15. Sirius' Game

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*Third person's POV*

"Goooood mooorning," Kitty walked into the kitchen grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, you guys are here too," she looked from Remus to Sirius. 
"Ooh, someone looks cheerful today!" Sirius said. 
"Yeah... Kind of," Kitty chuckled. 
"Is it some bloke?" Sirius scoffed. 
Kitty paused for a moment. "Umm...yeah. kind of," she looked into space grinning like a mad woman. 
"Wow. So, this is because of some bloke?" Remus pointed at her shy, happy face. 
She nodded. "He was sooooo.....grrrr!" 
"Are you drunk?" Lily giggled. 
"So, I suppose this bloke is Dearborn?" James asked. 
"No," Kitty shook her head. 
Sirius scoffed. "Is that the one you said you're in love with?" 
"We're with you every time," Remus frowned in confusion. "And I don't remember you seeing or meeting anyone."
"Yeah. But you weren't in my dreams," Kitty shrugged taking a bite of her toast. 
They all looked at her as if she's gone mad. 
"Dream?" Remus asked. 
She nodded and beamed. "He was sooooo beautiful. He's got this dark hair...a bit longer than Black's, falling into his amazing blue eyes," she looked into the space dreamily. "Ocean blue eyes....and he even got dimples you know? Like these cute dimples...and his jaw and neck...and there's the vein on his neck is sexy....and—"
"You mean like this?" Sirius interrupted and pulled his collar aside, exposing the vein on his neck. 
"Oh! You've got a vein too!" Kitty said surprised. "I've never noticed it!" 
"Yeah. But you kissed there once," Sirius muttered under his breath. 
Lily who was sitting beside him choked on her juice and stared at him. And Remus' and James' animal ears caught it too and they chuckled. 
"What?" Kitty asked confused. 
"Nothing," Sirius said dismissively. 
"Anyway," Kitty continued dreamily as if she wasn't interrupted. "His vein was more beautiful. It was more prominent. And he's got this exotic olive skin. He was wearing this transparent white shirt... showing off his collar bone...and his broad shoulders...aaah..," she took a deep sigh. "He looked dangerous. And sexy. Dangerously sexy..."
"Wipe the drool off your face, Pryde," Sirius cut her off. There was a hint of irritation in his voice. 
"I'm not drooling!" Kitty retorted. 
"30 seconds more and you'd be having an orgasm," he scoffed.
"You're jealous," Kitty scoffed. 
"What am I? Your boyfriend? And why would I be jealous of an imaginary bloke?" 
"He isn't imaginary. He is real."
Lily, James and Remus looked from Sirius to Kitty as if they're watching a tennis match. 
"Yeah? Where did you meet him? Oh, wait! You didn't. Because you actually saw him in a dream!" 
Kitty frowned. "Yeah!" She shrugged. "At least I'm turned on by him...or should I say his face," she looked at Sirius from head to toe and smirk. "He looked like a Greek god."
It was clear that Sirius was offended. But he didn't show it. "Have you ever seen a Greek god?" 
"I did," she shrugged. "I've also seen loads of Greek men on the internet."
"Do you know most of the Greek men still think a women's place is in the kitchen? They are arrogant and egoistic." 
"Do you know any Greek men? Would you introduce me to one?!!" Kitty asked eagerly. 
"Did you not hear what I said about them?!" Sirius asked in disbelief. 
"Come on, Black! Don't be a jerk!" 
"They don't go out with a woman who is egoistic and arrogant. Especially if they find the woman equal to them." 
"You're lying."
"Why would I?" He scoffed. "I met few Greeks. Both Wizards and muggles. And guess what? They're hard to date. They love traditions and  to them, family is sacred. So, if you want a Greek to date you for a while, you are supposed to impress his or her family too. And their families are big. Real big. I don't think that is your type. Think again, no equality, traditional, impress a big family, egoistic, arrogant and you're supposed to be submissive...."
Kitty paused for a moment. "Oh, come on! Stop stereotyping. What is this? Ancient times? This is 21st century for Helga's sake!" 
"Umm.. actually, this is 20th century," Remus spoke at last. 
"What?" Kitty looked confused for a moment.
"It is 1979," he chuckled. 
She looked around. "Oh. Oh. OH nooo... This is 20th century," she groaned. "I'm in a really backward time. I'm in the ancient times!" 
Sirius smirked. "So, do you still want me to hook you up with a Greek bloke?" 
"No thanks," she mumbled. "I don't want to go too low for some handsome looks."
"Oh, you don't have to go too low. Getting on the knees is enough," Sirius chuckled. 
Lily choked on her juice agian. 
"What?" both the women said at the same time. 
"What?" Sirius looked innocent. 
"Your dirty jokes will be the reason of your death," Kitty told him. 
"Oh, that would be an honourable death," Sirius bowed. 
"Shut up, you two!" James sighed. "If not looks, what then?" He asked Kitty. 
"A good heart," she shrugged. 
"Like Dearborn?" He asked with a cocky grin. 
"Maybe. I don't know him totally yet. But from what I've heard, he's a nice guy." 
"Oh, he is a really good person," Lily said. 
"So, it's always a guy with a good heart and a brain in his head and not in his pants," Kitty told James.
James and Remus glanced at Sirius. A very quick glance. They know he's a bit burning inside. 
Sirius scoffed. "Brain in the pants? Most men have their brain in the pants."
"Like you said, most men. I don't think he's among them," Kitty shrugged. "He's a nice guy." 
"Nice? You  don't even know him. You met him what... Twice?"
"He was nice to me."
"Strangers are nice to women because of just one thing."
"Remus, why are strangers good to women?" 
"Umm.... usually sex," he mumbled. 
"Oh, prejudice!" 
"Mark my words. You will come running to me and say, 'Black, you were right. I should have listened to you!' "
"You dream a lot," she scoffed.
"So, anyway," James interrupted them. "What was this Greek god doing in your dream?"
Kitty frowned, thinking. "I don't know. He said something in a different language. It was brief. Like few seconds. That's all." 
"Truth, Pryde. Admit that you were too busy occupied with his looks, drooling over to actually concentrate on what he was saying."
"Maybe yeah," she shrugged. "Like I said, it was like few seconds and he was gone."
"He must be a person you know," Remus said. 
"Nah! I know I'm really bad at remembering faces. But that face...nah..it's hard to forget," she chuckled.
"Or maybe...he was a mix of people you've seen," Lily shrugged. "You are spending a lot of time painting people's faces. So, it's probably a mix of interesting features you've found in some people. You're quite good at imagining things...and people." 
"Maybe," Kitty nodded. "Meh... I think I should draw this person too. I never knew I had a good imagination power." 
"You said the same thing when we first met," Remus chuckled. 
"Ah. Yeah," Kitty laughed. "I punched you in the face too," she turned to Sirius. 
"Yeah. I can't forget your confession either," Sirius laughed and Kitty stopped laughing and glared at him. "You told us you were a lesbian." 
"Shut up," she mumbled. "Anyway, I don't see mum, dad and Tinky," she said looking around. "Where are they?" 
"Stinchcombe," James replied.
"And we are supposed to leave in an hour."
"Okay," she nodded.
"You lads go without us. We've good some chores to do," Lily said. 
"What chores?" James asked.
"Ladies things," she shrugged. 
"I don't see any," Sirius said. 
"You should probably look at yourself in the mirror," Lily retorted. 
"Yeah. Because I see one sitting right in front of me," Kitty added looking at Sirius. 
Sirius scoffed. "I'd make a radiant lady than you both."
"Oh, yes you do," Remus and James said in unison.

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