i.there are all the signs of tracheotomy
with breath like this / vaguely fossilized
uncorrupted by smell / taste of sounds
on every petiole of the skeletal possibility
of an incision / you fix a stake to anchor
the strings that map the grid / the squares
look like triangles in the corner of triangles
dressing of loose soil is done with torn jeans
blue / stains of spilled tea near the crotch
petiole: the slender stalk by which the leaf
is attached to the world around it in a storm
of pardoned leaves // what a dark & narrow
path we come out of & how hauntingly similar
the journey back / & how ants extract sugar
from spilled tea & how we should do that
sometimes / near the crotch / spill tea
- that feels of gold
on a walk in 2G on the grid / outside it
birds turned inwards & towards & under
the fall-back leaves of cassava
back on the grid -
finish excavation upto the approved depth
upto a disposable family of trocars
there are steps we left & will leave but all
the roads lead to decannulation so stop &
start breathing a fossil of a song of a question
mourning by itself: what is the decade in that
one note you like to hold?
bliss station ~ poetry
Poetry~ where is your bliss station / you have to try to find it ~