Chapter 2- Bratty

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JJ has unknowingly messed with his mind. Spencer's once clear thoughts were now muddled. He found that he didn't know what do, what to think or what to say after she confessed that she always loved him. His was overwhelmed by his own feelings.

For some time both he and JJ avoid the topic like a plague. He treated his once best friend as just his acquittance and she reciprocated.

At Rossi and Krystal's wedding they futilely attempted to bury their feelings. He almost believed they had himself.

He had contemplated talking thorough the situation with Olivia. At the wedding he tapped shoulder as spoke with Penelope.

"Would you dance with me Mrs Reid?" Spencer offered his hand to her. She glanced from his hand to his eyes.

"I would be honoured." She placed her glass on the bar, excused herself from Penelope and intertwined her fingers with his. He guided her to the dance floor, where one hand remained linked with hers and the other snaked around her waist and rested delicately on her back, pulling her closer. He looked down at smiled at her.

"What?" She was curious by his sudden change in demeanour. He had been tense since he had returned from a case in LA.

"What?" He questioned back with a smile.

"You seem like you again." Olivia lifted one hand off his shoulder pushed his hair away from his face. His smile wavered just for a second. So, she had notice he thought. He thought he had done well at hiding it.

He quickly maintained his previous smile. "I'm just glad to be here with you. Enough about me, how is your case going?"

She laughed, "The jury is quite literally still out on that. Just waiting for a verdict now. But there are plenty more cases to prep for."

"Always working aren't you Attorney Reid." Spencer leaned down and place a kiss on Olivia's cheek.

"I believe the same can be said for you," she chuckled, placing a kiss on his cheek too.

In that moment Spencer decided that he wasn't going to mention the situation with JJ to Olivia. What would be the point, he pondered?

After the wedding, they drove home in silence. Spencer found his thoughts wandering in a whirlwind of indecision. He glanced over to Olivia periodically as she went from fiddling with the music to looking at the window. He knew that she knew that he was taking time to think. She allowed him all the space he needed and didn't interrupt his contemplations. He couldn't help but appreciate in that moment all the things he loved about her. He didn't want to create a reason to ruin that.

Spencer was the first to break the silence, "Why did you agree to marry me?"

Olivia couldn't contain her laughter. "Isn't it a bit late wandering that now. It's been over two years."

"Two years, seven months and three days," Spencer interrupted.

"Exactly." Olivia giggled; her eyes crinkly as she laughed. "But If you must know it was because of the money." She masked her voice with seriousness. Spencer eyebrows furrowed. "Ha look at your face Spence. Don't tell me that the genius fell for that."

"I didn't," he denied. He pulled into the underground carpark of their building.

"Is that what you were seriously thinking about this entire time?" Olivia asked, craning her neck to see Spencer's expression. Spencer parked the car, turning off the ignition, sighing. Olivia removed her seat belt and angled her body towards Spencer. "There are too many reasons to list." Olivia leaned in closer. "You are the sweetest soul I have ever met. The way your eyes light up when you speak about things you are passionate about. You always know how to make me smile even when I'm having a bad day. I love the way your hair falls into your face, the way you hand caress the pages of a book. Why wouldn't I have agreed. Every time you called me I couldn't help but smile, I found myself searching for you in every room I entered, I swear I hear I symphony every time you say my name." With every statement Olivia leaned closer and closer to Spencer. Spencer kept his gaze firmly resting on Olivia's eyes. "I think the real question here is, why did you ask me?" Olivia whispered. She gulped and her teeth gently grazed her bottom lip.

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