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Katerina POV

"Lucca, dove sei scomparso? Ti go sempre cercato." A women in her mid-forties came up to us. She was beautiful clear grey eyes like Lucca and dark hair she was wearing a black dress with pearls around her neck. (Lucca where did you disappear to? I've been looking everywhere for you.)

She turn to look at me and her smile fell. She eyes me up and down judging me. Ok nice too meet you too.

"Un'altra tua puttana" she rolled her eyes. This bitch did not just calm me that. (Another whore of yours)

Calm down Katerina. Don't give her a reaction. Act clueless.

"No mama this is Katerina an old friend" he answered his mother. He knew I understood. "This is Riccardo's girlfriend's sister Katerina, this is my mother Andrea Romano.

She ignored my presence and turn to her son. Cunt.

"Common Lucca your grandparents want to see you and nonna " she told her son.

Pretty much saying ditch the hoe.

"I'll go find my friends"

"No, I want you to meet them" he turned to his mother warning her.

I hooked my arm to his and walked towards the group of people who screamed power and money. There was an old couple, an older women and a women who looked like an older version of Alessia.

"Ahh viene qui mío nipote o devrei dire mio Don" said an old man with a large cigarette in his mouth.(Ahh
my grandson come here or should I say my Don)

"Grandfather it's good to see you"

"e chi é questa belleza" (and who is this beauty)

"Katerina Reyes piacere di conoscerti"
I smiled politely. (Katerina Reyes pleasure to meet you)

His mother eyes widen for a second but then her face fell back to an emotionless bitch face.

"Ah española, Maximiliano Gabilino this is my wife Eva Gabilino"she smiled at me. Her hair was white but she looked young. Surgery I'm guessing,she doesn't look a day over 40 and her daughter is the same age, I assume.

"I'm Francesca, Lucca's sister" she reminded me a lot of her mother not Alessia any more with the same fake smile.

"This is my Nonna, Bianca Romano"

"Finally you bring a young decent lady home" she smiled teasing her grandchild. "It's lovely to meet you Katerina, what a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman"

I ended talking with Bianca most of the night she was funny and dramatic at the same time. I tried calling her Mrs. Romano and she said it made her feel old and that "My husband wouldn't mind, he's dead" she laughed. We drank 2 bottles of wine together I ended up ditching Lucca for Bianca.

She told me stories of how much she loved her husband and how annoying her children are.

"Mi Alejandro he was my favorite I never liked that wife of his Andrea but you know I have to accept her" she rolled her eyes.

"So how do you know Lucca?" she asked taking a sip of her wine.

"It's a long story"

"Well tell it, I don't mind, You never know when I might drop dead" she joked, making the diamonds around here neck move with every laugh.

"We dated back when I lived in Miami"

"I remember his father sent him there to learn about the business, he came back all broken hearted" she chugged her wine.

"Don't worry sweetheart he found you again" she sighed. "I remember him looking for you, he loves you"

"I don't think he loves me at least not anymore" I smiled politely.

"Nonsense he loves you I saw the way he looked at you" she grinned.

"Ok" I said removing the bottle from her grasp, "I think we're drunk"

"Now I'm going to go look for one of my children" she said standing up.

I saw Alessia walking towards me while I poured myself more wine.

"Hope she didn't bore you"

"No I think I might be in love with her" I smiled. "Have you seen Cole and Liv?"

"I saw Cole flirting with my cousin Evelyn and Liv left with Ric into his room so.. yeahh" she took the seat next to me while I pour her a glass of wine.

"Wait. How old are you?" I asked.


"Ok,here" I said passing her a glass of wine. "God I love wine"

"My family makes this wine"

"Really?" I said reading the label

                   Gabilino Vino 
"Oops my bad"

"Alessia" I turn to see a barbie with a fake smile.

"Oh Kacey, I didn't even recognize you, did you get something done, let me guess? The new nose or fake boobs" Alessia smiled sweetly. She puts on the innocent look as her cover, love that.

She turned to face me. I kept my face with a smirk.

"I didn't know they invited whores to these parties" she looked at me and cocked an eyebrow.

"Me either, but I guess that's why your here" I looked at her, while Alessia almost spit out her drink.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Katerina nice to meet you"

"Oh your the Don knew toy" she smiled. "He'll soon get tired of you and he prefers someone worth more"

"Listen here you Malibu bitch" I threatened grabbing her throat. " Don't you ever disrespect me. Compare to you I have self respect which you lack. You better watch your tongue or it may be my lucky day" I said petting her hair " and I'll have to rip it out of your plastic little face"

I let go of her seeing Lucca walking towards me. "Now" I said sitting down. "Scram bitch" I said in a series tone.

"Bye Kacey" I waved in a sweet voice.

"Oh no" said Alessia who was looking at her brother.

"What was that?" Oh, so she is important?

"Nothing." I answered simply.

"Don't tell me nothing?!" he was trying not loose his temper. key word trying

"She was just being very rude." I sipped my wine. "Wine?"

If looks could kill I would have bleed to death with the daggers he was throwing at me.

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