12. Katherine Potter

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*This is going to be a very long chapter. So buckle up!*

*Third person's POV*

"Katherine Potter?" Harry repeated. "Where is she?" 
"Do you remember the story about how an evil wizard tried to take over the world and people—"
"And some good and brave people stood against him and fought his evil armies," Harry recited nodding. "I grew up listening that story. It was my favorite bedtime story." 
"Well, she was one of the good and brave people," Remus said with a smile. 
"You...you don't mean that...the story wasn't... really a story.....it was true?"Harry asked confused. 
"Yes it was," Sirius said. "The war probably started even before we were born."
"Oh.... So, what happened to her?" 
"We lost her in a battle," James said before anyone else could say anything. The others looked at him confused. "A fierce battle," he added. 
"So....she was brave?" Harry whispered. 
"Braver than anyone," James answered with a smile. 
"I'm sorry you all lost her. You all seem close and happy," Harry said looking at everyone and at the picture. He felt bad he asked about her. His parents and uncles looked sad. It was the first time he saw sadness in their eyes.
"She was a good friend," Lily smiled. 
"So, did she go to Hogwarts with you? Was she a Gryffindor too?" Harry asked. 
"Well, she would've made an excellent Gryffindor," James grinned. 
"Nah! She would've made a good Slytherin with that head," Sirius chuckled. 
"Well, she could've been a wonderful Hufflepuff," Lily mumbled. "All that loyal and hard working."
"Considering her nerdiness or undying love for books, she could've been in Ravenclaw too," Remus chuckled.
"And then she would've ripped the thing out and burn it that put her in Ravenclaw," James laughed. 
"So, she didn't go to Hogwarts then?" Harry asked. 
"No," they all answered. 
"But....how... When did you adopt her?" He asked confused. 
"Well, she was a distant cousin of mine," James repeated the story like he told everyone. "So, when her parents died, mum and dad adopted her. She was.... homeschooled."
"But," Harry frowned. "I've seen her in a picture in my room. I was in it too. But.... Why don't I remember her?"
"You were a kid and she wasn't around much. She was always away. It was during the war," James replied without missing a beat. 
"Oh... So, if she was fighting a war, then were you too?" He asked them. "You stood up against the dark wizard too?"
"We did," Sirius nodded. "We all did." 
"But then I was pregnant with you and dad and I had to go into hiding because they were hunting down the good ones," Lily said. 
Harry nodded. "So did Neville's parents," he frowned. "We both were born at the same time. So they must have gone into the hiding too."
"Yes, they did," Remus nodded. 
"And Ron," Harry added.
"Yes," Lily nodded. 
"It must have been hard," Harry whispered. "Thank you. For keeping us safe," he smiled. 
The elders were taken aback. They weren't expecting this from Harry. He felt bad that they had to go through this.
"It's alright, pup. It's been a long time and everyone is happy," Sirius ruffled his hair. 
"Alright then, come on, let's explore this beautiful and amazing new home," Remus said standing up.
Harry grinned and jumped to his feet. 
"Moony," Sirius called. 
"Harry, you go on, I'll be right behind you," Remus said and Harry nodded making his way to the stairs.
"I'll go with you," Sirius said. 
"It's okay. You look tired. I'll take care of it," Remus replied. 
"You know he'd ask questions," James said. 
Sirius turned to James. "What was that? A fierce battle? I thought we were going to tell him the truth."
"It was the truth. It was a fierce battle," James said. 
Sirius looked at him confused. "Yeah. But I thought we agreed to tell him the truth."
"He's a kid, Padfoot. And I'm not ready to tell him anything. He was already feeling bad for bringing her up," James replied. 
"And he's too young to understand everything," Remus added. 
Sirius sighed. "Fine. Just... Don't let him go to that room."
Remus nodded, walked out of the room and went upstairs. 
He saw Harry examining a painting on the wall. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked. 
Harry looked at him. "It looks real! I thought it was a photograph. Wow, the artist must is very talented."
It was a painting of James, Sirius and Remus, sitting on a park bench.
"And it's funny," Harry chuckled. "Looks a bit like 'The Three Wise Monkeys'." 
In the picture, James had his hands over his ears, Remus on his mouth and Sirius sitting lazily with his hands on his crotch. 
"Hear no evil, speak no evil...but Sirius—"
"Oh, yeah," Remus chuckled. He cannot tell a ten year old that Sirius is conveying a new monkey which meant 'Do no evil'. "He didn't want to do the 'See no evil'. He considers himself a rule breaker."
Harry laughed and ran his fingers over the painting. 
"The artist was pretty talented," Remus smiled looking at it. 
Harry frowned when his eyes fell on the signature in the corner. "Katherine Potter?" 
"Yes," Remus smiled. 
"She did this?!!" Harry asked surprised. 
Remus nodded. 
"Wow," Harry whispered. 
"Come on. We've got a lot to see," Remus said walking. 
Harry saw there were more landscape paintings hung on the wall. "Did she do all these too?" He asked.
"No. It was Euphemia. She was quite an artist," Remus replied. "Landscapes weren't Kitty's forte. Not that she was bad. She actually liked to draw people."
"Yes, Harry."
"Could you please tell me more about her?" 
Remus stopped in his tracks and looked at him. He thought for a moment. "On one condition."
"You have to promise me something."
"What?" Harry asked confused. 
Remus knelt down to meet his eye level. "This might sound weird. But, do not talk about her to your friends or anyone at Hogwarts especially."
"What? Why?" Harry asked confused. 
"Umm.....the thing is... I shouldn't be telling you this," Remus groaned.
"It's okay. It will be out little secret," Harry whispered. 
Remus chuckled. "Okay. When we fought the evil wizard and his armies, we did everything in secret. No one knew us. It was supposed to be secret." 
"Just like we said, there were many people supporting him and they killed the ones who did not. So, when we started fighting them back, we were their main targets. Even now, there are people out there who support him."
"But he's gone!" 
"Yes. And there are people who still try to continue his work."
Harry nodded. "But...but why shouldn't I mention her to—"
"Because.... We... Some of us turned a bit rebellious in the end. We didn't want to play by rules. And that angered the officials. But they didn't know who we were because we maintained more secrecy. But unfortunately, we were a little reckless at a point and her cover was blown. It was a mess."
"But... But you were helping the people. You were saving lives! Why would that anger anyone?" 
"Because, people usually tend to hate things that are not under their control. You would understand it someday. Being a rebel, when her cover was blown, she turned more rebellious."
"And people didn't like it."
"Yes. Made more enemies. It's always a sensitive topic. So....."
"I shouldn't mention anything. Is that why we have high security here?"
"Right," Remus smiled. 
"But....when I go to Hogwarts—"
"Hogwarts is the most safest place. You will be under Dumbledore. He's the greatest wizard of all time."
"I will keep that in mind," Harry smiled. He stopped in his tracks and looked at the door on his left. "K.P" he read the name plate on the door. 
"It was her room," Remus said and continued walking. 
Harry out his hand on the door knob. 
"It is locked. And you are not supposed to go in," Remus said without turning back. "That room is off limits."
Harry scowled. He wanted to see how it looks like and what's in it. 'Why is it locked?' he thought. He grew more curious. 'I'd go in. One day,' he told himself.

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