Chapter 39- S

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Spencer and Matt looked around the room.

"Olivia definitely put up a fight?" Matt announced.

Spencer winced. "She was an avid kickboxer," he muttered. "But something her looks wrong. First of all, Liv is almost 20 weeks pregnant. She knows it would have been smarter to just go along with it then risk the baby's health. Secondly the pattern of disarray her looks odd. It looks like there were four people fighting and they all had a height above 6 feet. Olivia is tall but she is not 6 feet tall."

"You think the people that took her fought amongst each other?" Matt asked.

"Possibly. Or they wanted it to look like Olivia was hurt. To put us in a tough spot. Make us more desperate."

Matt nodded as he thought about Spencer's theory.

"Simmons," Matt answered his phone. "Yeah, we're leaving now." Matt pocketed his phone. "Prentiss wants us back at the office."

Spencer nodded and followed Matt out, but then stopped in his tracks. He spit a hint of something gold on the nightstand. He wandered over to inspect it. It was dainty gold chain with 'S' incrusted in diamonds at the centre of it, that Spencer had gotten for her on their first anniversary.

"Reid, is everything alright."

Spencer turned to Matt holding the necklace in his hand. "She never takes this off," Spencer trembled. "Ever," he repeated.

"Maybe the kidnappers yanked it off," Matt speculated.

Spencer violently shook his head. "No. The chain would have been damaged. And they wouldn't have thoughtfully placed it on the nightstand. She has taken this off. But why?"

"Reid don't torment yourself by reading too much into it. Let's head back."

Spencer pursed his lip and nodded. He lopped Olivia's chain around his neck and tucked it into his shirt, out of sight.

They arrive back at the field office.

"Guys over here," Prentiss called out to Matt and Spencer as they entered. "Look what Alvez found."

Luke spun around in his chair. "CCTV at the hotel was cut when Olivia was taken. But we checked footage of Olivia throughout her entire day from when she left the hotel. When he was at the courthouse. At lunch," Luke counted on his fingers. "And it looks like she was being followed. We have multiple sightings of the same car. We check the plates they were stolen. We are trying to back track and see if we can get the originals."

"Have you asked Alice?" Spencer queried.

"Rossi and JJ are bring her over now."

Just then Rossi opened the door showing in Alice. JJ padded in after closing the door.

"Dr Reid. I am so sorry. I was supposed to be watching out for her." Alice looked tired and her lips quivered in worry.

"It's not your fault Alice," Spencer consoled her. "But right now, we need you to concentrate and help us out. Can you do that?"

Alice wiped her tears and nodded.

"Do you remember seeing this car?"

"No," she replied definitively.

"Garcia sent over some pictures. Just let us know if you recognise anyone."

Luke began scrolling through the picture until Alice stopped him. "Him. But he couldn't have done this." Alice blurted out.

"Why not?" JJ asked.

"He is one of the people we are prosecuting. Tai Baker. In conjunction with Castillo family."   

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