20. Face to Face

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* Third person's POV*

"You're getting better, Pryde!" Sirius yelled as he deflected a spell.
"Thanks, I've been working my arse off!" She yelled back as she ducked away from an on coming hex.
"On your left!" Remus yelled. "You always forget there is a 'left'!"
"Sorry," Kitty mumbled.
"Moony, is that your best?" James asked with a lopsided grin, sending another hex towards them.
"Just going easy on you," Remus replied sending a jinx that hit James on his legs and knocked him to the ground.

James, Sirius, Remus and Kitty paired up and were duelling in the dark night.
They were all covered in sweat and some had gashes on their hands and legs.

"So, this is how you spend your weekend?" They heard a familiar voice and stopped duelling.
"Ken?" Kitty asked surprised, as he walked over to them, his wand in his hands. "What are you doing here? I thought you were busy at the hospital!"
"Well, good to see you too," he smiled. "Hello James, Sirius, Remus," he nodded at them.
"Jacob," they three nodded back.
"Well, we haven't met for the past three days. So, I thought I could just stop by before I go back to Mungo's," he told Kitty.
"Is Lily back?" James asked him.
"Uh... I don't think she'd be coming home tonight. We've had a little emergency. The aurours brought in some kids."
"Kids?" Sirius asked.
"The aurors raided a den in Dundee," he replied.
"Den? You don't mean Werewolves, do you?" Remus asked nervously.
Jacob sighed.
"Are...are the kids okay?" Kitty asked.
"I'm afraid two of them might be infected."
"Why don't we just go in and have some nice dinner?" James quickly tried to change the topic as he saw Remus getting upset.
"Uh... No...I came unannounced. I was wondering....if I could take her out for dinner," Jacob said.
"Uh.. I...." She glanced around.
"What do you mean unannounced?" James laughed. "You're always welcome. Tinky would've started making dinner. She could make your favourite in minutes."
"Yeah... Let's have dinner here. And you look a bit peaky... you said you have to go back to Mungo's. Have dinner, and take some rest. You clearly need it," Kitty added.
"I'll go let mum know," Sirius said walking away. James and Remus followed him.
"You alright? You really don't look good," Kitty looked at Jacob, concerned.
"You're the one to talk," he laughed. "Why are you always covered in blood?" He waved his wand over a gash on her arm and healing it.
"Ah.... Got it while practicing," she grinned. "Come on. Let's go inside. I'll go take a quick shower and come back. I'm all sweaty."

After dinner, Jacob and Kitty spent time in her room. He was so exhausted, he fell asleep the moment he laid on her bed. He had to wake up after 3 hours and get back to Mungo's.
Kitty was clearly avoiding to go out into wizarding public with him because she was worried about his safety.


It was Sirius' birthday and he was throwing a party at his place. It was Saturday and most of their friends at school and ministry, and some of the order members were present.
"There was an attack at Diagon Alley. I don't think the aurors could make it to the party," Emmaline said as she joined them.
"Diagon Alley?" Remus asked.
"Are there any casualties?" Lily asked.
"There is no Dark Mark, which is a relief," she replied.
"We don't have to go, do we?" Sirius whispered.
Emmeline shook her head.
"Where is Kitty?" James asked.
"She said Jacob would pick her up from Hogsmeade," Remus replied, sipping his butterbeer.

A few minutes later, someone banged on the door.
"Who is it?" Sirius asked.
"I'm Jacob Dearborn. I bet 5 galleons that Katherine would win the duel. I lost because it was tie."
"I should've won," Sirius opened the door. "It was luck —"
"Sirius," Jacob panted.
"What the bloody hell happened to you?!!"
Jacob pushed Sirius and walked in. He was covered in soot and there was blood trickling down his face.
"Where is Pryde?"
"She's gone," he panted.
"What do you mean she's gone?" Sirius pulled Jacob by his collar.
At this point the room fell silent and everyone were looking at them.
Sirius' heart was pounding..
Jacob looked horrible. "They took her."
Silence filled the room.
"Everyone, the party is over. Sorry," Remus said aloud.
"Jacob, sit down," Lily told him as she brought a first aid kit. She gave him some water to drink.
In seconds, everyone left except for few order members.
"What happened?" James asked. He was shaking.
"Bellatrix Lestrange," Jacob replied.
They all shared quick glances.
"Bellatrix? What was she doing in Hogsmeade?" Sirius asked.
"It wasn't Hogsmeade. We were at Diagon Alley," Jacob replied.
"So the attack..." Lily trailed off.
"I cannot contact Pryde," Sirius said looking at others.
"What actually happened?" Remus asked.

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