Chapter 18 Hang Time

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The surving alien returned with a chaingun, opening fire on the Reds and Blues who stuck to their cover!

Ruby: Crap, turret!

They continued to make quick potshots at the alien, but couldn't steady themselves long enough to land a clean hit with the bullets raining on them! Eventually, he stopped firing as someone arrived in front of him. . . .

Ruby: You've got to be kidding me. . . .

Epsilon: Oh hey, alien. What's up?

It dropped its gun and bowed down in shame.

Alien: Blaarg.

Tucker: Cease fire!

Epsilon: Um, the alien's being weird in here!

Grif: Whats it's doing?

Tucker: No no, I've seen this before. Some of the aliens worship this ancient technology. This one probably thinks Church is some sorta god.

Epsilon: Wow! Seriously?! That's pretty fucking cool!

Caboose: *gasps* Maybe that is why your name is Church!

South: Church is his last name.

Epsilon: Oh what's up praying dude? How d'ya like me now? BIP-AW!

Alien: Bleeergh?!

The monitor lifted a crate and launched it at the alien, knocking it out!

Tucker: W-T FUCK?! Why did you do that?! I think that's taking advantage of your deity status, dude!

Epsilon: Well, what fun is being a god if you can't smite some people? Let's have fun.

Ruby: You aren't a god.

Soldier: The shots came from down here!

Ruby: Crap.

Epsilon: Yikes!

CT: Form up men!

Sarge: Woah, incoming.

Epsilon: Good luck guys!

Epsilon sped off! The group was caught off guard as CT and the Aliens and raised their weapons!

CT: Freeze! Lower your weapons!

He then glared at Tucker. . . .

CT: You. . . do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused me? I should kill you right here!

Epsilon suddenly returned.

Epsilon: Someone's getting killed? I wanna watch.

CT: You activated it?

Epsilon: Activated what?

CT: Secure the relic! Don't let it get away!

A soldier behind him pulled out a Plasma Pistol.

Epsilon: Oh cool pistol, green's my favorite color. HEEZAGERBO!

An overcharged shot knocked the monitor out of the air!

Caboose: Church?!

CT: Yes!

Smith: Blurg!

CT: Great shot Jones.

Jones: Thanks! But it's actually pronounced Johannes, sir.

CT picked up Church as Smith turned and knocked Jones to the ground and began beating him to a pulp!

CT: What the- Smith! What are you doing?!

All the other aliens suddenly began firing on the other soldiers!

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: RecreationWhere stories live. Discover now