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The coolness around your skin was numbing, causing even Ranboo, who was normally cooler than yourself, to become warm to the touch.

Being embraced by the portal was like floating through thick ink, your breath stolen as soon as you jumped. The only thing you could feel was Ranboo's embrace, his tail wrapped around your body and tickling your neck with the floof on the end. All noise seemed to stop as small white particles floated past you, harmlessly bouncing off your skin and moving upwards as you descended.

You finally took a breath of air when your feet touched the ground, inhaling a tad of Ranboo's scent. The both of you didn't move for a moment, his hands still tightly wrapped around your waist, chin resting on the top of your head while both allowing the strange sensation of the new realm to sink in.

The first thing you noticed was how warm Ranboo had been in this realm, and yet your body didn't feel any cooler than when you had been standing upon the entrance of the portal. Then, you had noticed the eerie quiet embracing everything around it, not a peep to be heard aside from your own heartbeat within your ears.

Hesitantly, you pushed out of Ranboo's embrace, eyes trailing over the area. You had landed on a small circular island of pale stone, a rather large bridge that extended  into the dark sky that swallowed the light around you. The Eye of Ender in your pocket had long since stopped glowing once you had touched the portal, the orb nothing more than a decoration now.

The stone bridge, seemingly abandoned, showed no signs of life or an end. It didn't stop you from placing your foot on the beginning, watching as lanterns immediately rose from the darkness of the realm and lit up the path.

"State your name and business here in the End." A voice sounded behind you, causing a yelp to escape your lips as you spun around. Standing tall and proud had been one of the tall midnight beings of the End, crisp purple eyes intensely staring at both you and Ranboo- who admittedly was somewhat shorter than the pure Enderman.

He wore silver armour that sparkled against the stars scattered along the sky, sheer black fabrics hanging off his body in an elegant manor. For some reason, Ranboo stepped back to take your hand in his, making a point to intertwine your fingers together for safety. It didn't help that the Endermen was holding a rather long and slim sword, the creation similar to that of a needle- fast and dangerous to those who used it.

"We're Adrian's students undergoing training," Ranboo began muttering something that you didn't understand, hand inching to your pocket to retrieve the Eye of Ender. Once he held it out to the guard, he continued talking. "We were sent under the impression that his students were allowed to retrieve healing properties when he cannot."

"Adrian hm?" The guard pondered, his purple eyes shining with a hint of suspicion. "I didn't know he was taking along students, especially humans and halflings."

Swallowing his fear, Ranboo spoke more clearly this time. "He found the effects of his new creations to work differently with our circumstances, hence why he decided to train us. We won't be long sir, it's just for a few materials."

As if he had enough, the larger Enderman nodded, disarming his weapon to finally give you a proper greeting. He held his hand out to you first, his skin warm to the touch- strange.

"The name is Lance, guardian of the portal." He introduced, taking Ranboo's hand for a shake. "We haven't heard from the great Adrian in a long time, so be sure to tell him to send a letter some time soon, will you?"

Ranboo laughed, albeit nervously. You couldn't blame him though, for as far as you knew this Adrian, he had long since disappeared after attempting to help Ranboo many months ago.

The guard walked you across the bridge, the never-ending stone finally ending to a rather large floating island. Just like the legends had said, the large obsidian pillars towered over any living thing, yet if you looked closely, there had been crystals of pink sparkling above, strange symbols etched onto the surface.

"Our city is currently undergoing its festival tonight, so there will be quite a busy bustle in any of the streets you may come across." Lance had been more relaxed the closer he got to the city, proven by the amount of purple particles that had decreased around him. The mention of a festival peaked your interest.

"If I may ask, what are you celebrating for?"

"The defeat of the Ender Dragon, of course. About fifty years ago, the beast had been under control of this realm and of our kin. It terrorized anyone who could not make it out to the Overworld, until one day, a warrior from the Overworld ventured to our realm, slaying the dragon and storing its breath away into glass bottles." Lance spoke proudly in response to your question, his face stretched out into a smile as he talked about his origins. "They say the only remaining evidence of the dragon is the egg displayed along the podium."

Ranboo's ears perked at the Endermen's words, quickly rising his head to look around. You had begun to walk across some empty stalls prepped for the later hours, warm golden lanterns floating around the air as if gravity didn't exist. The few creatures you saw walking around were prepping delicious treats that wafted through the air, the smell of bread reminding you of Puffy and Fundy.

You had hoped they made it to the holy lands by now.

Just like Lance had said, there was a podium built high into the air for the dragon egg to sit on, the black shell shimmering with a purple light. Below the egg had been a void similar to that of the entrance of the portal, lanterns lighting the way down into the endless abyss.

"That, my friends, is the way back to the Overworld. Once you've collected your materials, just step on in and continue your merry way." The Enderman stopped walking, pressing his heel into the stone to turn himself. "This is where I leave you to return to my position. Feel free to stay for however long you need."

"Thank you Lance, we're very grateful to have met you." You chuckled, nudging Ranboo to say something. The hybrid nodded instead, his eyes locked onto the egg in a trance-like state. You ended up stepping on the edge of his shoe to break him away, his eyes flickering to you before nodding gratefully.

Lance didn't seem to notice, instead purple wisps curled around his skin as he prepared to teleport. "Enjoy your stay, you two." And with that, all that was left in his place was the common purple particles that took his place after teleporting.

Now alone, your squeezed Ranboo's hand with your own, turning to look at him with a giant smile on your face. "So, we made it."

Ranboo smiled with you, the same calming one he gave you that reminded you of the grassy green hills you had walked upon to find the portal. It was the same smile he gave when you had been chained to the bottom of the ship, the harsh marks nothing more than fading scars along your wrists. You could feel his fingertips trail the lines of said scars as if he was holding something fragile, his eyes softening with a look you couldn't explain.

"I'm so glad to have met you, (y/n)." As he said this, his hand moved down to intertwine with yours, his soft locks swaying in an invisible wind. "Thank you for coming with me on this journey."

"To be fair, I didn't have much of a choice. But I wouldn't have it any other way." You laughed while giving his hands a squeeze, earning one in return. He let out a chuckle as you both took a moment to remember just how you met, chains linking you two together in the middle of the ocean.

You would have gotten closer to him- just to feel the warmth that emitted from his body. It was strange how the End realm made his once chilled body warm his skin, making him your now personal heater.


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