Chapter 37- Serious?

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Thanks for all the reads so far. 

I have an ending in mind. So think there is going to be around 5 or 6 more chapters. 

I gave an idea for a new story too.


The twenty-minute journey to the jet was torment for Spencer.

He felt momentary relief when he was able to contact Alice.

"Alice! When was the last time you saw Liv?"

"Dr Reid? What time is it?" Alice's voice was tired and croaky.

"Alice, focus. Liv. When did you last see her?" Spencer rushed her.

"She should be in her hotel room. We were headed to dinner, but she said she wasn't felling up for it. She said she would just get room service. I haven't seen her since then," Alice explained. "Dr Reid, is something wrong?"

He ignored her question. "Did anything untoward happen?"

"Untoward? What do you mean?" Alice asked.

Spencer grew impatient. "Was Liv acting different?" He was shouting into the phone.

"Spencer," JJ cautioned.

"Anything at all?" Spencer calmly asked.

"Umm. Well before we left the courthouse, Olivia went to get some water. I saw her talking to someone. Well, it was less of a conversation more her listening. When she came back, she was quiet. That's when she said she didn't want to go to dinner anymore, even though it was all she had been looking forward to all day. That is the only thing I can think of."

"No that is good. That is really good. Alice, stay in your room. Don't open the door for anyone. I'm on my way to New York. I'll call you when I get there and someone from the New York field office will come to retrieve you."

"What?" Spencer abruptly ended the call, avoiding anymore of her questions.


"Not now Jennifer." Spencer didn't look up from his phone.

"Oh, we're still doing that are we?" JJ fixed her eyes to the road.

Spencer sighed and his body drooped. "What, JJ? What?"

"You are still angry with me?" she professed.

"Look, JJ. I don't know if you noticed but I have much bigger things to think about right now than my current feelings towards you." Spencer was startled by JJ's demeanour.

"I thought if I told you, that everything would go back to normal."

Spencer was confused by the correlation of this conversation with the current mounting situation. He was speechless, until JJ stopped car on the side of the road.

"What are you doing?" Spencer urgently asked JJ. "Time is of the essence. Stop playing around, JJ."

"If Olivia wasn't pregnant, would you still...?" JJ's words were slow and deliberate.

"Would I what?" Spencer spat out, trying to hurry the conversation along, so she would drive to the airstrip.

"Would you still be with her? Would you still act towards me the way you have been?"

Spencer slammed his fist on the dashboard. "Are you serious?" Spencer shoved open the car door and climbed out. "Unbelievable," he muttered. He slammed the car door, avoiding JJ and hailed down a cab.

When Spencer arrived at the jet, he filled the rest of the team in on what he found out form Alice. He only paused his rambling when he sees JJ enter the jet and take a seat across the galley from him.

Emily picked up the conversation at that point. "I have been in contact with the New York field office. They are checking out Olivia's hotel room and CCTV in the hotel."

"I have tried to triangulate Olivia's phones cell signal, but the areas it's bouncing off contain a populous of more than a million signals. It's also the area where her hotel room would bounce from. It's possible the messages were sent from there." Penelope confirmed.

"What about the pictured?" Tara asked.

"The room is relatively non-descript," Luke added.

"But that must mean that the voice notes and messages were sent from wherever that room is. Not the hotel room. So, where she is being held has to be in that area,' Matt speculated.

"Not necessarily,' Penelope grimaced. "If they know anyone with even a small about of hacking knowledge, they could easily bounce the signal. They could be in Utah, but make it appear as if they were in that hotel room."

Rossi cleared his throat. "Yes, but they did not have enough time to take her to Utah. The last time Alice saw Olivia was at seven pm when she left for dinner. Spencer and Olivia's father received messages at almost midnight. In the voice note it sounded as if they had already tried convincing Olivia of something, but it hasn't worked. Clearly whatever they want is desperate and they need to convince her soon. Otherwise, they could have waited to contact Spencer. They don't have time to take her far. She is in the city somewhere and my guess is she is in the area where the signal is highlighting."

"Okay," Emily breathed out. "Get some rest it's going to be a long night. We'll touch down in 45 minutes. We need to hit the ground running. Hopefully by the time we reach the field office they will have finished canvasing."

Spencer silently stared out the window, out into the darkness. His leg was bouncing in anticipation. As much as the team wanted to say something, they left a jittery Spencer alone. 

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