Chapter 5- Red handed

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Olivia closed the door and instinctively reached to disarm the alarm, but it was already off. She cocked her head in confusion. She reconciled that Spencer must have forgotten in a hurry.

Olivia poured a glass of water for Will.

"Will, drink this. You need to calm down. How is Henry?" She gestured for Will to take a seat at the kitchen island.

"He is okay for now. JJ's mom is with him and Michael. That's why I came to look for JJ."

"Let me call Spencer and see if he knows." Olivia redialled Spencer number.

Both Will and Olivia's heads turned in surprise, when a phone rang from upstairs.

"That explains why he isn't answering, He has left it at home." Olivia walked out from behind the island and walked up the stairs. "Will, maybe try calling David. That man always knows everything." Olivia called out to Will as she climbed the stairs.

Will agreed. "I don't have his house number..."

"Don't worry I'll grab it from Spencer's phone for you." Olivia slid her phone into her back pocket and opened the bedroom door. "I'll call Penny again too..." Olivia abruptly stopped talking and slammed the door, closing it, making Will turn in his chair and look up at her standing frozen outside the bedroom door.

"Olivia?" he called out. Olivia didn't respond. She stared at the door in horror. She couldn't get the image out of her mind. It was as if it was burned there. Spencer and JJ lay tangled up in each other, while clothes were scattered across the room. Spencer had lifted his head and met Olivia's gaze in shock, calling out her name. That was when she slammed the door.

Her hands were shaking. Will bound up the stairs.

"Olivia, what's wrong?" He saw Olivia's eyes glazed over and her breathing laboured. "Are you okay?"

Will was trying to coax an answer out of her when Spencer open's the bedroom door half-dressed and in a panic.

"Liv I'm sorry... It's not..." Spencer mouth snapped shut and his eyes shined with horror when he saw Will beside Olivia.

"Spencer, she is... I don't know she was fine a minute ago ..." Will stumbled on his words, until his eyes slid past Spencer and landed on JJ, who was hurriedly chucking her clothes on. "What the fuck is going on?" Will was enraged but he kerbed it as he felt Olivia shaking beside him. JJ appeared behind Spencer. "I can't believe this. Henry is in hospital and she is fucking about." Will laughs hysterically, clearly in pain.

JJ stepped out the room and tried to latch onto Will's arm, stopping him from leaving. "Will wait."

Will shakes off JJ. "No," he shouts. "You lied to me. You said you were working." He shook JJ of his arm. "Unbelievable. I'm going to take care of my son." Will spat out his final words and walked down the stairs. JJ collapsed on the stairs, shaking as she cried.

"Liv. I..." Olivia held back her emotions until Spencer stepped closer trying to apologise.

"Please don't touch me," she whispered. Her voice was strained. She awoke from her catatonic state and stormed down the stairs, catching up with Will. "Will, can I come with you? I just can't be here."

Will nodded empathetically.

Both Olivia and Will did not utter a word to each other on the journey to the hospital. They didn't speak when they were inside the hospital. They didn't speak when they arrived at Henry's bedside. They sat silently in the room with Henry as he slept.

Will eventually told JJ's mother that JJ was on a case and would arrive soon. Her questions were easily avoided once Henry woke up.

"Henry, are you feeling better now?" Will pulled Henry into a hug.

"Yes dad. I'm fine." Henry looked over and saw Olivia leaning against the window. "Aunt Liv? Did dad make a big deal out of it? I just hurt my leg."

This made Olivia smile. "Don't worry Henry. I'm only here because I wanted to be the first to sign your cast."

She sat on the side of the bed chatting to Henry as she drew on his cast.

"Henry," A little while later, JJ's voice floated through the room making Olivia pen pause. She sighed and pursing her lips. JJ sat on the opposite side of the bed hugging Henry. Olivia rose from bed, backing away. As she did, she bumped into Spencer. He unconsciously touched her back but quickly pulled back. Olivia gulped as she stood beside Spencer. Both couples shared awkward glances, as JJ's mother scuttled around the room, doting on the two young boys.

Olivia eased up slightly when Spencer slipped out of the room. She exhaled heavily leaning against the wall. That only lasted 10 minutes.

Spencer returned armed with coffee and snacks. He placed everything on table but carried on holding onto two cups. He slowly wandered over to his original position beside Olivia. Once he had he held out the coffee for her.

"I got them to find that salted caramel syrup that you like." He patiently waited, hoping that she would take it from him.

Olivia stared at the cup her throat drying up. Her fists clenched by her side. She took in a deep breath and relaxed her hands. She took the cup from Spencer, not meeting his gaze. Olivia cringed away from Spencer's touch. His thumb had brushed the back of her hand.

"I also got you these." Spencer cleared his throat and pulled a packet of stroopwafels from his jacket pocket.

"I'm fine," she mumbled, shaking her head.

"You have a headache. You haven't eaten since you got back from New York. Sugar will help." He pushed the pastries into her free hand with a reassuring look. She hated that he was right. She took the stroopwafel out of the packet, broke it in half and offered the other half to Spencer. He gratefully took it from her. "Shall we go home?" Hearing this she paused, with her mouth full. She slowly nodded, uncertain as to why she agreed.  

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