Chapter 32- Check up

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Luckily for them Olivia and Spencer were friends with their neighbour, who also happened to be a doctor.

Their neighbour, Zhang, was all too happy to check on Olivia. Fortunately, Dr Zhang Yong, had a small private practice set up in his home, for his medical pro bono work.

"There is nothing to worry about Spencer. Olivia is doing absolutely fine." Zhang reassured a twitchy Spencer. "Congratulation, by the way," Zhang smiled at Olivia.

"Thanks Zhang. Sorry for disturbing you so late at night." Olivia got up of the bed, adjusting her clothes.

"No worries at all. You both can call on me anytime. My daughter loves when you two come over. She is going to quite upset when she finds out you guys came over."

Zhang had a seven-year-old daughter, that affectionately latched onto Olivia and Spencer.

"How is she?" Olivia asked.

"She is doing well. Spencer, she finished the book that you gave her on Quantum Mechanics."

"Did she like it?" Spencer's curiosity peaked.

"Like it," Zhang scoffed. "It's all she reads. I'm afraid you might not get it back."

Spencer chuckled. "That is fine. Elenore can keep it. It's hers now."

"Thank you. I will let her know. Now Olivia, I know you are past the twelve-week mark, but you do have to be careful."

"Got it Doc." Olivia assured him. "Thanks again."

"Yes, we should get going. Thank you, Zhang," Spencer corroborated.

Spencer and Olivia walked down the hall to their apartment.

They silently entered the apartment.

"Liv, I'm sorry.'

"For what?" She grabbed a tub of ice cream from the freezer and a spoon from the drawer.

"This is my fault, and if something happened to you or the baby."

"Spence, stop. I am the last person to defend JJ, but I know that she was in a state of panic. She feels like her life is crumbling. I'm not going to let her get to me. I'm just going to stay away from her." Olivia dipped her spoon into the tub and licked the spoon.

Spencer was a little confused. "I was thinking how you stayed so calm. I was sure you would go all Kungfu Panda on JJ when she grabbed your arm."

"I had to prioritise. I have enough stress from my cases. I'm not trying to create more drama. Besides I knew you wouldn't let her." Olivia took another spoonful and sealed the tub. "I am so tired. I think I ate too much." Olivia rubbed her stomach.

Spencer put the tub away in the freezer and guided her to their bedroom.

They both got ready for bed.

Spencer sat on his side of the bed scrolling through a message on his phone, when Olivia emerged from the bathroom and slid into her side. Spencer slid down beside her, positioning his arm under her neck and bringing her into his him. Olivia rested her palm on his bare chest. She nestled her face deeper into Spencer, her weary eyes closed. Spencer mindlessly stroked her hair.

Hours went by as Spencer watched Olivia's breathing deeply as she slept on his chest. His phone rang. He quickly silenced the bell so that it didn't disturb Olivia. "Dr Reid," he answered the phone, quietly.

It was Emily. "Spence, we have a case. We are all meeting at 7:00am. You good with that."

"Yeah Emily. I'll see you in a few hours." Spencer stared down at Olivia.



"How is Olivia?" He could hear the hesitance in her voice.

"She is fine. She is actually sleeping right now, and I don't want to disturb her."

"I understand. See you in a few, Reid."

Spencer turned off his phone and reached to the side, placing it back on the table. As he did, he knocked Olivia slightly, causing her to stir.

"Liv?" He whispered checking if she was asleep.

"Hmm?" she sleepily responded.

"I'm not going to be here when you wake up."

"Aww," she whined.

"I love you," he added.

"Hmm," she hazily acknowledged. 

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