Chapter 9- Work at home

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Spencer walked Olivia to her car. Opening up the back, he slotted her box of files and her suitcase into the trunk. She placed her bag and laptop inside. He precariously embraced her from behind, inhaling in the peach scent of her hair. He spun her around pulling her into his chest. "I'm sorry."

"You're sweaty," she squirmed, but nestled against him anyway.

"You didn't mention that when we were upstairs." Spencer teased her back.

"I was distracted then." Olivia shrugged nonchalantly. "You ran here?" She brushed his unruly curls with her hands.

"uh hum." He hummed, with a smile.

"I guess you're walking back then." Olivia patted him on the back pushing him away from her and climbing into the car. Spencer's mouth fell open, flabbergasted. Olivia rolled down the window. "I'm just joking get in."

He chuckled and clambered into the car. He was glad that she was taking this second chance seriously.

The trip to their apartment is uneventful.

When they arrive at the apartment, they don't have time to take a breath when the door knocked behind them.

Spencer opened the door, as Olivia carried boxes through to her desk.

"Dr Reid. We have files and evidence boxes for Olivia."

"We?" Spencer craned his neck.

Alice pointed to the side. Behind her stood a young woman and three young men. "Interns, here to help Olivia with the case. Sam wants them on the case with her."

"Liv knew you were coming?" He questioned.

"Errr... No. Sorry I forgot about that part." Alice apologised.

"Spence, can you help me get this file down. I can't move that rollie ladder thing." Olivia came out of the office. "Who is it?" she asked, trying to peer around him, as he stood at the door.

"Alice." Spencer shouted over his shoulder.

"Oh. Alice are there more files?" Olivia called out curiously to Alice without seeing her. Spencer moved out of the doorway letting Olivia get a look as she stood on the far side of the apartment. Olivia's forehead creased when she saw the small crowd outside her door. "What's going on?"

"Sorry Olivia I should have called ahead. The subpoenas for the Rochester case came through. The prosecution has requested the judge for a jury review. Sam just wanted all hands-on deck for it. These are the new interns. There are helping on the case. Sam wants your take on the case. He said to push the other cases you're working on for the day."

"Okay. It's okay it's my fault I missed Sam's messages. He was trying to tell me something earlier on the phone, but I was busy. Come in." She ushered them in. Standing next to Spencer, glancing at him. He placed a hand on her lower back, soothing her. He wanted to talk to her properly but now that would have to wait.

As each person entered, they introduced themselves to Olivia.

"Okay let me get this right. Erin." She pointed at the young female, who responded with a friendly smile. "Jonah." She pointed at a nervous man. "Oli." She pointed at a man with a big smile. "And..." Finally swivelling towards a muscular man and who nodded smugly.

"Matt." Spencer seethed. He already didn't like Matt.

"Alright. So now we have that out of the way. This is my house. Ummm, by the sounds of it, it's going to be a long day. The bathroom is that way. The kitchen is there. We have a coffee machine so you can help yourself. My desk is through that door. Me and Spencer share the office so we can set up on the dining table instead, so we don't get in his way." Before she could finish, Alice handed her a phone, signalling that she needed to take it.

"It's okay Olivia, I'll get them set up," Alice reassured. Olivia gratefully squeezed her arm and walked into the office.

"Right guys. I think she had pretty much told you everything. Put the boxes on the table and let's get started."

Spencer left them to it, collecting his book that he had dropped on the couch earlier and took it to the office.

He walked in a saw Olivia climbing on her chair trying to get a file down. "Liv, what are you doing your going to hurt yourself." He rushed over to her, holding her waist, so she didn't wobble.

"I need the file."

Spencer held her hand and helped her off the chair, pushing the chair aside. "I'll get it. Which one?" He leaned in close to her pushing her up against the bookshelf. "This one," he teased deliberately, pointing to the wrong file. She shook her head. "This one." Again, he pointed to the wrong one. She shook her head, pointing to the one she wanted. Spencer grabbed the one she wanted and brought it down between them. "Is it wrong for me to say I love seeing you pushed up against my bookshelf."

They heard a throat clear at the glass doors of the office. Spencer turned his head and saw Matt standing at the doors. "I'm making coffees. Would you like some?" He shifted uncomfortably at the door.

"No," Spencer's voice was rough. He turned his head back to Olivia.

"No, we're good thanks." Olivia rushed.

Olivia laughed with Spencer as Matt scuttled away.

"Urghh," Spencer groaned. "Looks like we can't have that talk yet."

"No," she agreed.

"I am sorry Liv."

"Spence. We can talk about this another time." She leaned up and kissed Spencer on his nose. Slipping out from his embrace, clutching the file, she left the office.

Spencer followed Olivia out of the office. He perched on a stool on at the kitchen island.

"It's strange not to see you working Dr Reid." Alice piped up as she sorted papers into piles along the table. Spencer dragged his eyes away from Olivia.

"Yeah, mandatory week off." He sighed.

"What, they wanted you to take a break from seeing the sick." Matt scoffed. Alice glared at him.

"Not that kind of Doctor," Spencer sneered back.

"Why did you need time off then?"

"Matt," Alice shouted back.

"It's alright Alice." He started straight into Matt's soul. "Held at gunpoint in LA with hostages by a serial killer." His retort was cut short when his phone rang. "Dr Reid," he said answering the call. "I'm on my way." He got off the chair and ran up the stairs to the bedroom, getting changed into a black shirt and black suit. He collected his wallet and credentials, going back down.

He walked straight into conversation about him.

"Dude, do you live under a rock," Jonah called out to Matt.

"That's Dr Reid. Three PhD's. Graduated high school at twelve years old. Youngest ever member of the BAU. Don't you remember the FBI talk in final semester of law school when they were recruiting for their legal team." Erin emphasised each point.

Matt's jaw dropped as he saw Spencer walk over to a safe, taking out his gun and holstering it. Spencer caught Matt staring at him. Spencer decided to push it aside and strolled over to Olivia. She sat crossed legged on a dining table chair, headphones on. Oblivious to her surroundings. Spencer rested his hands on her shoulder, planting a kiss on her cheek. She slid the headphones off.

"Emily called; we got a case in Florida. I'll call you later. It might be a few days." She nodded in comprehension, watching him walk out the door.     

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