abrahymn & alakazam

203 44 88

(or, the adventures of baddy bog & nammy booga)


what will baddy bog in heathen heaven do then
if I have to daddy the world myself


what you call friendship is what I call
a manifestation of the compromise
between me & my ideal social expression
resulting in me being temporally &
sometimes emotionally bonded to
something either gone or going away


how much life can I squeeze in
between the anger at injustice &
the guilt of privilege. bog, make me
not angry at injustice nor guilty
of privilege. see, bog makes it
easier. si, bog makes it answer


sarcasmous blasphlegmy, fill the coughers
upto the grim brim trim trim trim


elevator. elevate her. ele wait a minute
the words are jumping meaning by the
sound of it


in their natural habitat, the neologisms
sometimes dip down to the surface
of the water to catch prey. they may
also chase insects in the air when breeding


why am I unabel to do what I cain do
but have not donne it yet, why o'
abrahymn & alakazam


at the end of the day we're all alone
but hey it's only morning now so have
a plumsome of shooga, nammy booga


our mother who art the earth, bliss us



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