare few that ate nothing but humans alongside the One." Mujika explained. 

 She smiled kindly and then got up and untied your wrists, which were now marked red. "Such tender skin you have."She caressed your skin slightly, which made you uncomfortable.

 "U-Um... It's been really nice, talking with you all, but I really need to find them. Who knows how far Isabella, that wretched woman, has gotten. I don't want to take any risks." you stammered, getting up and grabbing your glasses. 

"Sit." Sonju came back carrying 3 bowls of soup. "You already have no guide to where you are going, based on your empty hands. An empty stomach won't do you any good." But I really can't waste anymore time. "Your a demon, so outside of the forest should be no problem for you as long as you don't tell any other demons what your doing there. In contrast, the forest is full of savages and unknown substances and creatures for you. Let us teach you how to survive inside and then you can go off and find them."


"If you pay attention and listen it should be no hassle for you and it will be over in less two days." Mujika reassured. You sighed in defeat and began to drink your soup.

"You know those kids, were just as skeptical as you. In fact, besides trying to find that 'William Minerva' character, they actually were trying to find a way to go back to that good for nothing place. They came here and we taught them everything that we are going to teach you. 15 of them. Then we guided them out of the forest towards the waste lands and we haven't seen them since. They were real fighters." Sonju said. for a second you thought you saw him smile.


It was nighttime now. Sonju and Mujika had long since went to sleep, but you were anxious and your mind would rest, not to mention the burning sensation you would feel in your chest or stomach. Is this really a good idea? Maybe I should sneak away and leave while their asleep? They never said you couldn't leave or go off if you wanted. They did untie you, so they gave you back your freedom. Maybe you could just... "I wouldn't leave at night, the beast are much more fierce at this time of year." 

Damn you Sonju!!!

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