Some versions of some of these poems were first published in the following journals -1. 'bliss station', 'over the square nest' & 'all at once' in SCP's CircleShow
2. 'waiting waiting', 'your eyes are meh, sometimes pregnant', 'body and sole' & 'metamorphosis'. in EskimoPie
3. 'angulimaal', fire medicine', '& the cycle chain slips', & 'spills' in Scarlet Leaf Review
4. 'there are still match sellers' & 'beat blue green' in The Ekphrastic Review
5. ' the monday-sun coughs on my shoulder' & 'six feet over' in Eunoia Review
6. 'on a tree' in Uppagus
7. 'just after a hook-shot over fine leg' & 'geographically true'. in Soul-lit
8. 'beach', 'becauses' & 'leaf meet button, button meet leaf' in Literary Yard
9. 'a guide to lighthouses' & 'planetary orbits' in Street Light Press
10. 'lost count' in Leaves of Ink
11. 'I nod in company, I wake at night' in Runcible Spoon
12. 'the garden at the end of the forest 'grey, & other inflammable objects' and 'where two things meet' in Isacoustic
13. 'run' in Amethyst Review
14. 'looking in' in The Pangolin Review
15. 'new island revealed by melting glaciers' in Dream Noir
16. 'first, the boy sings & then the girl sings' & 'erasmus Darwin, on the night he refused king George III, & me, aged 14' in Rat's Ass Review
17. 'the falling' in The Shore
18. 'a christmas song located somewhere in south india' in Squawk Back
19. 'slipping into my father as a room' in Praxis
20. 'kallar elephant corridor, western Ghats', 'sky tree water' & 'as simple as that' in Plum Tree Tavern
21. 'mountains of blue-red bones' & 'gods of those points of light' in Vita Brevis
22. 'an index of visitors' in Rattle, winner of Jan 2020 ekphrastic challenge
23. 'height horizontal' in The Daphne Review
24. 'rama's exile', 'sweet lingering thing', and 'a prophetess' in Literary Yard
25. ''to the twilightpool', 'the firefly', 'consumer', and 'one movement' in Gulmohur quarterly
26. 'staining','almost crossing the length of almost', and, 'domains' in nether quarterly
27. 'obelisk', and 'panaroma' in The Bombay Review
28. 'namakarana' in The Alipore Post
29. 'machinery threads' in Glass Mountain
bliss station ~ poetry
Poetry~ where is your bliss station / you have to try to find it ~