antbites & jaggery rain

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white edges of pillowcases intersect bedsheets

at proud angles / a swab at the stuckout tongue

the doctor's torch makes the mouth sunset / the

stethoscope probes a wheezy hum filtering safely

through sieve ears / a pale pinpricked finger / blood

bulbs in the young dark a dome of possibilities sung

in red like a sharbat memory of styrofoam cups / a

moat of medication / fort against wild sieges shush

ed against a glass slide for further testing // we're

swimming & drowning in the same water / we're

falling on burdened backs / childhoods sacked over

adult shoulders / we see sheds collapsing in curtains

of dust / protruding bellies of named bodies / light

houses shed at the edges of slums / my long sleeves

laminar flow over my naked arm thinking at once

of all the antbites & jaggery rain

~ Ajay

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