Chapter 41- Selfish

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"Why would she take Olivia?" JJ asked quickly.

"Because she is psychotic bitch that only cares about her own agendas." Professor Mann sat down in a seat and Camilla rubbed his shoulder's from behind.

"Naomi left Leo when Olivia was very young. She ran off with someone. That someone happens to be Eduardo Castillo. She hasn't tried to contact Leo or Olivia since then," Camilla continued the story.

The pieces begun falling into place.

"And Olivia is up against the Castillo family," Luke stated and sat back in his chair.

"Prosecuting some of their top dogs," Matt added.

"Surely she wouldn't hurt her own daughter and grandchild," JJ's face was pale.

"Ha," Professor Mann was hysterical. "You don't know my ex-wife. There is nothing she wouldn't do if it helped her cause. Olivia would have more chance being abducted by a serial killer than Naomi."

"Naomi was the name of the person Olivia had met for that meeting," Alice publicised.

"She was in Virginia?" Professor Mann cried out. "How did she find out so much about her?"

Suddenly, JJ ran out of the room in a blur.

They all ignored the distraction.

"Why is she doing this though?" Matt stated. "What do they think that taking Olivia will make the New York District Attorney's office drop the case. Now way."

Rossi responded. "I agree with Reid's theory that this is personal. I don't think they want the whole case to go away. They are smart enough to know that will never happen. But they could show some leniency for some people."

"Like Tai Baker," Alvez concluded.

"I don't think we will know until 6pm," Emily looked down at her watch. "Let's keeping working with what we have. Alvez, Simmons, see if we can get another sighting of that car. Rossi and I will speak to organised crime and see what they know. They might have someone in undercover who could shed some light. Garcia can work on getting as much information about Naomi as she can. Reid, get some rest and prep for the call, okay."

Spencer frowned but agreed. He looked out of the windows into the office and saw JJ chugging water. He got off his seat and marched over to her. "Why are you acting so strange?" he accused.

"Sorry," she meekly responded.

"Why are you saying sorry." Spencer cocked his head and narrowed his eyes.

"This is my fault," JJ breathed out.

Spencer froze. "How so?" He tried to stay calm, but his blood was boiling.

"I saw someone. A woman. Watching you and Olivia when we all went to that riverside restaurant. She said you two looked like a cute couple. I was still bitter then and I was drunk, so I went off on a rant. I don't remember exactly what I told her, but I told her a lot of things." JJ was hyperventilating.

"Jennifer how could you be so selfish," Spencer finally responded.

"I didn't mean for this." JJ slumped to the ground burying her head in her knees.

"And yet look what happened. You gave them a gold mine. All the intel they needed. You better hope that nothing happens to her. Otherwise, I will never forgive you." Spencer spat out in disgust and sauntered off.

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