the firefly

169 38 77

the firefly
notification light

on my phone
the pool of birds
alarm tone.

I think I sit in awe
of paper because

I cannot stand
in awe of trees.

too much highway
car chase pew-pew

red green blue
to face the miles

of root packed in
cubic inch of earth

the light-years long
trains of just born aphids

the galaxy of barnacles
yes-missing at roll-call waves.

all flying things are birds.

all green I push into
the names I know.

but the firefly happens
when I find pointless
memes from friends

like in the good old
stopping by on the pretence

of borrowing something
one never had.

the pixel shape
of time floating

in the AC air
where I boat-cup
my face with hands

breathe deep & exhale
fissuring fingers

I find sleep
from a far place

my planet
must look like

a curved smart-phone

in space.


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