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(With the pictures I use you may look like older, because lord knows that anime children that look the way you want them to, especially if your not drawing them, do not look the way you want them to, so yeah)

You felt as if you were about to throw up again. "How could... why- but Mom... oh my god-" You threw up again. Ray kneeled and rubbed your back. 

"It's all true. I wouldn't lie about this sort of thing. There are demons and they want to eat us. " You stumbled over to the sink again. 

"Why..." you took a deep breath, "Why are you telling me this?" Ray raised an eyebrow. Some voices were heard in the hall. 

"Let's go to the infirmary, first." You both left the bathroom, one of your arms thrown over Ray's shoulder. "Jeez your heavy." It was Emma and  Norman. You assumed they were coming to check on you and Ray because when they saw you two they smiled and ran up.

"Ray, there you are! You were gone forever." Emma looked over to you and gave a worried look. Unfortunately, you didn't notice that you still had blood on your mouth. "Y/n are you ok?! Why are you bleeding? Do you have a virus? Is it your growing pains again? Do yo-" Ray cut her off by holding up a hand.

"They just need to get to the infirmary, so unless your gonna help..." Ray didn't finish, because now you cut him off.

"I'm gonna be fine in a little while Emma. You won't see it, but Mom said that I'll be fine when I leave tomorrow. " You gave a weak smile. Some blood showed on your teeth. "She said I'll be better with my new family." Emma and Norman tried to hide it, but the fear in their eyes was very apparent. 

Ray didn't waste anymore time and hauled you off to the infirmary. You sat on the bed and waited for Ray to grab the medicines and vitamins. Once he came back you waited for him to start explaining what the heck man eating demons had to do with your sickness. "Drink this, eat these and listen." You obeyed and waited.

"Okay, so your symptoms are extreme growth, along with the pain, you throw up at the sight of any food we cook, and your stomach growls whenever your around one of us. Correct?" You nodded. "And I told you that we are getting shipped off to man-eating demons. Keeping up?"


"Now why do you think your stomach growls when you get near us?" Ray investigated.

"Well usually it's your scents. Mom's, the six year olds, and you Emma and Norman attract me the most." Your stomach growled, you laughed uncomfortably. 

"What about our scents?"

"It smells like- well a person, but i don't smell like that. " You paused with a moment of realization and disgust. "Are you saying I'm a demon?" 

"Yes." Your body shuddered and a pang of hurt stabbed at your heart. "At least partly."

"Partly?! Your telling me my mother or father decided to get hit up with a demon and- and had me?!" You were highly offended and wanted to slap him.

"Im saying," Ray tried not to laugh at your phrasing. ", that you have demon blood in you therefore giving you demon instincts and cravings. In a way your a mix breed." WACK! "Oww!"

"That's for calling me a mix breed and anyway, I refuse to believe that. There has to be another reason. I would never eat you guys!" Your stomach growled louder. "At least not if my mind is in the right place..." You smiled sheepishly, trying to soften the situation. 

"Those teeth and nails say otherwise." Norman's voice stated followed by he and Emma's appearance in the door of the Infirmary. You jumped in surprise, your eyes widening as you came to the realization that Emma heard everything. Ray rubbed his cheek with healing ointment in the place where you'd smacked him. 

I'm.... Hungry :A TPN fanfic (the promised neverland)Where stories live. Discover now