Chapter 42- The call

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Spencer tapped his feet and watched the clock hands tick away.

"It's six. Why are they not calling?" Spencer jumped out of the chair knocking it to the ground.

"Reid, be patient." Emily encouraged.

"They are just trying to put you on edge Reid. It's common in hostage situations." Luke summarised.

"Well, it's working." Spencer paced around the room.

Penelope's voice boomed through the speakers. "A head's up guys. Naomi Castillo, formerly Naomi Cavanagh, current address in Manhattan Island. Hospital records show that she has two biological children. One being Olivia and the other a boy. No name on file. But here is the kicker guys. Naomi has been linked to a series of off-shore bank accounts in the Cayman Islands under the name, Naomi Baker."

"As in Tai Baker?" Emily asked.

"The one and only," Penelope disclosed.

"So Tai Baker is her son. It's not too much of a push to connect the dots and assume he is the heir of the Castillo family. So, we can presume that she is doing this to get Olivia to drop the case against Tai."

Just then the phone began buzzing. The whole room fell silent. Spencer hesitated and then answered the call. "Hello?"

"Dr Reid. A pleasure to talk to you. I see you made it safely to New York."

"You're keeping tabs on me?" He played along.

"We'll you are my son-in-law. Have to see if you are taking care of my daughter. Your background history was a treat to read. A genius. Wow. Law enforcement. Double wow. But the best part. A Dilaudid addict. A former prison inmate. How many of your girlfriends have been in danger because of you? How many times have you almost died?" Naomi laughed out. "I thought Leo would have vetted you better than that."

"Is that why you called? To pretend and play happy families." Spencer sucked his breath in.

"You don't need me for that. Seems you and Olivia have that all under control. Is it a bouncing baby boy or beautiful little girl? I tried to ask Olivia, but she won't talk to me. She is throwing a tantrum. She was always good at that."

Spencer bit his tongue. "We haven't found out."

"Oh. What a shame? That's half the fun. I bet that was my daughter's idea. Ever so stubborn, much like me."

"She is nothing like you," Spencer raged.

"Hmm we shall see," Naomi sweetly replied.

"I want to speak to her." Spencer shouted.

"And you will. In good time. First..."

"No," Spencer interrupted. "First I will speak to Liv."

"OOO. Someone is a bit pushy. Someone likes to be in control. Or at least think they are. Are you this rough with my daughter?"

Spencer rubbed his face. This conversation was fatiguing. "Don't act like you care. Put Olivia on, or I'm ending this call."

"I wouldn't do that. Don't you care about them," Naomi continued to tease, but she could sense that Spencer was losing patience. Spencer heard Naomi quietly call out in the background. "Here."

"Hello?" he heard Olivia's voice croak.

"Liv," he sighed out. The sound of her voice was little comfort. He could hear her strain as she talked.

"Spence I..." He could hear her slur

Spencer stopped her. "Liv, don't. Please don't. You can say it when I see you in person. I'm going to find you. Yeah?" He begged her.

"Okay," she responded. She was clearly out of it.

"I found your necklace, baby."

"You did?"

"Uh huh. I love you." He whispered trying to mask the pian in his voice. "We are going to take you home soon, love."

"Okay," she simply responded.

"Alright that's enough," Naomi sweetness had faded and was replaced was a darkness. "You heard her, now here is what I want."

"We know what you want." Spencer shuddered

"Good. This is going to be faster than I thought. Tell her then."

"I won't," Spencer sighed.

"You will if you know what's good for you."

"The decision is hers." Spencer persisted, knowing that Olivia wouldn't give in.

"Even if it means she might hurt the baby." Spencer winced but held it together.

"The decision is hers. I support her decisions. And she wouldn't be hurting our child. You would be."

"Let's hope she makes the right decision for everyone." The call cut off.

Spencer slammed his fist on the table. "Garcia?"

"Just give me a second." After a second, she gasped. "I got it. Sending you the coordinates now."

They all scrambled to their feet throwing on their bullet proof vests and jackets.


We are approaching the end of this story. Only a few more chapters to go.

 Thanks for reading, voting and commenting, I appreciate it.

Here is a link to my other completed Spencer Reid story.

My next story is going to be based around the first Cat and Spencer episode Entropy season 11 episode 11. But with a slight twist. Working in it now. If you have any thought or suggestions let me know xx

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