5. Lily Potter neé Evans

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Lily Evans. Dark red hair and bright green eyes with freckles across her nose.

She borrowed clothes from everyone

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She borrowed clothes from everyone. Skirts from Marlene, dresses from Mary.
She had many friends at school and was popular with boys. 
She borrows clothes even now. Comfy sweaters from Remus, quidditch jerseys from James and steals leather jackets from Sirius (of course there is a fight between the two every single time)

"And by the way, it's Potter," she smirks and leaves the room leaving Sirius baffled.

She has a bright ringing laugh and genuinely means what she says.
She is awfully short tempered but amazingly strong patience.

She is a hot chocolate addict but will drink anything with whipped cream on it.

She is kind, gentle, honest and strong.
She is a brilliant listener.
Loves sci-fi and mystery.
"She's an absolute best cuddler and hugger in the whole world," James says proudly.

She loves photography. Remus and Lily have a good collection of cameras. She loves walking barefoot outdoors.

Though a bit grumpy, she is adorable and sleepy in the mornings.

She is the worst at keeping a straight face. But she could go from loud and teasing to composed and polite lady in seconds. This usually happened before her professors at school.

Scrunches up her nose often. Usually when she's up to something mischief.
She sits for hours lost in her own world.
She tries out new spells and charms whenever she's bored or frustrated. She started discovering new things when she became an unofficial Marauder.
She smells like lavender and sandalwood.
She loves studying the mechanics of magic and spells.

She always stands up for what she believes in, no matter who she is going against and joined the Order unofficially in the middle of her seventh year.

Brilliant juggler and hula hopper, thanks to her father.
Fierce, determined and perfectionist.
Slightly raised eyebrows, questioning everything around her.
Charming, vivacious, cheeky and one of the brightest witches Slughorn ever knew.

She started falling for James at some point in their sixth year.

She was walking back to Gryffindor tower from the library. She had prefect duty with Remus later that night.
She was around the corner when she heard James Potter's raised voice. "Bullying again, Potter? You told everyone that you stopped bullying. You're dead now. I caught you red handed," she muttered under her breath as she slowly walked towards the source. The words are getting audible now. But when she heard the second voice, she stopped dead in her tracks. And listened.
"Don't. You. Dare. Talk about her like that," James growled.
"Or what?" drawled the second person.
Lily clenched her teeth. "Severus. Why?" She mumbled.
"Don't flatter yourself, Snivellus," James scoffed. Lily could picture his cocky arrogant face. "You're not a competition to—"
"Really?" Severus scoffed. "Then why may I ask you cry like a wounded baby everytime you see me with Lily?"
"You're imagination is as sloppy as you are. And I don't consider you competi—"
"Well, you should," Severus sneered. Lily could picture his face too.
There was an awkward silence. She heard shuffling. "He must be towering over Severus now," she thought. "He does it every time."
And then James spoke in a low dangerous voice. "You lost your chance the moment the word 'mudblood' left your lips," he said. His voice sent chills down her spine. "You're nothing to her. Not anymore. Not even after the dark acts you and your death eater gang are pulling. She defended you all these years and you've paid back brilliantly."
She heard one of them leaving. Footsteps were coming her way. She couldn't move. James' voice had such effect on her.
"You fckn don't deserve her, you know? You won't get her either!" Severus yelled.
His voice was distant. So it must be James.
James stopped dead in his tracks just around the corner. Lily held her breath not to make any sound. She could see his shadow.
Lily heard James take a shaky breath. His shadow showed him running his hand through his hair.
"You are right," James said softly. "I don't deserve her."
This broke Lily's heart. She could picture the hurt in his eyes and resigned look on his face. She wanted to deny what he said.
"You're not good enough," Severus spat.
"Right again, Snivellus," James said. She heard  pity for Severus in his voice rather than defeat. "But I want to be," he continued. "I... I just want to make her happy...above all...I want to make sure she is safe. I will. I will do it. It doesn't matter that she doesn't like me. Because I love her. All I need is to make sure she is happy and safe," he shrugged.
Lily smiled leaning against the cold stone wall.
Silence filled the hallway. After a few seconds she heard Severus retreating the way he had come. She saw James' shadow lean on the wall. She heard him sigh and running his hand through his hair.
She didn't wait another second before rounding the corner and walking into him. Accidentally.
"Evans!" James looked surprised. "Wha...what are you doing here?"
Lily raised an eyebrow. "Curfew will be in another....three minutes. What are you doing here anyway?"
"I... I...was... looking for Moony."
"He'd be in the common room."
"Oh. Okay," he smiled.
Lily shrugged and started walking.
James looked at her with a heavy heart. He loves her. And she hates him.
"Aren't you coming?" Lily turned back after a few steps.
James was taken aback. "What?"
"Curfew," she raised her eyebrows. "Come on. Let me walk you to the common room before someone finds you and gives you detention," she said and started walking.
James stared at her in surprise. "What?!" He asked in a whisper.
"Coming or not, Potter?" Lily called without turning to him.
"Yeah... Yes!" James jumped grinning. 'Lily wants to walk me to the common room!! Oh, I should make Padfoot predict for me everyday,' he thought. "Here, let me help you with the books," he said.
Lily shrugged and handed him the three heavy books she's been carrying.
James smiled.
"So, captain, how's your quidditch practice going?" She asked.
James heart fluttered. Lily was actually asking about quidditch. "Quidditch? It's brilliant," he grinned. "Waiting for the next match."
"It's with Slytherin right?"
"Yeah," he nodded.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Anything," he grinned.
"You keep fooling around with the snitch a lot. And you've got quite good refluxes. But why did you choose to be a Chaser rather than a Seeker?"
He's grinned. "You're really asking me this?"
"Seems like you don't know the meaning of a question?"
They both laughed.
"Well, I don't mind being a Seeker. But.... Being a chaser.... It's totally different. Loads of strategies... Formations... you need to be quick...more quicker reflexes... Especially the thrill of chase," he grinned.
Lily smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, though the seeker scores more and ends the match, without the chasers you might lose the match because the other teams score is more. It'd be a mess you know.... If your team catches the snitch first but the other team's score is more..... I'm rambling, aren't I?"
Lily giggled. "That's what you do."
James' heart was pounding so fast that he thought it might explode.
"Well, you should score more because Slytherin has an excellent seeker," Lily said.
"Yeah," James sighed. "Regulus Black is an excellent seeker."
"So it's Sirius Black and Marlene's job to keep sending bludgers at him to keep him distracted."
James laughed. "Sirius is waiting to do that. I never knew you liked quidditch much."
"You don't know a lot of things about me," Lily smirked. They arrived at the potrait.
"Pesky pixie," Lily gave the password and the potrait flew open.
Lily climbed in followed by James.
"Thanks," James said.
"For walking me to the common room," he said with a cocky grin. "I would've been lost without you."
"Shut up, Potter," Lily rolled her eyes and chuckled.
She took the books from him. "Goodnight. And do not even think about roaming in the corridors after curfew," she said and walked towards her dormitory.
"Yes, ma'am," James grinned and looked around for his friends. They were sitting by the window, staring at him wide eyes and open mouths. "Padfoot!!!! You have the inner sight!!!! Predict something for me every day, mate," he said walking over to them.

Lily slowly started to get knowing James. And by the end of sixth year, they became good friends. During summer, they wrote letters everyday. She got closer to the other Marauders too. By seventh year, James surprisingly became the head boy though he wasn't a prefect.

They were on a patrol that night. Their first patrol together as head boy and girl. They had to send few couples who were having some fun in the astronomy tower, back to their common rooms.
"I don't like ruining this little romantic scene. But you should leave before I give you a detention," James said sternly. The young fifth year students scurried down the stairs.
Lily sighed and leaned on the cold stone wall. She stared at the lake, the forest and ground. At last her eyes turned to the dark sky.
She slowly slid to the floor. James saw this sat opposite her. While she stared at the dark sky and the bright stars and moon, James admired her beauty and wondered what was wrong.
"You know, were supposed to patrol the corridors and not star gazing?" James said with a cocky grin.
"You know, you're supposed to patrol the corridors and not watching me," she smirked.
"But we're partners," he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Shhh... Just look at the sky, Potter," Lily mumbled. She heard James chuckle and her lips twitched.
"Yes, ma'am," he said and continued watching her.
They sat in silence for a while, listening to the rustling of trees, owls hooting, as the cool breeze kissed their faces.
"James," she whispered.
James' heart skipped a beat when she used his first name.
"Do you think this would end? The war?" She didn't mean her voice to comes out shaky. But this has been bugging her a lot and James Potter always brought out a different side of her.
James frowned. The look in her eyes troubled him. He moved to sit beside her.
He hesitated for few moments before he spoke. "I... I don't know. If there are enough people on the right side... fighting for justice...maybe... I... I don't know. The Order is working hard. But....they don't have enough numbers." He wanted to say more. Say her that she'd be okay and he'd protect her no matter what. That he'd stay by her side. He wanted to comfort her and make her feel safe. But he didn't say anything.
She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. "You're right," she nodded.
"We will win," James said determined and with confidence. "I.... I'll make sure we will win. Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail and I... We are planning to join the Order." He didn't want to tell her that.
Her eyes widened.
'If something goes wrong, I'll miss you,' they both thought.
"Me too," she said. "Marlene and I want to join the Order too."
James blinked. He couldn't say anything. His heart was pounding. The only thing he knew was to protect her.
He slowly squeezed her hand. "Then we'll definitely win," he smiled.
That moment, Lily looked into his hazel eyes and realized they were ten times brighter than anything else in the whole world.
James looked into her bright green eyes and realized that they were the most brightest things he'd ever seen.

Lily started going out with James in seventh year. And when her parents died in a car crash, the boys stood by her, supporting and helping her as much as they could.

Nevertheless, they always had funny arguments.

"What's that Evans? Thought I'd leave without a goodbye kiss?" James asked with his signature cocky grin.
"I'd just as soon kiss the giant squid right now," she scoffed.
"I can arrange that. You could use a good kiss!" He smirked.
"Oh, kiss already!!  We're getting late! I'm hungry!!" Sirius wailed from afar.

Lily kisses her boys on cheek whenever they make her happy or proud.
Multiple new secret handshakes with Sirius because they keep forgetting the old ones.

She joined the Order and fought beside them.
She saved many people.
She married James Potter.
They were all teenagers.

She made the stag, the dog and the rat do a salsa when she came to know about the illegal animagi.

She defied Voldemort thrice.
She got pregnant when she was 19.
Shortly after that, she gave up fighting and went into hiding to protect the little kid in her belly whom she hadn't yet met.
She rarely spat out harsh words but never hesitated to retaliate.... scathingly.
She wrote charming letters to her friends to keep in touch with them.
She always cared about the people around her.
She helps her boys in creating new products for their joke shop.
When she is up for some pranks, slight paranoia hit the boys. So, Remus teamed up with her to escape from her wrath.

Lily Potter. The badass witch. She was the second woman the Marauders ever feared.
The first one was obviously Minerva McGonagall.


AN : Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter :)
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