Chapter 40- Mother

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"His bail was denied yesterday," Alice continued.

"We need to get organised crime in on this," Emily announced.

"What so they take Liv because bail was denied. She wasn't even lead on the case," Spencer shook his head. "No there is something personal about this. Alice, you censor Liv's emails and office calls, prior to this trip was anything that caught your eye."

Alice took a moment to scan her memory. "No, not really. There was a new client who specifically requested Olivia. Sam passed her on to me. Olivia had a meeting but refused to take her case."

"Her? Who was she? What was the case?" Spencer's ear pricked up.

"I don't know what the case was. Olivia didn't tell me. All I know is that she was extremely agitated from the moment she came back from the meeting. She told me to disregard any emails or calls from them again."

"Can you show us?" Spencer asked.

"Err... yeah. I can access work emails on my laptop."

"Great. Someone please get her computer," Spencer urged.

Spencer left the room to get yet another coffee. He stood mindlessly stirring it, even though the sugar had long dissolved.

"Spencer?" A desperate voice called out. Spencer turned and saw Olivia's father breaking off from Camilla and their FBI escort, marching straight over to Spencer and grabbing his shoulders. "What is going on? They won't tell me anything."

"There isn't much to say yet sir," he grimaced. "We are working on it."

"Don't bullshit me son. What has happened to my daughter?"

Spencer diverted his eyes from Professor Mann, his face crumbling. "I don't know," he whispered. "I don't know which would be better not knowing or knowing."

Professor Mann stared on at Spencer in confusion. Then he caught sight of Olivia's necklace around Spencer's neck. His hand trembled as he pointed it out. "She... she took that off? He asked.

Spencer dropped his chin to see what Olivia's father was pointing at. He quickly snapped his head up. "Yes." His voice was barely audible.

"She wouldn't," Professor Mann's voice quivered. He cleared his throat. "You need to find her son. And soon. If she took that off. She doesn't intend to be putting it back on."

"What do you mean?" Spencer's stare was grave.

"When she saw me after your first anniversary, and you have given her that. That is the first time she told me that she loved you. She told me the only time she would take it off was to give it back to you to tell you for the last time that she loved you."

The coffee cup that Spencer held in his hand tumbled to the floor. "I don't know what to do," Spencer confessed, dropping his head.

"Let me help," Professor Mann urged. "I know my daughter. Let me help."

Spencer led Olivia's father to the conference room. "Alvez play the audio," Spencer instructed.

"Reid, I don't think Professor Mann should hear this." Prentiss interjected.

"We don't have much else do we Emily," Spencer snapped back.

Emily sighed and nodded at Luke, giving him the go ahead.

The audio had played for less than five seconds when Professor Mann slammed the laptop shut. "That fucking bitch," he screeched.

"You know her?" Rossi asked, taken aback by the Professor's language.

Professor Mann turned to Camilla he was staring back at him wide eyed.

"I know her alright," he seethed. "I wish I didn't. I'm going to kill her if anything happens to my daughter."

"Professor Mann, who is she?"

"Naomi Cavanagh. Or at least that was her name then. She is Olivia's mother."

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