21. Jacob's Decision

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*Third person's POV*

Jacob had been pacing up and and down for quite a while. He and Lily apparated back to Mungo's the moment the aurors left to rescue Kitty and the family. They were notified about the exact location by Kitty minutes after her encounter with Voldemort.
Sirius' words kept ringing in his head. "Merlin's shaggy pants. Why is she hitting on Old Voldy?!?!" 

After informing the aurors that Kitty was taken by Bellatrix Lestrange, Jacob went to meet Dumbledore.
"Good evening, Mr. Dearborn," Dumbledore smiled as Jacob entered his office. "What brings you here?"
"I would like to join the Order," Jacob replied.
"I'm not sure what you are talking about, Mr. Jacob. But first, why don't you take a seat?" Dumbledore said calmly.
Jacob sat infront of Dumbledore. "I know about the Order. I've heard many things about it. And I'm not dumb. I'm sure Katherine is a member and she works with you. We never talked about it. But I know. I reckon the Potters and some aurors are working with you too. I too want to join."
Dumbledore looked at him intently.
"Why, may I ask?" He asked after moments of silence.
"Why? Because there is a bloody war going on. That's why!"
"The war, Mr. Dearborn, it has been going on for years," Dumbledore smiled.
Jacob sighed. "I already lost friends and people I love. I don't want to lose anyone anymore. Not Katherine, not my family and not my friends. I don't want to lose another person to this bloody war. Not again. I should have done this earlier. But... It's never too late innt?"
Dumbledore looked at him intently. He could understand his emotions.
"Miss Potter always wanted to keep you away from this. She wouldn't be pleased," Dumbledore smiled.
"Oh, I never knew she was my mother!!"
Dumbledore pursed his lips.
"I can think and decide what I want for myself."
"Dearborn, you must understand that the path you're choosing is a dangerous one. A war which would last long. You could be at a risk of being targeted by Lord Voldemort. And no one can guarantee your safety," Dumbledore explained.
"I am very well aware of it," Jacob replied. "Everyone is in danger these days. No one is an exception. And I want to do everything I can to help."
"Very well then," Dumbledore smiled. "We require something of you."
"What is it?" Jacob asked confused.
"Your loyalty, Dearborn."
"I'm a Hufflepuff. We are epitome of loyalty."
Dumbledore chuckled. "I can't deny. Very well then. Please wait at the Potter's."
Jacob looked shocked. "That's it? That's all?"
Dumbledore smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some important work to do to bring Katherine back."
"Thank you."

The moment he was alerted about their arrival, he ran to the group. His heart sank to the ground when he saw Kitty. She looked horrible.
"Blood. Why are are you always covered in blood?" He held her hands and was about to hug her.
Kitty pushed him away. "Woaah... Jacob, please don't touch. I'm all sweaty and dirty.....and covered in blood and shit. Take me home I need a shower. Please."
Jacob led the people into the hospital and apparated to the Porter's Manor with Kitty. He conjured a stretcher and helped her to her room.

Kitty stood under the hot shower. She was shaking. Shaking from anger, resentment, pain and a bit of fear. She couldn't imagine she pulled it off. She couldn't imagine she faced the two people she wanted to kill. Alone. And survived. She stood for a long time, and the let hot water wash away the dirt and blood off her. She could feel severe pain in her bones and muscles.
"Are you alright?" Jacob knocked on the door. "Do you need help?"
Kitty didn't answer. 'I put him in danger. I tried to keep him safe all these months and today I put him in danger. What am I supposed to do?'
Jacob knocked, "Are you alright, love? If you don't answer I'm going to come in." He was worried. "In 5....4.. are you okay? I'm coming in..3...2 —"
"Keep those dirty thoughts for yourself," Kitty said. "I always lock the door."
"Uhh...right. Alohomora always works," Jacob smiled.
Kitty walked over to the door. "I'm hungry."
"Do you want me to get you something? To...eat...in the bathroom?" He asked confused.
"No... I'll be out in few minutes. I might like some ice cream and perhaps fried chicken or even a pizza? Could you please tell Tinky?"
"Sure. Take your time," he replied and went to find Tinky.

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