Midnight Surprise

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"Everyone ready to move?" Emma questioned

"Yes ma'am!" you all answered.

"Ok good. Me, Ray, and Y/n will head out first wait until after 10 minutes and then you guys go straight to the place where Norman is. Remember don't go inside until we give the signal, if we give the signal." Emma reminded.

The younger children nodded and watched as you all started in the direction of the tower. You were running, but you didn't tire. You all had sort of an adrenaline rush going on and you hoped it lasted until after the confrontation. "Ok let's slow down, catch our breaths. We don't wanna seem suspicious. Where's the restraints you guys were gonna use." you asked ready to start and get this over with. The nerves made your stomach clench and churn. You almost felt like throwing up. 

"It's here. I'll put them on. Emma you walk in front of them, I'll hold their hands. Norman would most likely think that your against the idea of turning Y/n in so keep that in mind."


"Ok just a heads up, There are 4 of them. Norman and his three goons. They have guns and the Barbara girl she's crazy and she might attack you. I can hold down Norman, but if I do the others will be left to you both and the rest if you can give the signal. That okay?" you asked as they tightened the ropes on your wrist and began walking up the steps to where Norman was staying.

They stopped at the door, checking their bows and arrows and all the other weapons hidden on their person. You, however, seeing how many they had hidden, felt underprepared for the situation completely. And It would turn out that they were because they had not anticipated what awaited inside. 

You opened the door to the house first and quickly yet quietly closed it back recoiling in horror. You covered your mouth to keep from letting nay sounds escape. Several large demons were standing there in the living area of the house with body of one of Norman's 'friends'. They were talking, but Norman didn't appear to be there which, despite the hatred you felt, brought you relief. "What happened-" 

You quickly covered their mouths. They looked at you in confusion. You shook your head and mouthed 'demons'. Their eyes widened and they nodded to let you know that they understood. Moving over to the window that was covered by cloth from the inside, you spotted a tiny peep hole where the glass happened to be broken. Putting your ear to it, you began to listen.

"So Isabella was killed. Do you think it was the child we sent out? I supposed they would have been dead at this point." the tallest and bulkiest demon said.

"It's possible, but no physical injury was detected. The monitor said it was a heart attack. I can't imagine would could have caused such a thing, however." A smaller weapon wielding demon responded.

"If it was the child though, what do suppose we should do with them?" The taller demon laughed and didn't respond. It seemed suspicious so you turned to look back into the room, but at that very moment the glass was shattered flying all over, the cloth was torn, and you were being dragged through the window. You winced as bit of glass cut into your skin. Within a span on three seconds you were hanging by your hair that was entangled in the taller demon's hand. 

"You know ever since the One requested you, I had been aching to kill you. It's not everyday that someone gets to drink his blood and you faint, get your face burned off, and happen to live on a farm and steal teh place of the one who really deserved that chance. Imagine being able to eat humans whenever you like and still be able to survive when the bounty full runs out. You could rule a kingdom just on the bargain that someone would be able to have a drop of your dna." You wanted to cry out because it felt like your hair was being ripped from your skin. You clawed at his hand with your own talons hoping to inflict some kind of damage that would make him let you go. 

You attention shifted though when you sensed Emma and Ray's presence growing nearer. If you could sense it, you were sure that they soon would as well. You need to distract them. So as a temporary solution instead of trying at their hands, you took a deep breath and with all your might kicked your foot backwards into the taller demon's stomach and in the process knocked the knife on his waist to the ground. He let go of your hair and though you slammed on the ground rather hard, snatche dthe wepoan before they could notice it. 

The smaller demon now pursued you, but your attention was drawn to the door where Emma and Ray were trying to come in. Pretending as you were trying to escape you ran and purposely slammed yourself against the door successfully jamming it, so they couldn't come inside. It's Not that you were trying to sabotage them, but if the demons caught sight of either of them, they would hesitate to capture them or worse kill and eat them on the spot and if you could prevent that, you sure as hell were going to!

"This wasn't the deal! Just because your salty about not being to feast on innocent kids doesn't mean you get to take my life or there's! Suck it up and complain to the big man if you have an issue. I didn't choose this." You said with more confidence than you'd had in a long time. You glared down the two superior demons in the room ready to fight. 

"And so you show your true colors. We came here to find you not those kids. You have been suspected of betrayal and fraud. Did you really think that Grandmother would actually believe you would bring those children back? You were to close too them and even if you weren't lying you were to be eliminated. The One could have you reproducing, it would end his reign and he loves power." He explained moving closer. The smaller demon did so as well. 

You gripped the knife that you concealed and waited for the perfect moment to strike. Just as they got in range an arrow found its way into the eye of both of the demons. You smirked knowing who was responsible and took the opportunity to charge both of the wailing demons and sliced the shorter ones throat and the other you had to stab multiple tiem to put down. If it weren't for the huge adrenaline that was still pumping through you, you might have thrown u at the bloody sight  you'd all created. "Good. Now let's search for Norman."

Just as you all were about to go and investigate the premises a voice stopped you. "No need, I'm right here." Norman, Barbara and Cislo were standing by the door that was now off its hinges and laying flat on the ground. 

"So you told them huh?"





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