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You pressed your head back to the boards as your chains had once again been locked to the floor, the key waved in your face to remind you just who held your freedom.

The hybrid had been placed a fair distance away from you, his own chains locked down in place. Chatter from above echoed down to your ears, listening to the jumbled words of overly excited crew members. They had been filling their bellies with a fresh barrel of beer, some contents getting spilled and dripping to the bottom of the ship, the scent mixing with the mould below.

When the trapdoor closed again, the darkness you had grown so well accustomed to seemed suffocating after your brief touch of the outside world. There was nothing for your eyes to look at before, for during the night, there had been no light to peer through the cracks of the boards- leaving you to ponder within your own mind.

However, the hybrid kept things interesting. His eyes had glowed in the darkness, casting a red and green glow around his face while he inspected the ship around him. The colours of his eyes sent a shiver down your spine, keeping your eyes locked on his trailing gaze.

You shared no words with him, just simply watching his glowing hues as you began to feel the exhaustion set in. Sitting in a ship for months didn't seem taxing at first, for all you did was sit and away with the waves, but without something to keep you occupied, there had been no point in keeping track of your sleep.

"Excuse me? Are you awake?" The gentle voice startled you, body jolting against the gentle sway of the ship. From above you could hear the crew preparing to leave port, the men hauling in any last barrels of booze onto the deck. Sunlight filtered down onto your skin through the small cracks, admiring how your skin glowed against the light. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

He spoke in whispers, probably to keep from the crew above hearing. That had been a smart choice, for neither of you wanted nor needed their attention right now.

You didn't speak, for there hadn't been a reason to. If you began talking to him, building a bond, you knew it would only be a matter of time before his life was traded off with his chains for a few gold coins.

Despite knowing this, he kept trying to speak with you.

"I, uhm, I'm not supposed to be here." He whispered, eyes flickering from your gaze to a wall behind you. His comment made you want to laugh, no one was supposed to be here, trapped under a pirates command. Without a response, he kept speaking. "Do you know a way out of here?"

With this, a giggle left your lips, the sound once a distant echo of your memories. It had been too long since you had spoken, much less laugh in such a given situation, however this halflings innocence amused you.

Watching as he tilted his head, you could see his lips tug into a frown, brows furrowing with confusion.

"I-" you had to stop to clear your throat, swallowing down the months of silence held in your chest. "I'm afraid you're stuck here until the Capitan sees what to do with you."

"What does he want?" The hybrid questioned, his ear flicking a tad.

"Discipline. Depends on how well you listen to him. Follow every order? You work on the deck without freedom." Sighing, you tugged on your chain as you shifted your body to sit upwards, now fully facing the hybrid. "Ignore him, you get locked down here with the last bit of freedom you have left."

Coloured eyes flickered from your chains to your face as you spoke, your wrists throbbing with the dull ache of the shackles. Months had passed since they had last been off, and trying to clean under them with the small drops of rain that made its way down had proven to be a hassle.

Runaway (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now