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Awoken by the soft singing of late summer birdsong, your bedsheets had been tossed aside by your late night shuffling, leaving you to smooth out the sheets once you awoke. The sun had just balanced itself atop the mountains and brought along a cool breeze from the snowy caps, leaving a fresh smell to pass your open window.

You had changed into a fresh pair of clothing brought to you by Clara, who insisted she wash your old clothing and mend the damage caused by weeks of travelling. Her kindness was not unwelcome, and to have such a sweet soul brought up from hard work be such a blessing in your journey to betterment.

Your feet wandered down the halls silently, a trick you had learned after years of needed stealth to keep away from pirates. It kept you away from their capture for years, and now the movement stuck with you like muscle memory.

Clara was in the kitchen, a wonderful smell of cooked food coming from her pots and pans carefully arranged on her stove. Expertly her hands tossed and turned the contents inside, her ears peeking up when she heard the smallest creak emit from a board you had stepped on. Immediately she stopped what she was doing, setting the pots down and turning down the heat before turning to you and glancing at the outfit she had given you to wear.

"My dear, good morning. Did you sleep alright?" She asked while pulling out a chair at the nearby table. You let out a quiet thanks before sitting, turning your body to face her.

"I slept wonderfully last night, thank you. I appreciate the clothing too, but may I ask where Ranboo has gone? He wasn't in his room."

Clara turned back to her cooking, letting out a small sigh before dishing up some of the heavenly food onto your plate. Her reaction worried you though- had Ranboo left without a word? After all you had been through together?

"He left, dearie." Her words struck you with a cold grasp around your chest, truth squeezing it to shorten your breath. Clara must have noticed, because she was quick to place the plate down in front of you and set a warm hand on your shoulder. "However, he told me that he will be back in a few days time. Ranboo is a loyal one, said he wanted to get you something in return for all you have done for him."

The cold grasp around your chest heated, releasing you and sending relief to flood through your breaths. He didn't abandon you- at least, you hoped.

"His eyes sparkled when he talked about you, (y/n), and I've only seen that kind of sparkle when someone is deeply in love."


Like Clara had said, days passed without signs of Ranboo. It worried you to not leave and search for the Enderman who you gave your heart, the fear of him being found, captured, and stolen from you only making your anxiety worse. However, Clara had a magic to her calm words, constantly coaxing you to stay and rest within her home, promising you that all would be well.

And you listened. For those days you would stay and help around the house, keeping a close eye on Clara's daughter Amber when the mother took some much well deserved time to rest. Her child was a bundle of energy with a colourful imagination- making up stories that sounded straight out of a fairytail- but perhaps that was the charm of having a young imagination.

When you remained the only person awake late at night, you would sit by the window and watch the forest outside, waiting for a familiar glow of green and red to appear through the shadows, but all you saw was the occasional flash of yellow from the fireflies.

One particular late summer night when Clara found you awaiting your lover with the same solemn expression you wore alone.

"My dear," she started, gathering your face in her hands and pouring her warmth into your cold skin. For a Piglin she was always warm, much like the place she was birthed, but it never burned your skin unlike the rumours spoke, instead it brought warmth through your entire being. "I have a gift for you, something I've been working on for the short while you've been here."

Runaway (Ranboo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now