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Katerina POV

"Everyone leave" Lucca's voice boomed through the room everyone looked at him and saw the serious expression on his face, that they lowered their heads and started exiting the room. I waited until everyone left, to stay behind and speech to him. "Katerina, what do you want?"

"Who was behind this, Lucca?" my voice was serious, I need to know.

"I'm not sure yet, but this wasn't a coincidence" he sat down on his chair taking a sip of his drink. They didn't hurt no one it wasn't an attack it was a message.

"Why do you care Katerina, this doesn't concern you, this is about family?" he raised his eyebrows and looked me in the eyes,reading me, and my thoughts.

"Because Riccardo is my family and I've been part of this mafia for five years, so trust me when I say it does concern me" I answered, the mafia has hundreds and thousands of workers some of them are just the eyes and ears, others do the dirty work, and the one in charge, the Romano's, who control everything and everyone. Who own everything and everyone.

He stood up from his chair and stood in front of me looking me in the eyes, I trailed my eyes looking at his perfect lips and back at his eyes. He then grabbed my hand and took it in his, it was warm. "I won't let no one hurt my family or yours, I promise" he kissed my hand as he promised.

"I can protect myself and my family" I answered.

"I know you can but your not leaving Italy tonight" his voice was commanding, even threatening.

"No" he tightened his hold on my hand trying to make a point. "I can't stay here, I'm going back to New York"

"We'll discuss this later, now go get ready for dinner, I'll knock at your door at 7" he said opening the door for me.

"Fine" I need a hot bath.

"Wear something nice, red looks good on you" he whispered into my ear as I exit his office.

I took a nice hot bath washing away all the blood and just relaxing my body. I choose to wear a black dress with my classic louboutin and left my brown hair naturally straight. I paired the dress with a diamond necklace and my hermès bag.

As I finished applying some red lipstick I opened the door revealing Lucca in an all black suit with a thin gold chain around his neck. His black hair was slick back into perfection his fingers were filled with gold rings and jewels.

I grabbed my bag as he took my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek he was tall, taller than my 5'10 by a whole head. "I told you to wear red" he whispered in my ear his voice was filled with lust.

"No, you suggested" I smirked taking his hand and leading out the hall way of the guest rooms.

We walked away from my room which was on the opposite side of the entrance of the estate as we passed by the living room, I stopped seeing Elijah and Ricky with Kacy.

"Oh hello, Stacy right" I gave her a fake smile, Ric gave me a smirk seeing my hand intertwined with the Don's. She wore a bright pink dress that brought out her plastic boobs.

"Kacy" she corrected me with a fake smile, she eyes me up and down jealousy roomed in her eyes, "I thought you would have gotten rid of her-

"Kacy" Lucca warned. "Don't"

"No please do continue, Katie" I'm going to kill this spoiled little brat.

"Kacy" she corrected. "And I've heard somethings about you that go around in the manor, the poor orphan girl who clings to become something who really is nothing and has nothing"

I let go of Lucca's hand a took a few steps closer to her I was a few inches taller than her making her look weak compared to me.

"You know I've heard things about you too, your Seth Noval precious little girl, a business partner of the mafia, how you use to sleep with Lucca until he grew tired of you and threw you away like the trash you are, about how your a spoil brat whose only purpose in life is to spend daddy's money" I hissed. "Well the difference between you and me, love is that unlike you I've worked hard for everything I have. I have worked hard for my name, Katerina Reyes I am women who will kill anyone who gets in my way" I grabbed her by the throat throwing her on the floor.

"Stop Katerina" his voice was filled with amusement and anger.

"Oh relax, I won't kill her" I took out a gun from under my dress and shot her on the arm. She cried in pain, I kneeled down grabbing her face, "I warned not to mess with me, next time I won't be so kind"

I can't kill her, sadly. She's a pawn.

I stood up and saw Riccardo and Elijah with proud smiles on there faces, while Lucca looked proud, yet irritated. "Are you done?" he asked taking my hand.



The car ride was silent,
not awkward silent it was peaceful, my hand was intertwined with his and I felt warm. I lean my head on his shoulder, the driver drove us to the city while 3 cars followed behind.

As we got to the restaurant it was a rustic, we were seated in the back balcony you can see the whole city, it was beautiful.

"What a gentleman" I said as he took out my chair for me.

"Only for you, my love" he smiled at me, it was sincere, it was the same smile he gave me when we were kids.

On our table there were bread and salad for starters, I looked down at my menu, even though I knew exactly what I wanted, and I know exactly what he is gonna order.

"Ciao signor Romano stasera saro la tua cameriera, cossa posso offrirvi da bere ragazzi" (Hello Mr Romano I will be your waitress for tonight, what can I get you guys to drink) The waitress came in to get our orders she was a small petite women who looked like she might have a heart attack from the fear.

"Una bottiglia di vino" (A bottle of wine) responded Lucca looking at me instead of the waitress.

"Si signore" (Yes sir) the waitress bowed her head and left.

I looked out the balcony and looked at the city, the lights, the buildings, "I remember when you once told me you would take me to Italy one day"

"And here we are " I looked back at him, and I can't help but smile. "Do you like it?"

"I love it, it is different from New York but in a good way" I looked out the balcony to the city.


After dinner we walk through the streets of Milan, he tells me he has a surprise for me.

"What is it?" I ask looking at him letting go of his side.

"Always so impatient" he shakes his head laughing at me. "If I tell you I'll ruin the surprise"

"Fine" I huffed taking his side. "At least give me a clue, or I'll take guess and tell me if I'm right"

"No" he gave me a crooked smile. "Patience, were almost there"


Hope you enjoyed!
-xoxo A.

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