"Why are you here and bringing lies at that?!"

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I apologize to those who were expecting an update sooner, but i was busy and i can't exactly control my schedule and i don't have a phone, so i can't even update that way, so i use my schools computer. TBH i might get even busier and unless i get a form of my own portable technology i may stop the updates for a while like around the endof May but ill update you guys and ill try to continue or give a satisfactory ending before that time comes. For all those who are reading these parts, i appreciate it greatly and thank you for your patience. (also credit to all artists of art that i used)

You bolted out of the door recalling where Norman said the others were. You couldn't believe what he did. He lied to them! Giving them false hope... Lying to Emma of all people and Ray who did so much for them and him especially. 

Your feet slowed as you reached the old church tower as had been said. You expected to go bursting through the doors and immediately telling them the bad news, but it was easier thought than said or done. You froze as you came to the entrance and heard footsteps on the roof of the tower. Do they have a lookout? 

You thought about knocking, but out here it would probably bring them more alarm than just going inside, so you slowly opened the creaky door and peeked inside. No one was there. But I heard footsteps... Maybe they're hiding or... oh no what if they already left?! You searched frantically around the room looking all around. You only stopped when you heard the sound of a speeding arrow coming straight for you. Luckily, you ducked just in time for the arrow to only scratch your horn, leaving a faint mark. 

You snapped your head towards the direction from which it came and saw... EMMA AND RAY! But you didn't have time to be happy because they were readying more arrows and charging at you on both sides. You looked between the both of them and didn't know what to do. They obviously didn't recognize you. "Wait, wait! Stop!" you called out. They slowed their running, but were still on attack mode. They both came in front of you cornering you with your back to a wall. 

They were whispering something to each other and then looked back at you. From behind them you could see a mass of children. Your siblings! So they are here... thank God. "Hey! What are you here for? Who sent you?" Ray demanded. He had a very sharp wooden sword in one of his hands and the bow was strapped across his back with arrows there as well. You couldn't help, but smile at your long missed siblings even though it wasn't really a fitting time.

You couldn't say that you had imagined a nice welcome, after all you had no idea what they have seen or experienced out here. "I came here for you, all of you. I came alone." you answered choosing your words carefully. They didn't move, but Emma spoke now. She had a dominant energy coming off of her. It was intimidating, but she was still the same Emma you'd come to care for, or so you thought.

"You didn't answer the second question. Who sent you?" Emma repeated. For a second you considered telling them the truth. I don't want to lie to them, but what if they don't believe me and think i turned on them. I still have to tell them about what Norman said too and they would think I was lying. It would make it seem like I'm trying to make them stay in one place so they could be captured or something. I'm sure Ray would think that... I won't tell them just yet. Once I gain their trust I'll tell them, I don't want to lose them again, I just found them.

"No one sent me. Like I said I came alone, looking for all of you the little ones, too."

"If no one sent you, why are you looking for us? If you think that your gonna get a meal off of one of us-"

"Never." they shot you a confused glance. "I'd never eat another human. I learned my lesson." You stood up and they flinched towards their weapons. 

"What do you mean?" Ray asked examining you thoroughly. 

"You already taught me a lesson, Ray. Right before you left and escaped. Did you forget? Did you tell the others about what I did? I assumed you would have, else they would have been hesitant to leave." you asked him smiling warmly, with a slight bit of sadness. His eyes widened just as Norman's had, but he seemed more terrified than surprised. The bow, arrows, and swords fell to the ground with a dull thump. 

Emma was shocked as well, but it wasn't long before she pounced engulfing you in her arms. She squeezed you tightly as her tears wet your shirt. Ray still taken aback just backed away. The others, now recognizing you because of Emma, ran over and hugged you too. "Y/n, we missed youuuuu." Lannion cried.

"Yeahh, we thought you died...wahhhh!" Thoma joined in. Seeing all their faces you cried, too. But what you weren't expecting is when Emma cocked her hand back and smacked you, before hugging you again. You were shocked, but understood that she was hurt. You squeezed back just hard enough before it hurt. You never thought that you might actually touch much less hold any of them again. You hoped, but never thought it was a realistic possibility.

Ray snapped out of his trance and separated everyone from around you, including Emma. "Get away from them. We can't trust them."

"But Ray they're-"

"Yes i know Emma. They're our family... But that doesn't mean that they won't lie and use that fact against us. Remember what I told you before we left, right before we escaped."

"Yeah. You said that they were having hunger issues." Don replied.

"I lied. Only Emma, Norman, and I knew, but Y/n is a demon." All except for Emma were shocked and backed away from you slightly. "We didn't hate them for that though, but then you did that horrible thing. You ate a human, a child not that much younger than you were. Did you think that little weak cover up would work?! You lied and I'm sure your keeping something from us now!" Ray protested. You lowered your head and inhaled deeply followed by a long exhale.

"Look, Ray. I know you still don't forgive me, but I came here to warn you and help you. that's all. Norman lied to you. He lied majorly and he's against you. He told me the promise he made to you both about finding Mujika and Sonju and how he would stop the extermination if you found them in five days, too." You started.

"Well if you know that, then you know how much of our time you're wasting right now." Ray snapped. You nodded , but still continued what you were saying.

"I get that, but I'm also saving your time." You thought they would interrupt, but they didn't. "Norman is lying to you both. When I was asked to leave because he was busy I asked him why and he confessed and said that he lied to you. If you bring Mujika or Sonju back he'll find a way to degenerate them and me as well, since we are of the same blood. He's just sending you out there in hopes that you'll get out of his way." You finished finally. 

The room was silent. A heavy, tense, uncomfortable silence. Emma scrunched up her nose and bit her lip, while furrowing her eyebrows. her fist clenched as well. Ray just kept the same cold expression towards you. "Y-y/n... that's not funny... th-that's... stop lying." Emma muttered painfully. Your eyes widened and you began to withdraw. 

"See. You never stop. Even when it's vital and people are trying to help you, you always try and get your way. You never did like Norman, so it's so easy for you to lie about him. Now if your done screwing with us, you can leave." Ray said comforting Emma who was fighting back tears. Not wanting to cause anymore trouble you left, but stayed near the tower. 

As you paced around, you saw something you never hoped you would see. Or rather someone. It was Isabella walking carelessly up the hill only a few meters from you. She smiled that same devilish smile she had before. 

When she finally came face to face with you, you realized just how bad things were about to get.                                                                            

(once again sorry that i wasn't posting. sometimes i don't have time or i run out of ideas, but i will try upload teh next chapter quickly.)

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