"Who was that? "

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(ok so i just realized that i forgot to mention that Norman got shipped out, so in this au let's just say while they were escaping, Isabella caught Norman and put him in the Institute, but he still escaped with those other people anyway. Another thing is since the website I used to watch season two cut me off, i might add on some things that may or may not have happened. Sorry i didn't post, busy weekend. I'll probably just stick to weekdays.)

About a week passed before you and Sonju were finished with training. Though you were thankful for all the newfound information, you had used up a week and you already had no way of telling how far Isabella or Emma and the other were. Today was your last day, 'your test', Sonju had explained. 'You will go out on your own and bring us back the capture of 30 birds, no access damage, and all must be properly drained within 30 minutes.' 

So as ordered you were stalking one of the more popular spots of the birds, the Nymphoides (water-filled flowers) nest. It's been hot lately, so you assumed that they might be near. As a bonus, you caught about 5 on your way here, you only had 25 left. You checked the wind and saw it blowing down south, so you were ok. Ok slow and steady we still have 20 minutes and the other birds are already fixed up.

As you were strategizing, a flock of about forty birds flew overhead and rested on the branches next to each other. To be honest it would have been better for you if they spread out, because one wrong move and they would all flee. Luckily, you had been practicing something on your own, so you could sort hypnotise the birds into submission. You hadn't told Sonju about it because it could also work on other demons, too, if you weren't careful with the sounds.

You'd discovered the magic of your song, when you were sharpening your arrows and humming. A few creatures gathered around including one of the birds, who unfortunately became Sonju's meal later. You stood silently, in the grass and rubbed your throat, so you could be prepared to sing out your own deceptive lullaby.

At first you didn't notice the the other voices that joined your own and you continued, but then as you pause dit became more apparent that there were other people their, too. You don't seem to notice, I'm not here I'm just a mirror. Still singing, you opened your eyes and saw  another person harmonizing with you. They looked at you, meeting your gaze, and for a moment you forgot about the birds. It was a woman more like it and she was pregnant, a man standing next to her with horns similar to yours. You check your complexion, to find your reflection's all alone. She had this cool air around her and she looked like you. A welcoming smile was on her face as you both continued to sing. 

As your song continued the woman walked closer to you. I had to go~ She looked to her left as if someone was there. Can't you hear me! I'm not coming home. She rubbed her stomach and continued to smile. Do you understand, I've changed my plans. Cause i'm in love with my future, can't wait to meet them. She then began fade away and appear in different places looking in different directions, with different expressions, older and older. You didn't stop singing, wanting to see what else was going to happen. 

She was seen with the man in her whisps quite a few times, but then he stopped showing up. She was on the floor crying, her ghostly aura still surrounding her. I know supposedly I'm lonely now. Know I'm supposed to be unhappy without someone. She rubbed her stomach again. But aren't they someone~?

She then was sitting down looking up at someone. Cause you'd invite me in... and I'd be yours again.  The sound of a door closing was heard and she looked down, her smile no longer there.  But i'm love, but not with anybody here... I'll see you in a couple years. When you finally stopped singing, the woman disappeared. You were stuck for a second, confused at what you had seen. That didn't happen last time a sung my song. 

The flapping of feathers behind you made you remember what you were to do. You checked a watch that Sonju had given you and saw that you only had barely 5 minutes left. There were more than enough in front of you, so you readied you bow with 25 arrows. You had no idea how you were going to shoot them off, but swiftly, without disturbing the currently delusional birds, you climbed up the tree and aimed. Let's hope I at least get 15, I can catch the other 10. And with that shred of faith you let the arrows rain down on the unsuspecting crowd of birds. 

You heard the screeches from the birds and closed your eyes. You hated the sound and seeing it was worse. Once you didn't here any feathers fluttering or cries, you opened your eyes to see a very bloody mess. Every bird was injured. Some arrows impaled two birds at once and one bird had three arrows in it's body. I need to get down there quick before they start to bleed out.  

You climbed down the tree grabbed a few vidars on your way. You then skimmed over dying birds for the less messy ones stabbing the flower into them. With two minutes to gt back you opened the bag you'd brought and stuffed them all inside. But don't get it wrong, you haven't forgotten about your previous occurrence, it just wasn't as important right now.

To add on to your 'great' luck, something was chasing you as you were on your way back. It was wolf like and gaining on you fast. You were already a bit fatigued because of the tree climb and draining all of those birds, but you could exactly stp either, so just as it was about to catch you. You pulled out the thick yet sharp stone axe you made on your own and ducked, hold it above your head. Blood poured out over you as you sliced the predator's stomach open, not even wanting to think about the disgusting fluids upon yourself, you kept running and soon enough you reached their entrance and saw Sonju there waiting.

"Oh? You made it, just in time."Sonju greeted, not even acknowledging the blood you'd been drenched in. "Did you get all of the birds?"

"Yep, all of them are cleaned and read to be prepared." You huffed, breathing heavily. Sonju smiled and Mijuka came out holding a large bowl of water. She poured it over you, clearing most of the blood from your face and hair. "T-thanks, but any more clothes?" You realized you were in the wild and fighting for your life, but that didn't mean you were gonna just let your clothes stay wet and see through. 

"No, but if your crafty you have all you need to make more. besides that though, keep your harvest. It'll last you for the days your out here and were on the edge of the forest anyway, so just continue west and you'll see the waste lands. You'll be on your own then." Sonju explained. You smiled and thanked the both of them one more time, then took off. 

You really could waste anymore time.


"Please Emma! We have our own masks and we even know how to mask our scent!" Thoma and Lannion whined. Ray was about to speak, but Emma but him off.

"Sure of course!"

"What?! Emma!" Ray and Gilda both objected. Emma turned to them giving a confident smile. 

"Don't worry, trust me. We'll be able to collect more that way. " Emma assured. ray sighed and smiled.

"Ok Emma we'll go together. You guys stay safe and remember the drill for intruders." Ray said giving in to Emma. Gilda and Don did so too, knowing there was no use arguing. 



A few hours of walking and murderous heat  and you started to come upon your first town or so you thought. You began to approach it, now in a desperate need for shade and a break for water. You'd collected some nymphoides on your way. You'd drunk two of them, but you grabbed about 10 and you could always find them anywhere a forest was. 

As you neared the entrance, you saw it wasn't a village at all, it was more of a trading market. You caught a glimpse of one of things that they were selling and saw hands, children's hands. You were slightly happy when your stomach didn't growl at the sight. You don't even want to be tempted, so you kept walking hoping to find somewhere to rest.

Just as you went to go and sit down, but you were suddenly grabbed. "Woah hey put me down! What do you think your doing?! Help hel- hmmm! Mhmph!!" Your mouth was covered so you could no longer scream and some sort of towel with a strange smell was put there, too. You inhaled it and fainted simultaneously.

"Good work. Now let's bring them back to boss. It'll be interesting to see how he kills this one." 

sorry if this part was short i kinda rushed a bit because i was busy. But i hope you enjoy it anyways. Bye

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