Chapter 12- LaMontagne

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Spencer, JJ and Rossi returned to the car after visiting the crime scene.

"You guys go ahead, I'm just going to make a call." Spencer paused. Rossi carried on to the car, but JJ eyed Spencer suspiciously. "I'll just be a minute." He reached into his pocket and typed in Olivia's number. He pressed the phone to his ear. He glanced at JJ waving her away politely.

Back in Virginia, Olivia was slumped over her desk. Her phone rattled the table. Her head shot up. She winced at her phone screen and saw Spencer name pop up on the screen.

"Hello," she yawned.

"Good morning, did I wake you?" Spencer frowned shrugging his sleeve to check his watch. She was normally up by this time.

"Yeah. But it's probably a good thing."

Spencer's frown deepened. "You were working all night?" It was less of a question and more of a statement.

"Big case load." She didn't fool Spencer. She was deflecting.

"As long as you feel up to it." Spencer subconsciously twiddled with his wedding ring.

"Yeah, I was thinking of taking a bit of a break later. I might go and check in on Henry."

"Oh, yeah that sounds great." Deep down Spencer was worried. He had heard form JJ that Will was not handling it well.

"Enough about me Spence. How are you doing?" Olivia sighed.

"I'm okay. I'm hoping this case will be done in the next couple of days. I just want to come home."

"Me too." She released a desperate breath. "I love you Spencer." His heart stopped.

"I love you Liv." Spencer replied back quickly, not wanting to miss his chance. "I'll speak to you soon."

Olivia groaned and slumped back onto desk, wearily.

She got ready and packed up the cookies she had made for Henry and Michael.

By mid-afternoon she pulled up outside the LaMontagne house. She was greeted by Will opening the door before had knocked.

"I thought I saw you pull up."

"I bought cookies." Olivia jiggled the bag.

"Come in. The boys are just watching a movie."

Olivia followed Will into the room where the boys were lounging on the couch, watching Avengers. "Henry, how are you healing up?"

"Hey Aunt Liv. I'm fine."

"Really," Will questioned. "Weren't you just complaining."


"It's okay Henry. Take advantage while you can," Olivia egged on Henry.

"Auntie Livi, look at my lego." Michael tugged on Olivia's leg.

"Wow," Olivia plopped herself on the floor next to Michael.

"Olivia, do you want a drink." Will tapped Olivia on the shoulder.

"Ermm... what you got?" she asked.

"Tea, coffee, juice, soda... the hard stuff," he sighed.

"Might skip on that last one. Juice sounds good." She guffawed.

"Okay. Hey Michael, let's let Auntie Livi have a drink okay. Why don't you start that lego too?" He directed Michael.

Olivia picked herself up off the floor.

In the kitchen, Will poured a juice for Olivia, sliding it towards her.

"I was going to ask you how you were doing, but the fact that you are pouring yourself a whiskey at three in the afternoon, might be my answer." Olivia raised her eyebrow at Will, as she sipped her juice.

Will laughed hysterically. "My relationship with JJ has never been conventional," he admitted. "But this was something else. It's just been too hard for me. I can't even look at her. I just don't want it to effect the boys." Will shook his head. "What about you and Spencer?"

"We spent some time apart."

"Spent being past tense." He deadpanned.

"Yep." Olivia pursed her lips. "Guess I'm weaker than I look."

"You're not weak Olivia. And don't think I'm judging you for your choices, because I'm not. It's a brave choice to try and hear him out and work things out. But please do what's best for you. Not anyone else."

"Is that what you're going to do?" she asked.

"I hope so. I just don't know what that looks like yet."

"What about the boys?"

"They are the why I don't know what to do? If I didn't have them, we wouldn't be having this discussion. That's what I'm trying to say to you. I'm not trying to insensitive, but you don't have anything holding you back."

"What about all the time?" she was almost pleading for an excuse.

"Don't let that hold you back Olivia."

"We have been together for almost 5 years."

"Yes, and we all know that Spencer and JJ have been friends for 17. When do you think those feelings started? They have shared things that we couldn't even dream of." He scrutinised Olivia.

"Don't you think you have shared things with JJ that no one else could dream of."

"Yes. We have. I don't know if that's enough."

"We sound like we are both batting for opposite sides." She leaned back in exhaustion. "You know one thing does keep niggling me. If I had meet Spencer way back, before you meet JJ. Would he still choose me?" She gulped and looked down. "And the reality is, he wouldn't have. I don't even think he choose me now. He just compromised. He settled."

"Olivia don't torture yourself like that. That's why I said make your choice for you. You have to live with them."

"Thanks, Will." She looked at her watch. "I better get back to work. Stay in touch okay." She hugged Will and waved bye to the kids, before leaving.

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