Chapter 34- Prosecuation

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Olivia placed her bag on the table as she settled back into the apartment.

"You're back," Spencer announced.

Olivia jumped. "Spence you scared me." She took in his appearance. "Are you cooking?"

"More like warming up," he sheepishly grinned.

"Didn't you have a case?" Olivia picked up a grape from the fruit bowl

"Solved before we even flew out."

"Hmm," she mused.

Spencer placed a plate down for Olivia. She raised her eyebrows and sat down in front of the plate.

"You know I already ate at the office. Pizza and a murder trial, surprisingly go hand in hand."

Spencer laughed. "You're always hungry, I'm not worried." Spencer wandered over to the file that Olivia had set down beside her bag. He mindlessly flicked through file.

"You're working prosecution against New York organised crime?" Spencer flicked through faster.

"uh huh."

"Why, you left prosecution? Your company usually deals with million-dollar lawsuits and clearing up the mess made by high-profile clientele." Something about this unsettled Spencer.

Olivia finished her mouthful of food before she answered. "We do. But the daughter of one of my clients was one of the victims of the trafficking ring. They have requested me to help on the case, and Kelly and Raf are heading up prosecution on behalf of the DOJ. They asked me on. Sam was more than happy for me to take it. Why, what's the matter?"

"Oh nothing," Spencer closed the file and put it down.

"That's a lie."

"Just be careful Liv. These cases... they get messy." Spencer removed his apron.

"Oh, I know Spence. Trust me I know. I used to work them." Olivia moved her food around on her plate.

"It's different now."

"What makes now different?" Olivia took another bite.

"We have much more to lose now."

Olivia paused mid mouthful. "Yeah, I suppose. I'm not leading anyway, so that shifts the target a little."

"That is little comfort to me Liv. The mobs and the mafia don't care if you're the ringleader or the cleaner. If you're working for the other side, you're against them." Spencer placed a kiss on Olivia's forehead. "Now for the real reason I did this." He motioned to the plethora of food he had ordered.

"I knew this was too good to be true. What's the catch? You are trying to sweeten me up for something." Olivia propped her elbows up on the table and rested her chin on her hands waiting for Spencer.

"What exactly will it take for me to persuade you to let me confirm in here is daddy's little princess." Spencer rubbed her belly.

"Ahh a little cocky, hey. You just want to win the bet against Rossi. You know you'll find out eventually."

"I know, but I don't want to wait." Spencer pouted.

"Spence, if it's that important to you then we can find out." Olivia picked her fork back up.

"Aww Liv don't say it like that." Spencer huffed as he dropped into the seat next to hers.

"Like what?" Olivia denied.

"Like you're disappointed."

"I'm not," she reassured. "I honestly don't have preference. If you feel so strongly about wanting to find out, then we will."

"Can I ask why you don't want to know?" Spencer rubbed his forehead.

"Because... I don't care." She offered. She sighed and dropped her hands to her lap. She adjusted herself in her seat. "Boy or girl doesn't bother me. Spence, everything about me makes me question whether I will even have a maternal instinct. My mother didn't. My dad told me that she was obsessed with finding out if I was going to be a boy or girl. When she found out that I was a girl, she went crazy buying everything pink that she could get her hands on. Doing the nursery. Buying clothes. Then one day, a few weeks before I was born that all stopped. She withdrew. Apparently, she could barely look at me the moment I was born. My dad held all the responsibility of my care. She didn't have an inch of an attachment for me. That's why it was probably so easy to leave when she did." Olivia fidgeted in her seat.

Spencer silently listened.

"I never understood one thing. Allegedly the 'love of her life' and her were star-crossed lovers, never meant to be together. As soon as the opportunity came, she jumped ship. She settled when she got with my dad. Why would she put herself in a situation like that? Not just herself, but my dad and me too. I never understood that, and I never will."

Spencer gulped. The eery parallels between the stories irking him.

"Olivia, look at me." He lifted he chin towards him. "That. Is. Not. You." Spencer took Olivia's hand, making her stand up. He pulled her closer until her legs straddled his hips. "That is never going to be you," he whispered into her ear as he ran his hands over her back. He reached for the zipper of her dress and dragged it down painfully slowly. With each inch it moved down, he brushed his fingertips over her bare back. Spencer rested his forehead against Olivia's, feeling her shallow breaths on his face.

"Spencer?" She gasped.


"What are you doing?" Her voice was very quiet. If she spoke louder, she would give away her immediate arousal. Her voice would be a squeal.

"You're smart. Work it out," he teased.

"Not here," she murmured.

"Why not?" Spencer trailed closer to her ear, nibbling on it.

"No space," she melted into Spencer, but tapped the table, indicating to all the severing dishes filled to the brim with food.

"I think we can find a way to work around that." Spencer mildly chuckled in her ear. He stood, with Olivia still attached to his hips. He sat her up on the table pushing the plates, dishes and cutlery aside. He shimmied off her dress, letting it pool on the ground of the kitchen floor. He rested his hands on either side of her small bump. "Is this okay?" he asked.

"Yes," she whispered.

Spencer lined himself up with Olivia. They both braced themselves as they fell into each other.  

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