Alternative Ending

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Spencer restlessly paced around the waiting room. Anytime he heard a door open his head shot up. But every time he was left waiting, more anxious than the time before. It had been hours.

The door opened again. "Spence?"

Spencer jerked his head up and saw JJ propping the door open with her torso.

He looked away wiping his eyes.

JJ approached him. She sat in the chair beside him. "She'll be okay," JJ whispered. "They both will be."

"What do you want Jennifer?" Spencer rubbed his eyes, impatiently.

JJ hesitated. "I know this isn't the best time, but I want to... apologise for... everything. To you and to Olivia. I just want thing to be like they were. When we were friends."

"Jennifer... just... I don't have time for this." Spencer shot up from his seat, pacing again.

"I know I'm sorry. I've been a shitty friend. You were always by my side when I needed you. I just wanted to try and be a good friend again."

Spencer stopped loosening his tie and unbuttoning the top button.

"Olivia Reid?" The nurse called out.

"Yes," Spencer asked hurriedly.

"You're here husband?"


"She's out of surgery. The doctor is waiting with her."

Spencer picked up his jacket and scuttled out the door.

He rushed into the room that Olivia was lying in. "Liv. You're okay? She's okay, right?" Spencer asked the doctor as he took Olivia's hand.

"Yes," the doctor chuckled. "The surgery was successful. We removed the bullet. There were no complications with the baby. They are both doing just fine."

Spencer exhaled in relief.

"We are going to keep overnight observation, but she looks like she is going to pull through. You have a strong wife and child, Dr Reid."

"Yeah, I know," Spencer cooed, stroking Olivia's hair.

Spencer sat beside Olivia all night, until she stirred in the early hours of the morning.

"Spence," she croaked.

"Yeah. Yeah... It's me Liv. You're okay," he reassured.

"The baby?"

"She's fine."

A light knock on the door interrupted them.

"Time for some antibiotics," the nurse stepped into the room.

"I think her I.V is already administering them." Spencer pointed out.

"Doctor's order," the nurse quirked.

"Wait... what is that? Tazocin! She can't have that. She's allergic to any antibiotics containing beta-lactams."

"The doctor has prescribed this," the nurse insisted, filling the syringe with the antibiotic.

Spencer instinctively and discreetly reached for his gun. "Can we speak to the doctor?" Spencer requested.

The nurse raised his eyebrow. "I really don't think that is necessary"

"I do." Spencer shouted.

The nurse brandished a gun.

A gun shot went off. Spencer's eyes widened. As the nurse fell to the ground, he saw JJ stood at the door, with her gun in her hand.

Spencer gawped for a moment. Then he ran over to the nurse, kicking the gun away from him. "It's fine. The shot only disarmed him. JJ get a doctor. JENNIFER," Spencer bellowed.

JJ sped off down the hall, returning with a doctor.

After all the commotion, Olivia broke her silence. "Wow he really wants to kill me."

"We'll get him Liv."

"I know," she smiled at him. "I just want to go home. I don't want to see a hospital in a while."

But of course, that wasn't going to happen. Three weeks later, Spencer was rushing Olivia to the hospital, in a panic. "Just breath," he cried out, mimicking the motions.

"Spence, calm down. It's not that bad right now. My shoulder hurts more."

"Calm down. How am I supposed to do that? You're in pain and it's my fault." Spencer rambled away.

"It takes two to tango, Spence. Now watch the road."

"How are you so relaxed?" Spencer was alarmed.

"Oh, I'm not. But we can't both be panicked otherwise this good go sideways real quick."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be Spence. Not yet anyway. But you might be if you don't focus on the road." She jabbed her finger at the road.

At 00:34 on August 3rd, they welcomed their daughter into the world.

"She's so beautiful. Even more so than I had imagined," Spencer cooed.

"So, Dr Reid. What was that name, that you thought off?" Olivia asked him.

"Don't you want to discuss it?" Spencer asked.

"Well, let's hear it first. We can discuss it after."

"Alright." Spencer placed their daughter into Olivia's arms, and sat down, draping his arms over Olivia's shoulders. "I was thinking Skylar." Spencer was almost bracing himself for the backlash.

"Why are you flinching like that?" Olivia laughed.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Anyway, Skylar is a variation the Dutch word for scholar, Schuyler. And seeing that I gradated when I was 12 and you graduated when you were 15. I think the chances are in our favour."

Olivia looked down at their daughter. "Skylar?" She mused. "I love that."

"You do?"

"I do." Olivia insisted.

"I love you Liv. I love you more than anything in the world." Spencer leaned across and placed a kiss on Olivia's cheek.

Olivia paused. "It's okay Spence, you don't have to lie."

Spencer frowned in dismay.

"You love Skye the most. And this perfectly okay with me." Olivia returned his kiss.


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