17. He Wants You

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*Third Person's POV*

"Morning," Kitty walked into the kitchen.
"Moooornin," James and Lily sang. 
They were having breakfast. 
"Where's the dog and the furry rabbit?" She asked. 
"They must be still in bed. We've got time," James said looking at the clock.  
Tinky quickly set a bowl of fruits, eggs, toast and milk before Kitty. 
"Thank you, Tinky," Kitty smiled. 
Tinky smiled and hopped away. 
"Are you on a diet?" James asked. 
"I'm eating healthy," Kitty smiled.
After a moment, Tinky came back and handed Kitty a wad of letters. 
"It is miss' mail," Tinky answered for her. 
Tinky nodded. 
"Who'd send me mail??" Kitty looked at James  and Lily confused. 
"It might be congratulatory mail," James pointed at the Prophet on the table. 
"Like we predicted, Skeeter was careful this time," Lily smirked. "The story made the last page. It would have been better if she hadn't written about your college."
"She wrote about it? I should have shut my mouth. I was angry then. Ah, it doesn't sound good." 
"It's alright. Some wizards choose different paths," Lily shrugged.
Kitty quickly finished her breakfast and started opening her mail. 
"Woah!" She exclaimed.
"What?" Lily asked. 
"I... I don't think this is some congratulatory mail," she replied reading the letters in her hands. "They're hate mail," she looked at them.
"What?!" Lily and James asked. 
"I don't think all of them are though," she said putting down another letter. "But...." 
"Hate mail?" James asked in disbelief.
" 'Go back to where you came from!' 'You don't belong here!' 'Gold digger!' Blah blah blah," Kitty said crumpling the letters she read. "Oh this is congratulatory." 
"Woah! What's going on?" Remus asked as he and Sirius walked in. 
Tinky quickly set their breakfast.
Remus took his seat beside her.
"Hate mail and congratulatory mail," Kitty shrugged picking up another letter. "This looks....a bit heavy for a letter."
"DON'T!" Remus shouted. But he was late.
"Aaaaahhhhh!!" Kitty screamed.
Yellowish-green liquid smelling strongly of petrol splatted over hands, neck and chest.
"It...smells... like.... Bubotuber pus," he finished with a pained look. 
Silence filled the room.
"Miss Kitty!" Tinky gasped. 
"Oooowww," she tried to rub off the pus with a napkin. "No. No. No. No. No."
Her neck, chest and hands were now so thickly covered in painful sores. 
Sirius burst out laughing. "Looks like you have a third boob!" 
"Shut up!," Lily smacked him on his head. "I'll get something!" she jumped to her feet to get potions.
Kitty's hands looked like she was wearing a pair of thick knobbly gloves. She looked like she had triple chin and like Sirius said, a third boob which grew right at her cleavage.
She tried to cover her abnormal chin and chest with her large hands.
Sirius continued laughing. "We should take a picture."
"PADFOOT!!!!" James and Remus glared at him. 
Kitty pouted. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
He stopped laughing.
"It hurts," she said quietly, wiping tears with her large palms.
"Sorry," Sirius said, quickly getting to his feet and pulling out his wand. He walked over to her and took her hand in his. 
She angrily pulled her hand away from him. "I don't need your help. You should keep laughing," she said, pushing him aside and ran out of the kitchen. 
"Wha....." He looked confused.
"Could you be any more pathetic?" Remus scowled. "And you," he turned to James, who looked confused all this time. "What are you doing sitting there? You know I'm rubbish at healing spells." 
James opened and closed his mouth. "I... I still did not get wha..what just happened?" He looked at the letters on the table. "Why would they send such things?" 
"Ummm... Let me think.... One. She is an outsider. Two. You are the Potters, one of the richest and famous families in Britain," Sirius ticked off in the air. 
"Let's open the rest of the letters," James said, taking one in his hands. 
"But they are her's," Remus said. 
"She is my sister and you've seen what happened," he replied. He read the letter. "This is good," he put it aside and picked another one. 
"Moony, you should take one too," Sirius said taking a letter. "You love reading anyway." 
"Reading books," Remus rolled his eyes. But he took one too. 
They read each and every letter, putting aside the good ones and burning away the hate mail.
"Woah! Lot of hate. Your name's in it," James tossed it at Sirius. 
Sirius read it. "My fans I guess," he burned it. 
"Padfoot, you could learn some swear words from here," Remus tossed over another letter to Sirius.
"Creative," Sirius nodded and burned it off. 
"Wow. This one says she might have used the imperius curse on the family."
"People are very imaginative."
"Street artist? Stay on the streets, you filthy bitch! Wow. Sounds like my charming mother."
"This one says if she wore some more gold, she would've looked like Cleopatra," Remus laughed. 
"Yeah," Sirius frowned, thinking. "That's what I thought when I saw her walking down the stairs. She did look like one with all that.... goldish look on her. The make up, the cloak and everything. I thought I told her. No... I did not. Because—"
"Because you were busy touching her inappropriately," James smacked him on his head. 
"Ow! It was an accident. Wait, this letter looks long," he said opening one. "Dear Katherine, Good morning. I hope you slept well as you kept your ego safe and unhurt like you said. I had a great time last night. I hope you did too—"
"Who's that from?" Remus asked. 
Sirius turned it over to see. "Jacob Dearborn," he muttered. 
"Don't read," Remus said. "It's her personal thing."
"Keep it aside," James said. 
"Ok. Hate mail," Sirius nodded and crumpled it to burn it.
"PADFOOT!" James and Remus yelled at once. 
"What?!" Sirius looked innocently.
"I meant reseal it," James sighed.
Remus took the crumpled letter from him. 
Sirius scowled. 
"Why do you hate him?" Remus asked. 
"I don't!"
"Then why did you send Skeeter to them last night?"
"And you intentionally talked about the 'staircase accident' when they were together," James added. 
"That was nothing," Sirius waved his hand dismissively. "I was just kidding. You know I like messing around with her."
"Something tells me it's a different story," James said with a cocky grin. 
"Is it because you....like her?" Remus smirked. 
"Wha... what?! No! You both are off your rocker!" 
"When did it start? The first time you kissed her?" James asked. 
"What?" Sirius looked around startled.
"Wait. What?!" Remus looked bewildered.
"Oh! He didn't tell you yet?" 
"Prongs, shut up!"
"Tell me what? What are you hiding from me?" 
"Oh! This is interesting. I've been keeping it in all these days! I have to let it out!"
"Prongs, I'm going to shove my foot up your arse if you don't shut up!" 
"Tell me everything," Remus leaned in. 
"Prongs no!" 
"Prongs yes! He kissed her!" James laughed. 
"You what?!" Remus looked at Sirius amused. 
"No. No. Not that kiss you're thinking...." Sirius shook his head nervously, looking around. 
"Why didn't she tell me?" Remus looked more surprised. 
"Because she didn't know it either!" James laughed.
"Shhhh......they might come any moment," Sirius said looking nervous. 
"She didn't know?" Remus asked confused. 
"Yes. Do you remember that night when Marlene did some shit with her dreamless sleep potion?" James asked.
"Yes," Remus nodded.

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