11. My sister and your Aunt

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*Third person's POV*


"Mum, are we never going to come back here?" Harry asked innocently.
"I'm afraid not, honey," Lily replied. "You know you will be attending Hogwarts, right?"
"But... But... What about my friends here? What about Victor? I'm his only friend!" Harry said with pain in his voice. Victor Cooper was Harry's autistic friend. They were best friends.
Lily and James looked at each other.
"Hey, mate!," James kneeled to meet Harry's eye level. "Listen, how about we come and meet him when you're home for holidays?" He asked with a smile.
"That would be awesome," Harry grinned. "I'd be home for Christmas, Easter and summer. I could meet him then," he nodded.
"Cool," James grinned and ruffled Harry's hair. "Now, go pack everything. We'll leave when Padfoot and Moony are back."
Harry ran to his room, grinning from ear to ear.
"Things are going to change," Lily whispered.
"They are," James nodded. "But we're prepared." He pulled her into a hug and gave her a passionate kiss.
"Ewww...get a room," Remus walked in, followed by Sirius.
"You're back," Lily groaned. "Early."
"We're done there," Remus shrugged.
"You aren't packed yet?" Sirius asked.
"Almost done," Lily said waving her wand.
The house was almost empty. Most of their things were packed in sacks charmed with undetectable extension charm. They gave away some furniture and most of the things they don't need, especially Harry's muggle toys, to the Coopers.
"I'll go upstairs and see if there is anything else," Sirius said walking to the stairs.
About after an hour, they were all ready to leave the place. It was dark and it was easy for them to go unnoticed.
"Harry, you are going with me in the side car. Lily you too —"
"In the side car?!"
"No, pup. On the motorcycle," Sirius laughed.
"Monny and I on the broomsticks...right behind you," James said.
"Alright. Let's go," Sirius said flicking the button and his motorcycle roared to life.
Harry, along with a sack got into the side car attached to the motorcycle. Lily hopped on too with another bag.
James and Remus got onto the brooms and slung their own sacks.
"Hold on tight, cub," Remus told Harry and he did.
"Now," James said and they all sored into the night sky.
"You alright there, honey?" Lily asked aloud.
"Yes, mum!" Harry shouted back.
The air was whipping their eyes and faces.

After an hour long journey, they reached the manor.
James, Lily, Sirius and Remus pulled out their wands and murmured something Harry couldn't understand. But he felt something cold and tingling when they reached closer to ground.
"Here we are. Home sweet home," James grinned.
"The Potter's Manor," Harry mumbled looking down at the dark shape of the large manor under the moon light.
As they touched down in the courtyard, all the elders murmured again, raising and sealing protective enchantments. The protective shield over the manor glowed bright blue for a moment and vanished.
With another wave of wand, the Manor was lit up.
They all stood there for a moment and looked at the beauty in front of them.
Home. Billions of memories. They've missed it. And now they're back.
Harry took in everything with his mouth wide open.
"Come on then," James said walking to the large door.
"Alright, everyone just put your hand on the key hole before you enter. That is the key to get in or let anyone in," Sirius said. And they all did.
They entered and walked into the living room, and looked around.
Everything was clean and looked the same when they moved out 9 years ago.
"Wow," Harry said. "It's wonderful!"
"Wait till you see your room," James grinned.
Harry's eyes widened in excitement.
"Upstairs, the left corridor," Remus smiled.
Harry's feet started running before he could say anything.
He ran up the stairs. When he reached the first floor, there were two long corridors. The left one was bigger and spacious than the right one. He could see five doors in the left one and another five on the right. It was a big manor. He made his way to the left one.
He found his name labelled on the second door. His hand touched the cold door knob and turned it. The door creaked opened and he walked in. His jaw dropped to the floor.
It was a large room. Double the size of his room at Kielder. With a big four poster bed, a couch by the large window, a big rack for books and toys, and a large wardrobe.
The walls were decorated with his pictures.
He walked over to the window and looked out. Everything was dark. But could see the grounds and dark trees in a distance.
There was an attached bathroom with a tub.
"Do you like it?" James asked walking in. Sirius, Lily and Remus were smiling too.
Harry grinned. "I love it," he said and hugged them all. "Thank you," he told them.
"Now, you could do whatever you want with your room. Fill it with your toys and books," Sirius ruffled his hair.
"But," Harry frowned.
"What is it, Harry?" Lily kneeled down to his eye level.
"If this is where you grew up, why did we stay in Kielder all these years?" He looked at James and Sirius.
"Well, that's a story for another day. It's already late. You should go to bed," Remus said with a smile.
"We'll talk about it tomorrow," James smiled.
"Okay," Harry nodded. "Goodnight," he hugged them all.
After a quick little bedtime prayer, Lily tucked him in his bed and kissed him goodnight.
"If you need anything, come to us. We live next doors," she chuckled.
Harry nodded.
"And you could take a tour of the manor in the morning," she said.
Harry grinned from ear to ear.

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