married off

113 34 66

ceiling fan turning off
mixi three two one off

grains of rice bouncing off
the pillars of the marriage

are sugarcane & bamboo
are sandal & vermillion

are mangoes bleeding gums
agni is the first witness of

the seven steps around fire of
the green shawl slung over

the ceiling fan turning off
the grains of rice falling off
destoning mats of palm weave

jaggery cracker the girl
the boy spring culm

the ceiling fan angled by tubelight
smokes the wall in shadows of

peacocks saucers & boats capsized off
the edges of our country

do they still screen for
homemade snacks native soil
& humus dreams at airports

the kitchen fan is removed because
it shushes the gas fire which

is the final witness of
packing lunch packing bags packing

the kids monkey-capped into rickshaws
sitting with news scumming tea of

quantum leap futures of
luminiferous ether to relativity to

sitting on translucent seats of
blue gel glass - the kids still fight

for the window view to watch
planets orbit brittle stars
each assigned their earth music

even in this spaceship thought
your footspace is sacrificial

your legs thrust from the swing
your giggle giggle grin laugh

my forehead undersolely
grip firm on the swing chain

skirt caught on the nut bolts of
the machine stuck three three three

firm caught in mirrorspotting
as if pimples are a sign

of someone we know dying
shadow bleeding away as if

just one of those shadows off
the ceiling fan on the walls

do they still use guns to cure us of
binary stars or is something else

less apparent being invented
in quantum leaving future behind

with a step back into the past of
making music on mirrors with bones

the green shawl comes off
because living feels so off

the mark of meaning even
dying is off the charts of

the hearts of the yeasting
ends of laughter proving

it's not weakness if it
can't be strength 

~ Ajay

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