23. Memories bring back you

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*JULY 31 1991*

The Potter's manor was decorated to celebrate the birthdays of Harry and Neville. It'd been a long time since the families met. The Potters and the Longbottoms decided to celebrate their kids' birthdays at the manor. The Weasleys, the Prewetts, the Dearborns, the Bones were gathered at the manor. The manor was bustling with kids and, the elders who were happy to have gathered after long years.
Fabian and Dorcas Prewett with their two kids, Maeliana (9) and Allister (7).
Gideon and Marlene Prewett with their two kids, Gaela (7) and Adrian (5).
Emmeline and Caradoc Dearborn with their twins, Evika and Caiden (6).
Edgar and Olivia Bones with their three kids, Geffron (15), Bernita (14), Jerelyn (13).
Molly and Arthur with Percy (14), Fred and George (13), Ron (11) and Ginny (9).

After dinner, the children were left to be on their own and have fun in the manor. The men gathered in the living room and the women in the kitchen, reminiscing the old days, talking business and about everything they can. Most of the families went into hiding at the heights of the war. Though the war ended a long time ago, they did not meet up for a really long time because Voldemort's followers were still out there, hunting for the Order. Letters and their workplaces became so precious.
Alice and Lily stayed hidden for almost 4 years. Dorcas and Marlene disguised themselves when they conceived. Things were so dangerous back then, they never forgot how each day went by.
The men had really hard time too, protecting their families. Especially their new borns. They had to constantly look over their shoulder to make sure they stay alive.

The kids ran around the manor, chasing each other. Harry took them to his play room, so the younger kids could play. However, the older ones who're already attending Hogwarts, chose the huge library. Geffron, Bernita and Percy to read new and rare books, and Jerelyn, Fred and George to find new spells to prank students.

On the other side, Harry was giving Neville and Ron a tour of the manor.
"Bloody hell, Harry! This place is huge!" marvelled Ron.
"I haven't yet explored this whole place yet," Harry said. "I wanted to explore with you both."
"We moved back to the Longbottom's estate too," Neville said. "I'm not sure I like that place, yet."
"Why did your parents take you into hiding anyway?" Ron asked. "We stayed at the Burrow the whole time! Dad said we had enough protection so we didn't have to go into hiding."
"My parents never told me much about it," Neville shrugged. "I spent most of the time with my gran. Sometimes they didn't come home for a whole week. Told it was business."
"I understand," Harry nodded. "Mum and dad were always with me. But Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail went out for business. Whatever that was."
"I heard stories from Bill and Charlie. They sounded horrible. Aunt Dorcas and Aunt Marlene flew to France for almost two years. My uncles spent Easter and Christmas with us then."
"Harry, who is she?" Neville walked over to a photograph on the wall. "I've seen her before..." he mumbled.
It was a huge moving photograph of Kitty, Sirius, Remus, Peter, James and Lily, playing with fireworks.
"You've seen her before?!" Harry asked surprised. "That's my aunt Kitty... Katherine. Where did you see her?"
"In my parent's photo album," Neville replied. "She was with my uncle Jacob."
"Your uncle Jacob?"
"Yeah, he died during the war," Neville said slowly.
"I've seen her too!!!" Ron jumped. "There was a photograph of her at my place too. Mum told me she gifted me a colour changing jumper for my first birthday. The colour changed according to my mood," Ron grinned. "It was cool. I still have it."
"Oh, really? I don't remember anything about her," Harry said staring at the picture.
"What do you mean you don't remember her?" Ron asked.
"What's wrong, Harry?" Neville looked at him, concerned.
"Mum and dad told me she didn't spend much time with me because she was away most of the time," Harry shrugged.
"Who was away most of the time?" a voice interrupted them.
"And what mischief are you up to?" Another voice piped in.
"We are not upto any mischief," Ron replied. "Fred! George! Do you remember her?" Ron pointed at the picture.
Fred and George walked over to them.
"That's Kitty," Fred grinned.
"One hell of a woman," George sported a similar grin.
"You know her?" Harry asked.
"Who doesn't?" Fred laughed.
"We've heard stories about her from Bill and Charlie, who heard from my uncles," George said.
"They say she gave the dark wizards and the aurors a run for their money."
"Harry says he doesn't remember her much because she was away," Ron told his brothers.
"What do you mean she was away?" Fred frowned.
"She practi-"
"Fred! George!" Jerelyn interrupted them. "Look what I found!" She waved a book. "You have to check these spells!" She was grinning.
"Careful with the book!" Fred gasped.
"It's fragile," George finished.
"What are you up to?" Ron asked. "Don't tell me it's another prank. Mum would go mental."
"We won't be doing magic here, silly."
"We don't wish to get punished."
"These are some friendly spells."
"Yeah, friendly," Ron scoffed.
Fred, George and Jerelyn hurried back into the library.
"We should watch out for Fred and George at Hogwarts," Neville mumbled.
"Let's go play a game of Exploding Snap, shall we?" Ron asked.
The trio joined the others in the playroom.

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