4. My Drug

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*Third Person's POV*

"I.... I have to tell you something," Peter said nervously looking at everyone.
They were all in their office, in the attic.
"What is it, Wormtail? Planning to get married?" Sirius asked not taking his eyes off the new toy he's making.
"Umm... It's about work," he replied.
"What is it?" James asked.
"They want me to move," Peter said.
They all stopped what they were doing and looked at him.
"What?" Lily raised her eyebrows.
"They want me to move to Northern Europe."
"Northern Europe? Why?" Remus asked.
"Because it's his job that's why," Sirius scoffed. "He works in the International Magical office of Law. But the question is....." He frowned.
"Why do they want you to move all of a sudden?" James finished for him.
"Yeah. There are whispers about a group of dark wizards and witches," Peter replied.
"They wanted spies and Dumbledore suggested me... I guess," Peter shrugged.
"Yeah. Because Voldy's gone and we are done here?" Sirius drawled.
"But we still got his followers roaming around!" Lily said exasperated.
"Exactly my point. The Longbottoms and the Prewetts were attacked last year."
"But the culprits are caught though," Sirius shrugged. "The Lestranges, Dolohov, Travers, Carrows, Avery... almost all the death eaters are rotting in Azkaban now."
"Except few," Lily mumbled. "Few are walking free and many are still on the run."
"Do they.... Do they think it might be them?" Remus frowned.
"I guess," Peter shrugged.
"So, when are you moving?" Sirius asked.
"I.... I told them I'd think about it," Peter replied. "I wanted to know what your think."
"What?!" James exclaimed. "Wormtail, it's your life, mate. You should go with your heart."
"Yeah. But you are my friends. We're all living together for years and we've been through a lot. And...and we're almost living away from the wizarding world. I..  I thought this would be a big thing," Peter replied.
"Of course it's a big thing. But Wormtail, if you think it's the right thing to do... If you think you can do it... Go for it," James smiled.
"Of course he can!" Lily said. "He's a brave marauder after all! He captured few death eaters."
Peter blushed.
"I'm sorry," Lily said sadly. "It's because of us that you three are stuck here. In a forest. In hiding. Without a normal... free life."
"Lily, we chose this," Peter said. "We're friends. We stick together."
"We couldn't just leave you three Potters alone, could we?" Sirius smirked. "You'd be lost without us."
They all chuckled.
"Besides, there's nothing lost," Sirius added. "We have our own jobs and business....
"I think we all should go for something more  better," Remus said. "Things have calmed down in Britain. We are free....for a while."
"Harry will be attending Hogwarts in two years and then we could just move back....home," James said.
"Home," Sirius mumbled.
"Wha....what?? I thought it was your idea to move back there?" James look bewildered.
"No...no...I mean yes," Sirius nodded. "I want to move back there. It's just... I miss... home. That's all."
The others shared quick glances.
"Are you sure you don't want to go back to Godric's Hollow?" Sirius asked.
"No," James said without missing a beat. "I don't want to go back to the manor either. But you said you'd like to go back. And I think it's high time we did. Harry would know it when the moment he starts school."
"A story from the world. He needs to know the real story," Sirius urged.
"Yes. But only when he's ready. We'll take him to Godric's Hollow then."
"And..." Lily looked at Sirius nervously.
"And?" He raised his eyebrows.
"And I think you should stop sneaking to Godric's Hollow," Remus said sternly.
Sirius clenched his jaw. "I can't stop."

On that terrible night, Voldemort met his downfall at the Potter's Cottage in Godric's Hollow. A part of the cottage was destroyed and Sirius lost her that night.
Sirius spent weeks alone sulking in the destroyed cottage. Grieving. Then he was gone for few months. Away from people. Away from memories.
But the thing is, he didn't cry. He never did. He always turned to Padfoot when the pain got unbearable and howled. Howled for hours. Even after all these years, he never cried. Not even once. And that's what troubled the others.... Sirius bottling up emotions.

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