25. Hogwarts

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*This chapter is almost the same as it is in the Sorcerer's stone. I just changed/added a few lines according to my story.*

It was the D-Day. All the families arrived at Kings Cross. Harry, Ron and Neville were excited yet nervous.
"All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don’t stop and don’t be scared you’ll crash into it, that’s very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you’re nervous," Molly told the kids.
The older kids have already passed through the barrier.
Harry pushed his trolley around and stared at the barrier. It looked very solid.
"Let's go together, shall we?" Lily smiled. Harry nodded. Lily and James stood on his either sides. They started to walk toward it. People jostled them on their way to platforms nine and ten. The Potters walked more quickly. Harry focused harder. Leaning forward on his cart, he broke into a heavy run — the barrier was coming nearer and nearer — he wouldn’t be able to stop — he was a foot away — he closed his eyes . . he kept on running . . .he opened his eyes.
A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, eleven o’clock. Harry looked behind him and saw a wrought-iron archway where the barrier had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three-Quarters on it. He had done it. James ruffled Harry's hair. The Weasleys and Longbottoms followed them. Smoke from the engine drifted over the heads of the chattering crowd, while cats of every color wound here and there between their legs. Owls hooted to one another in a disgruntled sort of way over the babble and the scraping of heavy trunks. The first few carriages were already packed with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. The Potters pushed their cart off down the platform in search of empty seats.
"Prongs!" Sirius came running over to them. "I found our compartment," he grinned.
"Cool!" James grinned. "Let's go," he led the group to the compartment near the end of the train.
The elders took the luggage and carried them into the compartment.
"Mother!" Percy called from the crowd. He had already changed into his billowing black Hogwarts robes, and Harry noticed a shiny red and gold badge on his chest with the letter P on it.
“Can’t stay long, Mother,” he said. “I’m up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves —”
“Oh, are you a prefect, Percy?” said Fred, with an air of great surprise. “You should have said something, we had no idea.”
“Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it,” said George. “Once —”
“Or twice —”
“A minute —”
“All summer —”
"Oh, shut up,” said Percy.
"How come Percy gets new robes, anyway?” asked George.
“Because he’s a prefect,” Molly said fondly. “All right, dear, well, have a good term — send me an owl when you get there.”
She kissed Percy on the cheek and he left. Then she turned to the twins.
“Now, you two — this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you’ve — you’ve blown up a toilet or —”
“Blown up a toilet? We’ve never blown up a toilet.”
“Great idea though, thanks, Mum.”
“It’s not funny. And look after Ron.”
“Don’t worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us.”
“Shut up,” said Ron again. He was almost as tall as the twins already.

"Now, listen," Alice leaned closer to Neville. "I've packed everything for you and if you've forgotten anything, I'll send them to you."
Neville nodded.
"And don't you worry about sorting," Frank patted on his shoulder. "Be yourself. But I would love if you're a Gryffindor!"
"FRANK!" Alice glared at him.
Frank laughed. "I'm just kidding. I know you would do great no matter the house you're in."

Lily and the marauders were giving their pep talks to Harry. Peter took time to get back from his mission in Italy.
"Nervous?" Lily asked.
Harry nodded. "A bit."
"It's alright. You're going to have a good time," James assured.
"Keep writing," Remus reminded Harry.
"Keep your wand closer," Sirius said.
"All the time," Peter added.
"It might sound odd, but never lose your wand, love," Lily said.
"Yeah, because remember what Mr. Ollivander said? It's a powerful wand," James added.
Harry nodded. Everything sounded weird. But he was used to precautions.
"If it breaks, go to the headmaster. He can fix it," Sirius said.
Harry looked confused. "You ...you mean Dumbledore?"
The elders nodded.
"And always be there for your friends," Remus added.

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