Recollections of the past and the death of a future

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You couldn't tell if she saw you or not, but based on the lack of haste you assumed that she didn't and ran through the doors, closing it quietly behind yourself. Everyone looked to the door surprised to see you there again. "I thought I told you to leave-"

"Listen now's not the time. Please just hide and do not come out. If possible find another exit and flee. Isabella is coming. I swear I am not lying this time. Now go." Everyone scrambled to move and collect they're things. They went to a weak spot at the back of the tower and moved soe bricks and began crawling out. It was quicker than you expected. 

The last child had gotten out just as Isabella opened the doors. You adjusted your position as she peered down at you. Emma and Ray peeked through the hole as Gilda and Don let the others off. "Oh? What a surprise seeing you here. I never expected you would make it out of the woods, much less here. You were one step ahead."

"Yeah I am. I wasn't joking about finding them first. Who knows what'll happen if I let you get to them first?" You took sort of a defensive stance. She looked you in the eyes and your back began to pang like needles were sticking into it. You began to sweat slightly.

"It seems they aren't here. Another dead end, right?" she inquired still keeping that disturbing smile. You started having flashbacks and tried to clear your mind. "What's wrong not feeling too well. Don't worry I am still a Mom. Let me help you... by putting you out of your misery!" she said pulling out a rather long and sharp metal staff like thing. She's gonna kill me?! "Don't look so afraid. It's a natural..." She swung at you hard and missed. "part..." Swing! Miss. "of life...!" she managed to hit you in the back right on your weak spot. 

You bit your lip to keep from screaming, but the pain showed through anyhow. "You Monster! Do you really want them to die so badly?!"

"Yes, those cretains were my only way out and they fled. i could have been a quick death with nothing but smiles and good memories left to see. Even if they were all manufactured and fake. You contributed to that loss and even now your getting my way and trying to take away my happiness. Doesn't my happiness count for something?"

"No. not when you've ruined the futures of so many innocent kids and though I did the same once I do not wish to continue." You stood and felt a bit more confident. "But you..." You lunged now tackling her, while she was off guard, she wrestled with you, but kicked the staff out of her hands. You felt the harvesting flower that you still had left it was attache dot your back. I'm sorry Ray, but this is the only thing she deserves. You reached for teh flower, but in the hassle you were flipped your back and Isabella was on top. you arched your back so that the flower wouldn't impale you on accident.

"Stop resisting. You were never supposed to be born! You were a mistake! Accept your death with open arms!" Isabella said with a maniac like expression. You rustled with her for a bit longer, before her hands found there way to your throat. At the feeling of something restricting your breathing, you remembered your song. You remembered what happened during it. I hope this works or I might actually have to kill you.

You dug your nails into her back, causing her to wince, but she didn't budge. You pulled her down and though it made it even harder for you to breathe you grabbed her throat and squeezed making her relinquish your throat and try and move your hands. You took that opportunity to sing. You sung loud, but still just as calm as you had before, but this time a new song arose from your mouth.

One that you had only practiced briefly a few times. 

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