Chapter 18- Thirteen?

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Matt sat in the chair that Alice had once occupied, refusing to go home.

"Simmons, you can go. Honestly."

"Reid. I'm staying."

Alice walked in with coffees, handing them out to the two men. "I spoke to a nurse. They said that they are going to take Olivia for another CT." Spencer nodded. Matt and Alice left the room to get some air.

An hour later, Spencer had pulled up the chair close to Olivia's bed. He saw her stir. She groaned when she tried to open her eyes.

"Liv?" She continued to stir. Spencer scrapped the chair back and pressed the call button to alert the nurse's station. "Liv, stay still okay." He held her hand as she stilled once more. "Dr Stevens she's waking up." Spencer announced to the doctor as he walked.

Dr Stevens checked her vitals and helped her sit up.

"How are you feeling, Olivia?"

"Fine," she mumbled, mustering up a smile.

"Good news is the swelling has gone down, quite dramatically. You need to keep your fluids up. If you're feeling up to it, I would like to discuss the tests we did."

"Sure, but they won't say anything. They never do."

Dr Stevens smiled, "Dr Reid, you asked my theory before. I thought that there might have been multiple stressors that aggravated her migraines. One is potentially stress. Another is dehydration. Oliva hasn't been sleeping well. Her iron was low. Normally there is a root cause though. Tests concluded nothing neural, viral or bacterial. So, all clear on that front."

"So, what I'm hearing is I can go?"

"Yes, Olivia you can. But there is one more thing. Your blood test did show that you are pregnant. That would explain the dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite. Your body is redirecting its systems. The balance in your body is being thrown off. That combined with everything else is why you have been feeling unwell. That won't be a problem though. Now that we know we can manage the symptoms."

Olivia's jaw fell open. "Wait, what?"

"She said your pregnant," Spencer voice was monotonous, still processing the news.

"No," she laughed. "This is a joke right." She laughed, rubbing the side of her head, knocking off the electrode placed on her right temple. Immediately a machine erupted in beeping. Spencer leaned over her, placing it back on her temple.

"She's not, beautiful." He tucked her hair behind her ear.

"How did this happen?" She gasped.

"I think you know how," he chuckled.

"We can set you up an ultrasound and then you can go home," Dr Stevens interrupted. Olivia's was still silent in denial.

"That would be great Doctor, thank you." Spencer called out. He waited for the doctor to leave the room. "Hey Liv, it's okay. Everything is going to be fine. How do you feel?"

"I... don't... know," she expressed slowly. "How are you feeling?'


"Of course."

"I couldn't be more excited. I'm trying so hard to contain myself. I wish it was better circumstances. You fainted Olivia. Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?"

"I really didn't feel that bad. It just came over me all of a sudden."

A knock stemmed from the door.

"Mrs Reid. I'm Aimee and I'm here to do you ultrasound." The lady jovially introduced herself to Olivia. "And you must be the baby's father."

A huge grin spread over Spencer face.

"This is going to be nice and simple. We just going to see how far along you are and get you a little picture to take home, okay?"

Before they knew it, they were they were looking at the monitor, hands linked.

"Look like you are thirteen weeks along."

"Thirteen? Aren't you a profiler Dr Reid? How did you not catch this?" Olivia exclaimed.

"Umm...I...Ummm. I have no excuse," he laughed.

"I'm going to grab that print out for you," the midwife beamed, leaving Spencer and Olivia alone in the room.

Spencer edged closer to the monitor, his finger grazing the monitor. "You know she is about the size of a lemon."

"She?" Olivia quirked, making Spencer turn to her.

"I have feeling," he smiled sheepishly. Olivia cheeks rose as she smiled. "You know you're going to be a great mother." Spencer's face was inches from hers.

"You don't actually have anyway of knowing that for sure." She smirked.

"On paper I'm a genius, so you're just going to have to take my word for it." Spencer kissed her and rested his forehead on her. "Can I?" He asked at Olivia, his eyes meeting hers. She nodded. Spencer placed his hand delicately on her stomach.

"You're going to be the best dad," she lulled in his ear.

"I hope so."

Aimee entered the room again. "Here you go lovelies." She handed Olivia a little booklet. "I didn't want to assume, but here is a small one for daddy's wallet." She handed a small image to a thrilled Spencer. "Congratulations." Spencer shuffled closer to Olivia, so that his face was beside hers as they analysed the ultrasound. "I have spoken with Dr Stevens and she is happy for you to head home once you sign this discharge form." She left the room.

"Alice bought your stuff," Spencer placed a bag on the chair.



"Let's not say anything yet." She referred to Alice. Her face almost pleading.

"That is fine by me," he reassured. "We'll find another time. Whenever you're ready. Get dressed, I'll give in the discharge papers." He patted her arm and left the room.

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