Chapter 35- What are friends for?

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Spencer grinned at Olivia while he plodded down the stairs. She waved good morning to him while still talking on the phone.

Olivia ended he call just as Spencer was pouring his coffee.

"I have to go to New York for a couple of days. Sit on the depositions and the bail judgement." She sighed as she typed out a series messages.

"Okay." Spencer drew out his words. He poured a mysterious liquid into a tall glass and pushed it towards Olivia. "When will you be back?"

Olivia suspiciously eyed the drink. "Just a couple of days. Wednesday or Thursday maybe. What is this?" She raised the glass.

"It's packed with vitamins and electrolytes. You need to drink it. Remember we have an appointment on Friday"

"Yes, Spence I remember." She reluctantly sipped the drink. Surprisingly it wasn't terrible. "Mmmm. Not bad."

"Yeah?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah," she reciprocated. "I better go pack." She chugged her drink and placed the glass in the dishwasher. "Alice has already booked the flight. You know she booked it for tonight. I told her to book it for tomorrow morning. You know what she said. I need to slow down. Pregnant women need to take thing slowly. Then she told me some statistics about it. Did you feed her that bullshit?"

Spencer animatedly gasped. "Language. Do you know amniotic fluid amplifies sound? Also, yes. I may have influenced Alice. Someone has to take care of you. And you won't do it."

"Spence I'm carrying a baby, not a bomb. I'll be fine." Olivia sauntered up the stairs.

"You are almost twenty weeks..." Spencer raced behind her with his coffee in hand.

"Trust me I know. None of my clothes fit me." She stood in the middle of her closet.

"I think you look great." Spencer hugged her from behind.

"I appreciate that, Spence." She reached her hand behind her and caressed his face.

"You sit. I'll pack for you."

"Seriously?" Olivia's head snapped in delight.

"Seriously." He nodded.

Olivia walked out of the closet and collapsed onto the bed. "Good, because I am exhausted."

The next morning Spencer was woken up by the shrill of his alarm clock. He groaned and rolled onto the cold side of the bed that belonged to Olivia. It was a paperwork day. He didn't usually mind but it meant that he had to sit opposite JJ all day. There was no way to avoid it.

When Spencer arrived at the office he began sifting through the stack of papers on his desk. The quicker he started the quicker he would finish.

At lunch time Spencer finally took his eyes of the files. He inhaled deeply.

"If only people knew the paperwork we have to plough through. I'm sure my hand is about to fall off." Matt reciprocated Spencer's sigh. He plucked his phone from his desk and answered the call.

"Hey honey. Yeah, it's been a long day. No, I don't think I'll be home in time. So much paperwork. Yeah. Love you. See you tonight. Don't wait up." Spencer couldn't help but sympathise with Matt as he overhead one side of the phone conversation.

"Kirsty?" Spencer asked.

"Yup. We have been planning a movie night, just us, for the past few weeks. Something always gets in the way. The kids are all out at friends' houses tonight so we thought we finally had our window, but I guess not." Matt glowered at the stack of files on his desk.

Spencer got off his seat and took some files off the top of Matt's stack.

"You don't have to do that Reid," Matt tried to stop him.

"Simmons it's fine. I didn't have any plans anyway. I don't mind stay a little longer. Besides we all know that I finish paperwork the fastest"

"You should be spending time with Olivia. Enjoy it while you can." Matt insisted.

"And I will. When she isn't working too. She's in New York for a few days. She left last night."

"Are you sure Reid?" Matt asked again.

"Absolutely. Call Kirsty and tell her you'll be home in time." Spencer handed Matt the phone had dropped on to the table.

"Thanks Reid. I owe you."

"No problem. What are friends for." Spencer walked over to his desk, letting Matt make his call. Spencer flipped open his files and began working again, not noticing that JJ's eyes were fully trained on him.

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