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Plumes of smoke raised in the sky, mimicking that of a storm that had only left you hours ago. Dark clouds billowing along the blue sky while flames of hell licked the ship below you, burning those who found themselves unable to leap into the water fast enough into nothing more than a pile of ash.

Supporting ropes snapped under the heat, causing sails and posts to sway with an uneasy creak. You had found yourself atop one of those posts with Ranboo, awaiting an opportunity to escape. You couldn't jump in the water- for Ranboo would surely suffer if he so much as touched the ocean.

Seagulls called out to each other, their high-pitched voices surrounding the flaming boat as members of the town came to watch the events unfold, leaving stalls and shops unattended.

"This could have worked out better." You sighed, clinging harder to the crows nest. The pillar supporting both you and Ranboo had been unsteadily swaying in the wind rather harshly, all the ropes that once helped support it now hanging below in the flames.

The smell of burning alcohol wafted everywhere, smoke catching in your lungs as you attempted to move, only for the wood to creak in the shift of your weight. It was going to snap soon.

"Thank you for saving me down there." Ranboo's ears were pressed back, his glowing eyes staring into yours.

Tilting your head, you gave him a confused look. Surely he didn't expect you to leave him. "We promised to escape together, remember? I never break pinky promises."

The memory of interlacing your pinky with his caused you to laugh, moving your shoulder to gently nudge the hybrid. "Besides, we still have a chance, look."

You pointed below to the pillar that had been supporting you, flames crawling up the wood and turning whatever it touched into ash. There, at the base of the pillar, had been a rather large chunk taken out, and with the flames still eating away, it was soon to fall with you atop.

"It's going to fall soon, but the sails will catch us-" moving to point to the village, the houses had been built particularly close to the docks, most likely for trading purposes. "Once the sails slow the fall, we leap onto the roofs, thats where we run."

Ranboo opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly silenced when a rather large snap nearly similar to the thunder you hear last night echoed through the air, the pillar jolting. The sudden shift in gravity caused your hand to fumble with the iron cutlass in your possession, blade falling into the flames below.

The hybrid clutched onto your shirt when the crows nest began to tilt, the last of the supporting ropes snapping under the pressure and weight. Just as you predicted, the pillar supporting the nest began tilting towards the houses, gaining speed as you began to fall.

Tugging Ranboo behind you, the pillar began to slow as it leaned on the sails, the edge catching one of the buildings. You took this chance to run along the now horizontal pillar, careful as to not look down. You could hear the people below shouting at the two of you, helplessly watching as two escapees ran across the pillar in hopes to escape.

When your feet met the roof of the first house, you yanked Ranboo closer, just in time for the pillar to rip past the sails and collapse onto the ground below. Together with Ranboo, you took a moment to catch your breath, watching as the remains of the ship began to submerge itself into the deep waters. Yells of defeat sounded around the ship while countless riches from within poured back into the sea of which it was stolen from, Capitan Malek's hard work crumbling before your very eyes.

"Don't let them get away!"

Speak of the devil. The familiar voice of the Capitan sounded from the base of the building you were settled on, the amount of rage within his tone sending chills down your spine. Shifting your head to peek over the ledge, you could see the Capitan in all his glittering glory, hat and coat partially burnt from the fire you caused.

Runaway (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now