Chapter 33- Pity Party

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Spencer stepped out of the elevator and into the BAU. He had had no sleep at all. He was still worried about Olivia. He lazily stalked over to the break room and poured two coffees. He plodded to his desk, placing a coffee on down in front of Tara and sunk down in his chair. The bullpen was relatively quiet, being that it was only 6:50 am.

"Thanks," Tara slumped forward and wrapped her hands around the mug. "Is it bad that I wish I had a hangover?" she toyed with Spencer.

"What? Did the wine not hit right last night? And the whiskey with dessert?" Spencer sipped his coffee.

"Err, no. Let's just say that any buzz I did have I was quickly sobered from by the end of the evening." Both Tara and Spencer winced at the thought of the vents that had unfolded the evening before. "Olivia... is she..."

Spencer answered before she could finish, "She is fine. They both are."

"I'm glad."

Just then Emily opened her office door. "Reid, can I talk to you a minute?"

"Err yeah sure." Spencer picked up his coffee and skipped up the steps to her office.

He entered her office and took a seat as Emily closed the door.

Emily quietly sat in her chair opposite Spencer. "Spencer, last night..."

"Emily... I don't..."

"Spencer, you and I both know what we saw last night was not JJ. I'm not taking her side I'm just saying." Emily was stern and serious.

"Emily, I won't let it affect the case.' Spencer sighed, emphasising his responsibility.

"I know you won't, that is not why I asked you here to talk about." Emily fiddled with files on her table.

"What is it then?" Spencer shook out his shoulders.

"JJ is your best friend." Emily clasped her hand together.

"She isn't acting like it." Spencer's jaw clenched.

"Spencer, SHE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND," Emily stressed each word.

"And Olivia is my wife. The mother of my unborn child. I'm going to overlook what happened yesterday, but I'm not going to forget." Spencer got off the seat and headed to the door. His hand was on the handle. "Emily, I know you're doing your part as a friend. I can guess that JJ asked for you to speak to me, but I would prefer that we not speak about last night again."

Emily sheepishly nodded.

Spencer left her office, almost bumping into Penelope.

"Oh, sorry Garcia."

"No worries my pretty little genius." Penelope pushed her glasses up on her face. Her hand reached for his cheek. "Olivia?"

"She is fine."

"Good," Penelope sighed in relief. "I have something for you." She pulled out a box from behind her back.

"What is it?" Spencer took the box.

"Open it," Penelope excitedly clapped.

Opening the box, Spencer produced a mug with the word's best daddy written across it.

"Garcia, I love it," Spencer exclaims.

"I knew you would. You are going to be a wonderful father."

"You think so?"

"Yes Spencer."

Spencer smiled at Penelope, but his smile fades as JJ starts climbing the stairs towards the conference room. He excused himself and made his way to the conference room and sat in his seat.

He hears the conference room door close. He turns his head to be met by JJ. He quickly snapped his head back.

"Spence, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me last night."

Spencer ignored her.

"If I'd known I would have never."

"Just stop Jennifer. That's not the point you shouldn't have been aggressive regardless. Besides you shouldn't be apologising to me." Spencer huffed and focused on the grains in the wood table in front of him.

Spencer could hear JJ trying to think of something to say.

"See this is the problem. You are all for telling me you're sorry, but you won't actually take responsibility where it matters. You're a fucking adult JJ, act like it." Spencer rolled his eyes.

"I'm trying," she whispered. "It just bothers me..."

"What. What bothers you?" Spencer was honestly done.

"That she doesn't care what other people think. It bothers me that she has everything in order. Just how she wants. When my situation is completely different."

Spencer grunted in disapproval. "JJ I'm done with this pathetic pity party that you have held for yourself. Other people have problems too. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. Stop projecting your insecurities on to my wife." Spencer yanked open the conference room door and saw that the rest of the team was patiently waiting outside, avoiding the confrontation.

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